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Methods for understanding the decisions of and mechanisms underlying deep neural networks (DNNs) typically rely on building intuition by emphasizing sensory or semantic features of individual examples. For instance, methods aim to visualize the compo nents of an input which are important to a networks decision, or to measure the semantic properties of single neurons. Here, we argue that interpretability research suffers from an over-reliance on intuition-based approaches that risk-and in some cases have caused-illusory progress and misleading conclusions. We identify a set of limitations that we argue impede meaningful progress in interpretability research, and examine two popular classes of interpretability methods-saliency and single-neuron-based approaches-that serve as case studies for how overreliance on intuition and lack of falsifiability can undermine interpretability research. To address these concerns, we propose a strategy to address these impediments in the form of a framework for strongly falsifiable interpretability research. We encourage researchers to use their intuitions as a starting point to develop and test clear, falsifiable hypotheses, and hope that our framework yields robust, evidence-based interpretability methods that generate meaningful advances in our understanding of DNNs.
Representational sparsity is known to affect robustness to input perturbations in deep neural networks (DNNs), but less is known about how the semantic content of representations affects robustness. Class selectivity-the variability of a units respon ses across data classes or dimensions-is one way of quantifying the sparsity of semantic representations. Given recent evidence that class selectivity may not be necessary for, and in some cases can impair generalization, we investigate whether it also confers robustness (or vulnerability) to perturbations of input data. We found that networks regularized to have lower levels of class selectivity were more robust to average-case (naturalistic) perturbations, while networks with higher class selectivity are more vulnerable. In contrast, class selectivity increases robustness to multiple types of worst-case (i.e. white box adversarial) perturbations, suggesting that while decreasing class selectivity is helpful for average-case perturbations, it is harmful for worst-case perturbations. To explain this difference, we studied the dimensionality of the networks representations: we found that the dimensionality of early-layer representations is inversely proportional to a networks class selectivity, and that adversarial samples cause a larger increase in early-layer dimensionality than corrupted samples. Furthermore, the input-unit gradient is more variable across samples and units in high-selectivity networks compared to low-selectivity networks. These results lead to the conclusion that units participate more consistently in low-selectivity regimes compared to high-selectivity regimes, effectively creating a larger attack surface and hence vulnerability to worst-case perturbations.
The properties of individual neurons are often analyzed in order to understand the biological and artificial neural networks in which theyre embedded. Class selectivity-typically defined as how different a neurons responses are across different class es of stimuli or data samples-is commonly used for this purpose. However, it remains an open question whether it is necessary and/or sufficient for deep neural networks (DNNs) to learn class selectivity in individual units. We investigated the causal impact of class selectivity on network function by directly regularizing for or against class selectivity. Using this regularizer to reduce class selectivity across units in convolutional neural networks increased test accuracy by over 2% for ResNet18 trained on Tiny ImageNet. For ResNet20 trained on CIFAR10 we could reduce class selectivity by a factor of 2.5 with no impact on test accuracy, and reduce it nearly to zero with only a small ($sim$2%) drop in test accuracy. In contrast, regularizing to increase class selectivity significantly decreased test accuracy across all models and datasets. These results indicate that class selectivity in individual units is neither sufficient nor strictly necessary, and can even impair DNN performance. They also encourage caution when focusing on the properties of single units as representative of the mechanisms by which DNNs function.
We seek to learn a representation on a large annotated data source that generalizes to a target domain using limited new supervision. Many prior approaches to this problem have focused on learning disentangled representations so that as individual fa ctors vary in a new domain, only a portion of the representation need be updated. In this work, we seek the generalization power of disentangled representations, but relax the requirement of explicit latent disentanglement and instead encourage linearity of individual factors of variation by requiring them to be manipulable by learned linear transformations. We dub these transformations latent canonicalizers, as they aim to modify the value of a factor to a pre-determined (but arbitrary) canonical value (e.g., recoloring the image foreground to black). Assuming a source domain with access to meta-labels specifying the factors of variation within an image, we demonstrate experimentally that our method helps reduce the number of observations needed to generalize to a similar target domain when compared to a number of supervised baselines.
Convolutional neural networks trained without supervision come close to matching performance with supervised pre-training, but sometimes at the cost of an even higher number of parameters. Extracting subnetworks from these large unsupervised convnets with preserved performance is of particular interest to make them less computationally intensive. Typical pruning methods operate during training on a task while trying to maintain the performance of the pruned network on the same task. However, in self-supervised feature learning, the training objective is agnostic on the representation transferability to downstream tasks. Thus, preserving performance for this objective does not ensure that the pruned subnetwork remains effective for solving downstream tasks. In this work, we investigate the use of standard pruning methods, developed primarily for supervised learning, for networks trained without labels (i.e. on self-supervised tasks). We show that pruned masks obtained with or without labels reach comparable performance when re-trained on labels, suggesting that pruning operates similarly for self-supervised and supervised learning. Interestingly, we also find that pruning preserves the transfer performance of self-supervised subnetwork representations.
We present Decentralized Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization (DD-PPO), a method for distributed reinforcement learning in resource-intensive simulated environments. DD-PPO is distributed (uses multiple machines), decentralized (lacks a centraliz ed server), and synchronous (no computation is ever stale), making it conceptually simple and easy to implement. In our experiments on training virtual robots to navigate in Habitat-Sim, DD-PPO exhibits near-linear scaling -- achieving a speedup of 107x on 128 GPUs over a serial implementation. We leverage this scaling to train an agent for 2.5 Billion steps of experience (the equivalent of 80 years of human experience) -- over 6 months of GPU-time training in under 3 days of wall-clock time with 64 GPUs. This massive-scale training not only sets the state of art on Habitat Autonomous Navigation Challenge 2019, but essentially solves the task --near-perfect autonomous navigation in an unseen environment without access to a map, directly from an RGB-D camera and a GPS+Compass sensor. Fortuitously, error vs computation exhibits a power-law-like distribution; thus, 90% of peak performance is obtained relatively early (at 100 million steps) and relatively cheaply (under 1 day with 8 GPUs). Finally, we show that the scene understanding and navigation policies learned can be transferred to other navigation tasks -- the analog of ImageNet pre-training + task-specific fine-tuning for embodied AI. Our model outperforms ImageNet pre-trained CNNs on these transfer tasks and can serve as a universal resource (all models and code are publicly available).

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