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131 - Ang-Kun Wu 2021
The Aubry-Andre model is a one-dimensional lattice model for quasicrystals with localized and delocalized phases. At the localization transition point, the system displays fractal spectrum, which relates to the Hofstadter butterfly. In this work, we uncover the exact self-similarity structures in the energy spectrum. We separate the fractal structures into two parts: the fractal filling positions of gaps and the scaling of gap sizes. We show that the fractal fillings emerge for a certain type of incommensurate periodicity regardless of potential strength. However, the power-law scaling of gap sizes is characteristic for general incommensurability at the critical point of the model.
A bridge in a graph is an edge whose removal disconnects the graph and increases the number of connected components. We calculate the fraction of bridges in a wide range of real-world networks and their randomized counterparts. We find that real netw orks typically have more bridges than their completely randomized counterparts, but very similar fraction of bridges as their degree-preserving randomizations. We define a new edge centrality measure, called bridgeness, to quantify the importance of a bridge in damaging a network. We find that certain real networks have very large average and variance of bridgeness compared to their degree-preserving randomizations and other real networks. Finally, we offer an analytical framework to calculate the bridge fraction , the average and variance of bridgeness for uncorrelated random networks with arbitrary degree distributions.

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