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We report a discovery of low-frequency quasi periodic oscillation at 0.3-0.7 Hz in the power spectra of the accreting black hole GRS1739-278 in the hard-intermediate state during its 2014 outburst based on the ${it NuSTAR}$ and Swift/XRT data. The QP O frequency strongly evolved with the source flux during the NuSTAR observation. The source spectrum became softer with rising QPO frequency and simultaneous increasing of the power-law index and decreasing of the cut-off energy. In the power spectrum, a prominent harmonic is clearly seen together with the main QPO peak. The fluxes in the soft and the hard X-ray bands are coherent, however, the coherence drops for the energy bands separated by larger gaps. The phase-lags are generally positive (hard) in the 0.1-3 Hz frequency range, and negative below 0.1 Hz. The accretion disc inner radius estimated with the relativistic reflection spectral model appears to be $R_{rm in} < 7.3 R_{rm g}$. In the framework of the relativistic precession model, in order to satisfy the constraints from the observed QPO frequency and the accretion disc truncation radius, a massive black hole with $M_{rm BH} approx 100$M$_odot$ is required.
We present results of a study of the fast timing variability of the magnetic cataclysmic variable (mCV) EX Hya. It was previously shown that one may expect the rapid flux variability of mCVs to be smeared out at timescales shorter than the cooling ti me of hot plasma in the post shock region of the accretion curtain near the WD surface. Estimates of the cooling time and the mass accretion rate, thus provide us with a tool to measure the density of the post-shock plasma and the cross-sectional area of the accretion funnel at the WD surface. We have probed the high frequencies in the aperiodic noise of one of the brightest mCV EX Hya with the help of optical telescopes, namely SALT and the SAAO 1.9m telescope. We place upper limits on the plasma cooling timescale $tau<$0.3 sec, on the fractional area of the accretion curtain footprint $f<1.6times10^{-4}$, and a lower limit on the specific mass accretion rate $dot{M}/A gtrsim $3 g/sec/cm$^{-2}$. We show that measurements of accretion column footprints via eclipse mapping highly overestimate their areas. We deduce a value of $Delta r/r lesssim 10^{-3}$ as an upper limit to the penetration depth of the accretion disc plasma at the boundary of the magnetosphere.

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