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We propose the first general-purpose gradient-based attack against transformer models. Instead of searching for a single adversarial example, we search for a distribution of adversarial examples parameterized by a continuous-valued matrix, hence enab ling gradient-based optimization. We empirically demonstrate that our white-box attack attains state-of-the-art attack performance on a variety of natural language tasks. Furthermore, we show that a powerful black-box transfer attack, enabled by sampling from the adversarial distribution, matches or exceeds existing methods, while only requiring hard-label outputs.
Transformers have been recently adapted for large scale image classification, achieving high scores shaking up the long supremacy of convolutional neural networks. However the optimization of image transformers has been little studied so far. In this work, we build and optimize deeper transformer networks for image classification. In particular, we investigate the interplay of architecture and optimization of such dedicated transformers. We make two transformers architecture changes that significantly improve the accuracy of deep transformers. This leads us to produce models whose performance does not saturate early with more depth, for instance we obtain 86.5% top-1 accuracy on Imagenet when training with no external data, we thus attain the current SOTA with less FLOPs and parameters. Moreover, our best model establishes the new state of the art on Imagenet with Reassessed labels and Imagenet-V2 / match frequency, in the setting with no additional training data. We share our code and models.
This paper tackles the problem of learning a finer representation than the one provided by training labels. This enables fine-grained category retrieval of images in a collection annotated with coarse labels only. Our network is learned with a near est-neighbor classifier objective, and an instance loss inspired by self-supervised learning. By jointly leveraging the coarse labels and the underlying fine-grained latent space, it significantly improves the accuracy of category-level retrieval methods. Our strategy outperforms all competing methods for retrieving or classifying images at a finer granularity than that available at train time. It also improves the accuracy for transfer learning tasks to fine-grained datasets, thereby establishing the new state of the art on five public benchmarks, like iNaturalist-2018.
We want to detect whether a particular image dataset has been used to train a model. We propose a new technique, emph{radioactive data}, that makes imperceptible changes to this dataset such that any model trained on it will bear an identifiable mark . The mark is robust to strong variations such as different architectures or optimization methods. Given a trained model, our technique detects the use of radioactive data and provides a level of confidence (p-value). Our experiments on large-scale benchmarks (Imagenet), using standard architectures (Resnet-18, VGG-16, Densenet-121) and training procedures, show that we can detect usage of radioactive data with high confidence (p<10^-4) even when only 1% of the data used to trained our model is radioactive. Our method is robust to data augmentation and the stochasticity of deep network optimization. As a result, it offers a much higher signal-to-noise ratio than data poisoning and backdoor methods.
Membership inference determines, given a sample and trained parameters of a machine learning model, whether the sample was part of the training set. In this paper, we derive the optimal strategy for membership inference with a few assumptions on the distribution of the parameters. We show that optimal attacks only depend on the loss function, and thus black-box attacks are as good as white-box attacks. As the optimal strategy is not tractable, we provide approximations of it leading to several inference methods, and show that existing membership inference methods are coarser approximations of this optimal strategy. Our membership attacks outperform the state of the art in various settings, ranging from a simple logistic regression to more complex architectures and datasets, such as ResNet-101 and Imagenet.
This paper introduces a structured memory which can be easily integrated into a neural network. The memory is very large by design and significantly increases the capacity of the architecture, by up to a billion parameters with a negligible computati onal overhead. Its design and access pattern is based on product keys, which enable fast and exact nearest neighbor search. The ability to increase the number of parameters while keeping the same computational budget lets the overall system strike a better trade-off between prediction accuracy and computation efficiency both at training and test time. This memory layer allows us to tackle very large scale language modeling tasks. In our experiments we consider a dataset with up to 30 billion words, and we plug our memory layer in a state-of-the-art transformer-based architecture. In particular, we found that a memory augmented model with only 12 layers outperforms a baseline transformer model with 24 layers, while being twice faster at inference time. We release our code for reproducibility purposes.
Convolutional neural networks memorize part of their training data, which is why strategies such as data augmentation and drop-out are employed to mitigate overfitting. This paper considers the related question of membership inference, where the goal is to determine if an image was used during training. We consider it under three complementary angles. We show how to detect which dataset was used to train a model, and in particular whether some validation images were used at train time. We then analyze explicit memorization and extend classical random label experiments to the problem of learning a model that predicts if an image belongs to an arbitrary set. Finally, we propose a new approach to infer membership when a few of the top layers are not available or have been fine-tuned, and show that lower layers still carry information about the training samples. To support our findings, we conduct large-scale experiments on Imagenet and subsets of YFCC-100M with modern architectures such as VGG and Resnet.
Discretizing multi-dimensional data distributions is a fundamental step of modern indexing methods. State-of-the-art techniques learn parameters of quantizers on training data for optimal performance, thus adapting quantizers to the data. In this wor k, we propose to reverse this paradigm and adapt the data to the quantizer: we train a neural net which last layer forms a fixed parameter-free quantizer, such as pre-defined points of a hyper-sphere. As a proxy objective, we design and train a neural network that favors uniformity in the spherical latent space, while preserving the neighborhood structure after the mapping. We propose a new regularizer derived from the Kozachenko--Leonenko differential entropy estimator to enforce uniformity and combine it with a locality-aware triplet loss. Experiments show that our end-to-end approach outperforms most learned quantization methods, and is competitive with the state of the art on widely adopted benchmarks. Furthermore, we show that training without the quantization step results in almost no difference in accuracy, but yields a generic catalyzer that can be applied with any subsequent quantizer.
Similarity search approaches based on graph walks have recently attained outstanding speed-accuracy trade-offs, taking aside the memory requirements. In this paper, we revisit these approaches by considering, additionally, the memory constraint requi red to index billions of images on a single server. This leads us to propose a method based both on graph traversal and compact representations. We encode the indexed vectors using quantization and exploit the graph structure to refine the similarity estimation. In essence, our method takes the best of these two worlds: the search strategy is based on nested graphs, thereby providing high precision with a relatively small set of comparisons. At the same time it offers a significant memory compression. As a result, our approach outperforms the state of the art on operating points considering 64-128 bytes per vector, as demonstrated by our results on two billion-scale public benchmarks.
Hashing produces compact representations for documents, to perform tasks like classification or retrieval based on these short codes. When hashing is supervised, the codes are trained using labels on the training data. This paper first shows that the evaluation protocols used in the literature for supervised hashing are not satisfactory: we show that a trivial solution that encodes the output of a classifier significantly outperforms existing supervised or semi-supervised methods, while using much shorter codes. We then propose two alternative protocols for supervised hashing: one based on retrieval on a disjoint set of classes, and another based on transfer learning to new classes. We provide two baseline methods for image-related tasks to assess the performance of (semi-)supervised hashing: without coding and with unsupervised codes. These baselines give a lower- and upper-bound on the performance of a supervised hashing scheme.

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