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End-to-end approaches to autonomous driving commonly rely on expert demonstrations. Although humans are good drivers, they are not good coaches for end-to-end algorithms that demand dense on-policy supervision. On the contrary, automated experts that leverage privileged information can efficiently generate large scale on-policy and off-policy demonstrations. However, existing automated experts for urban driving make heavy use of hand-crafted rules and perform suboptimally even on driving simulators, where ground-truth information is available. To address these issues, we train a reinforcement learning expert that maps birds-eye view images to continuous low-level actions. While setting a new performance upper-bound on CARLA, our expert is also a better coach that provides informative supervision signals for imitation learning agents to learn from. Supervised by our reinforcement learning coach, a baseline end-to-end agent with monocular camera-input achieves expert-level performance. Our end-to-end agent achieves a 78% success rate while generalizing to a new town and new weather on the NoCrash-dense benchmark and state-of-the-art performance on the more challenging CARLA LeaderBoard.
Forecasting the future behavior of all traffic agents in the vicinity is a key task to achieve safe and reliable autonomous driving systems. It is a challenging problem as agents adjust their behavior depending on their intentions, the others actions , and the road layout. In this paper, we propose Decoder Fusion RNN (DF-RNN), a recurrent, attention-based approach for motion forecasting. Our network is composed of a recurrent behavior encoder, an inter-agent multi-headed attention module, and a context-aware decoder. We design a map encoder that embeds polyline segments, combines them to create a graph structure, and merges their relevant parts with the agents embeddings. We fuse the encoded map information with further inter-agent interactions only inside the decoder and propose to use explicit training as a method to effectively utilize the information available. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method by testing it on the Argoverse motion forecasting dataset and show its state-of-the-art performance on the public benchmark.
Tracking of objects in 3D is a fundamental task in computer vision that finds use in a wide range of applications such as autonomous driving, robotics or augmented reality. Most recent approaches for 3D multi object tracking (MOT) from LIDAR use obje ct dynamics together with a set of handcrafted features to match detections of objects. However, manually designing such features and heuristics is cumbersome and often leads to suboptimal performance. In this work, we instead strive towards a unified and learning based approach to the 3D MOT problem. We design a graph structure to jointly process detection and track states in an online manner. To this end, we employ a Neural Message Passing network for data association that is fully trainable. Our approach provides a natural way for track initialization and handling of false positive detections, while significantly improving track stability. We show the merit of the proposed approach on the publicly available nuScenes dataset by achieving state-of-the-art performance of 65.6% AMOTA and 58% fewer ID-switches.
This work studies the problem of predicting the sequence of future actions for surround vehicles in real-world driving scenarios. To this aim, we make three main contributions. The first contribution is an automatic method to convert the trajectories recorded in real-world driving scenarios to action sequences with the help of HD maps. The method enables automatic dataset creation for this task from large-scale driving data. Our second contribution lies in applying the method to the well-known traffic agent tracking and prediction dataset Argoverse, resulting in 228,000 action sequences. Additionally, 2,245 action sequences were manually annotated for testing. The third contribution is to propose a novel action sequence prediction method by integrating past positions and velocities of the traffic agents, map information and social context into a single end-to-end trainable neural network. Our experiments prove the merit of the data creation method and the value of the created dataset - prediction performance improves consistently with the size of the dataset and shows that our action prediction method outperforms comparing models.

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