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We introduce an effective point-particle action for generic particles living in a zero-temperature superfluid. This action describes the motion of the particles in the medium at equilibrium as well as their couplings to sound waves and generic fluid flows. While we place the emphasis on elementary excitations such as phonons and rotons, our formalism applies also to macroscopic objects such as vortex rings and rigid bodies interacting with long-wavelength fluid modes. Within our approach, we reproduce phonon decay and phonon-phonon scattering as predicted using a purely field-theoretic description of phonons. We also correct classic results by Landau and Khalatnikov on roton-phonon scattering. Finally, we discuss how phonons and rotons couple to gravity, and show that the former tend to float while the latter tend to sink but with rather peculiar trajectories. Our formalism can be easily extended to include (general) relativistic effects and couplings to additional matter fields. As such, it can be relevant in contexts as diverse as neutron star physics and light dark matter detection.
We classify condensed matter systems in terms of the spacetime symmetries they spontaneously break. In particular, we characterize condensed matter itself as any state in a Poincare-invariant theory that spontaneously breaks Lorentz boosts while pres erving at large distances some form of spatial translations, time-translations, and possibly spatial rotations. Surprisingly, the simplest, most minimal system achieving this symmetry breaking pattern---the framid---does not seem to be realized in Nature. Instead, Nature usually adopts a more cumbersome strategy: that of introducing internal translational symmetries---and possibly rotational ones---and of spontaneously breaking them along with their space-time counterparts, while preserving unbroken diagonal subgroups. This symmetry breaking pattern describes the infrared dynamics of ordinary solids, fluids, superfluids, and---if they exist---supersolids. A third, extra-ordinary, possibility involves replacing these internal symmetries with other symmetries that do not commute with the Poincare group, for instance the galileon symmetry, supersymmetry or gauge symmetries. Among these options, we pick the systems based on the galileon symmetry, the galileids, for a more detailed study. Despite some similarity, all different patterns produce truly distinct physical systems with different observable properties. For instance, the low-energy $2to 2$ scattering amplitudes for the Goldstone excitations in the cases of framids, solids and galileids scale respectively as $E^2$, $E^4$, and $E^6$. Similarly the energy momentum tensor in the ground state is trivial for framids ($rho +p=0$), normal for solids ($rho+p>0$) and even inhomogenous for galileids.
We use the coset construction of low-energy effective actions to systematically derive Wess-Zumino (WZ) terms for fluid and isotropic solid systems in two, three and four spacetime dimensions. We recover the known WZ term for fluids in two dimensions as well as the very recently found WZ term for fluids in three dimensions. We find two new WZ terms for supersolids that have not previously appeared in the literature. In addition, by relaxing certain assumptions about the symmetry group of fluids we find a number of new WZ terms for fluids with and without charge, in all dimensions. We find no WZ terms for solids and superfluids.
We show that it is not possible to UV-complete certain low-energy effective theories with spontaneously broken space-time symmetries by embedding them into linear sigma models, that is, by adding radial modes and restoring the broken symmetries. When such a UV completion is not possible, one can still raise the cutoff up to arbitrarily higher energies by adding fields that transform non-linearly under the broken symmetries, that is, new Goldstone bosons. However, this (partial) UV completion does not necessarily restore any of the broken symmetries. We illustrate this point by considering a concrete example in which a combination of space-time and internal symmetries is broken down to a diagonal subgroup. Along the way, we clarify a recently proposed interpretation of inverse Higgs constraints as gauge-fixing conditions.
We derive consistency relations for correlators of scalar cosmological perturbations which hold in the squeezed limit in which one or more of the external momenta become soft. Our results are formulated as relations between suitably defined one-parti cle irreducible N-point and (N-1)-point functions that follow from residual spatial conformal diffeomorphisms of the unitary gauge Lagrangian. As such, some of these relations are exact to all orders in perturbation theory, and do not rely on approximate deSitter invariance or other dynamical assumptions (e.g., properties of the operator product expansion or the behavior of modes at horizon crossing). The consistency relations apply model-independently to cosmological scenarios where the time evolution is driven by a single scalar field. Besides reproducing the known results for single-field inflation in the slow roll limit, we verify that our consistency relations hold more generally, for instance in ghost condensate models in flat space. We comment on possible extensions of our results to multi-field models.
Theories that attempt to explain the observed cosmic acceleration by modifying general relativity all introduce a new scalar degree of freedom that is active on large scales, but is screened on small scales to match experiments. We show that if such screening occurrs via the chameleon mechanism such as in f(R), it is possible to have order one violation of the equivalence principle, despite the absence of explicit violation in the microscopic action. Namely, extended objects such as galaxies or constituents thereof do not all fall at the same rate. The chameleon mechanism can screen the scalar charge for large objects but not for small ones (large/small is defined by the gravitational potential and controlled by the scalar coupling). This leads to order one fluctuations in the inertial to gravitational mass ratio. In Jordan frame, it is no longer true that all objects move on geodesics. In contrast, if the scalar screening occurrs via strong coupling, such as in the DGP braneworld model, equivalence principle violation occurrs at a much reduced level. We propose several observational tests of the chameleon mechanism: 1. small galaxies should fall faster than large galaxies, even when dynamical friction is negligible; 2. voids defined by small galaxies would be larger compared to standard expectations; 3. stars and diffuse gas in small galaxies should have different velocities, even on the same orbits; 4. lensing and dynamical mass estimates should agree for large galaxies but disagree for small ones. We discuss possible pitfalls in some of these tests. The cleanest is the third one where mass estimate from HI rotational velocity could exceed that from stars by 30 % or more. To avoid blanket screening of all objects, the most promising place to look is in voids.
We conjecture a general upper bound on the strength of gravity relative to gauge forces in quantum gravity. This implies, in particular, that in a four-dimensional theory with gravity and a U(1) gauge field with gauge coupling g, there is a new ultra violet scale Lambda=g M_{Pl}, invisible to the low-energy effective field theorist, which sets a cutoff on the validity of the effective theory. Moreover, there is some light charged particle with mass smaller than or equal to Lambda. The bound is motivated by arguments involving holography and absence of remnants, the (in) stability of black holes as well as the non-existence of global symmetries in string theory. A sharp form of the conjecture is that there are always light elementary electric and magnetic objects with a mass/charge ratio smaller than the corresponding ratio for macroscopic extremal black holes, allowing extremal black holes to decay. This conjecture is supported by a number of non-trivial examples in string theory. It implies the necessary presence of new physics beneath the Planck scale, not far from the GUT scale, and explains why some apparently natural models of inflation resist an embedding in string theory.

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