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We present a unified scaling description for the dynamics of monomers of a semiflexible chain under good solvent condition in the free draining limit. We consider both the cases where the contour length $L$ is comparable to the persistence length $el l_p$ and the case $Lgg ell_p$. Our theory captures the early time monomer dynamics of a stiff chain characterized by $t^{3/4}$ dependence for the mean square displacement(MSD) of the monomers, but predicts a first crossover to the Rouse regime of $t^{2 u/{1+2 u}}$ for $tau_1 sim ell_p^3$, and a second crossover to the purely diffusive dynamics for the entire chain at $tau_2 sim L^{5/2}$. We confirm the predictions of this scaling description by studying monomer dynamics of dilute solution of semi-flexible chains under good solvent conditions obtained from our Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation studies for a large choice of chain lengths with number of monomers per chain N = 16 - 2048 and persistence length $ell_p = 1 - 500$ Lennard-Jones (LJ) units. These BD simulation results further confirm the absence of Gaussian regime for a 2d swollen chain from the slope of the plot of $langle R_N^2 rangle/2L ell_p sim L/ell_p$ which around $L/ell_p sim 1$ changes suddenly from $left(L/ell_p right) rightarrow left(L/ell_p right)^{0.5} $, also manifested in the power law decay for the bond autocorrelation function disproving the validity of the WLC in 2d. We further observe that the normalized transverse fluctuations of the semiflexible chains for different stiffness $sqrt{langle l_{bot}^2rangle}/L$ as a function of renormalized contour length $L/ell_p$ collapse on the same master plot and exhibits power law scaling $sqrt{langle l_{bot}^2rangle}/L sim (L/ell_p)^eta $ at extreme limits, where $eta = 0.5$ for extremely stiff chains ($L/ell_p gg 1$), and $eta = -0.25$ for fully flexible chains.
Semiflexible polymers characterized by the contour length $L$ and persistent length $ell_p$ confined in a spatial region $D$ have been described as a series of ``{em spherical blobs} and ``{em deflecting lines} by de Gennes and Odjik for $ell_p < D$ and $ell_p gg D$ respectively. Recently new intermediate regimes ({em extended de Gennes} and {em Gauss-de Gennes}) have been investigated by Tree {em et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 110}, 208103 (2013)]. In this letter we derive scaling relations to characterize these transitions in terms of universal scaled fluctuations in $d$-dimension as a function of $L,ell_p$, and $D$, and show that the Gauss-de Gennes regime is absent and extended de Gennes regime is vanishingly small for polymers confined in a 2D strip. We validate our claim by extensive Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation which also reveals that the prefactor $A$ used to describe the chain extension in the Odjik limit is independent of physical dimension $d$ and is the same as previously found by Yang {em et al.}[Y. Yang, T. W. Burkhardt, G. Gompper, Phys. Rev. E {bf 76}, 011804 (2007)]. Our studies are relevant for optical maps of DNA stretched inside a nano-strip.
We present a unified scaling theory for the dynamics of monomers for dilute solutions of semiflexible polymers under good solvent conditions in the free draining limit. Our theory encompasses the well-known regimes of mean square displacements (MSDs) of stiff chains growing like t^{3/4} with time due to bending motions, and the Rouse-like regime t^{2 u / (1+ 2 u)} where u is the Flory exponent describing the radius R of a swollen flexible coil. We identify how the prefactors of these laws scale with the persistence length l_p, and show that a crossover from stiff to flexible behavior occurs at a MSD of order l^2_p (at a time proportional to l^3_p). A second crossover (to diffusive motion) occurs when the MSD is of order R^2. Large scale Molecular Dynamics simulations of a bead-spring model with a bond bending potential (allowing to vary l_p from 1 to 200 Lennard-Jones units) provide compelling evidence for the theory, in D=2 dimensions where u=3/4. Our results should be valuable for understanding the dynamics of DNA (and other semiflexible biopolymers) adsorbed on substrates.

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