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Real-world imagery is often characterized by a significant imbalance of the number of images per class, leading to long-tailed distributions. An effective and simple approach to long-tailed visual recognition is to learn feature representations and a classifier separately, with instance and class-balanced sampling, respectively. In this work, we introduce a new framework, by making the key observation that a feature representation learned with instance sampling is far from optimal in a long-tailed setting. Our main contribution is a new training method, referred to as Class-Balanced Distillation (CBD), that leverages knowledge distillation to enhance feature representations. CBD allows the feature representation to evolve in the second training stage, guided by the teacher learned in the first stage. The second stage uses class-balanced sampling, in order to focus on under-represented classes. This framework can naturally accommodate the usage of multiple teachers, unlocking the information from an ensemble of models to enhance recognition capabilities. Our experiments show that the proposed technique consistently outperforms the state of the art on long-tailed recognition benchmarks such as ImageNet-LT, iNaturalist17 and iNaturalist18. The experiments also show that our method does not sacrifice the accuracy of head classes to improve the performance of tail classes, unlike most existing work.
In this work we consider the problem of learning a classifier from noisy labels when a few clean labeled examples are given. The structure of clean and noisy data is modeled by a graph per class and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) are used to pred ict class relevance of noisy examples. For each class, the GCN is treated as a binary classifier, which learns to discriminate clean from noisy examples using a weighted binary cross-entropy loss function. The GCN-inferred clean probability is then exploited as a relevance measure. Each noisy example is weighted by its relevance when learning a classifier for the end task. We evaluate our method on an extended version of a few-shot learning problem, where the few clean examples of novel classes are supplemented with additional noisy data. Experimental results show that our GCN-based cleaning process significantly improves the classification accuracy over not cleaning the noisy data, as well as standard few-shot classification where only few clean examples are used.
Semi-supervised learning is becoming increasingly important because it can combine data carefully labeled by humans with abundant unlabeled data to train deep neural networks. Classic methods on semi-supervised learning that have focused on transduct ive learning have not been fully exploited in the inductive framework followed by modern deep learning. The same holds for the manifold assumption---that similar examples should get the same prediction. In this work, we employ a transductive label propagation method that is based on the manifold assumption to make predictions on the entire dataset and use these predictions to generate pseudo-labels for the unlabeled data and train a deep neural network. At the core of the transductive method lies a nearest neighbor graph of the dataset that we create based on the embeddings of the same network.Therefore our learning process iterates between these two steps. We improve performance on several datasets especially in the few labels regime and show that our work is complementary to current state of the art.
39 - Ahmet Iscen , Ondrej Chum 2018
This work addresses approximate nearest neighbor search applied in the domain of large-scale image retrieval. Within the group testing framework we propose an efficient off-line construction of the search structures. The linear-time complexity orthog onal grouping increases the probability that at most one element from each group is matching to a given query. Non-maxima suppression with each group efficiently reduces the number of false positive results at no extra cost. Unlike in other well-performing approaches, all processing is local, fast, and suitable to process data in batches and in parallel. We experimentally show that the proposed method achieves search accuracy of the exhaustive search with significant reduction in the search complexity. The method can be naturally combined with existing embedding methods.
State of the art image retrieval performance is achieved with CNN features and manifold ranking using a k-NN similarity graph that is pre-computed off-line. The two most successful existing approaches are temporal filtering, where manifold ranking am ounts to solving a sparse linear system online, and spectral filtering, where eigen-decomposition of the adjacency matrix is performed off-line and then manifold ranking amounts to dot-product search online. The former suffers from expensive queries and the latter from significant space overhead. Here we introduce a novel, theoretically well-founded hybrid filtering approach allowing full control of the space-time trade-off between these two extremes. Experimentally, we verify that our hybrid method delivers results on par with the state of the art, with lower memory demands compared to spectral filtering approaches and faster compared to temporal filtering.
In this work we present a novel unsupervised framework for hard training example mining. The only input to the method is a collection of images relevant to the target application and a meaningful initial representation, provided e.g. by pre-trained C NN. Positive examples are distant points on a single manifold, while negative examples are nearby points on different manifolds. Both types of examples are revealed by disagreements between Euclidean and manifold similarities. The discovered examples can be used in training with any discriminative loss. The method is applied to unsupervised fine-tuning of pre-trained networks for fine-grained classification and particular object retrieval. Our models are on par or are outperforming prior models that are fully or partially supervised.

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