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Many advances that have improved the robustness and efficiency of deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms can, in one way or another, be understood as introducing additional objectives, or constraints, in the policy optimization step. This includ es ideas as far ranging as exploration bonuses, entropy regularization, and regularization toward teachers or data priors when learning from experts or in offline RL. Often, task reward and auxiliary objectives are in conflict with each other and it is therefore natural to treat these examples as instances of multi-objective (MO) optimization problems. We study the principles underlying MORL and introduce a new algorithm, Distillation of a Mixture of Experts (DiME), that is intuitive and scale-invariant under some conditions. We highlight its strengths on standard MO benchmark problems and consider case studies in which we recast offline RL and learning from experts as MO problems. This leads to a natural algorithmic formulation that sheds light on the connection between existing approaches. For offline RL, we use the MO perspective to derive a simple algorithm, that optimizes for the standard RL objective plus a behavioral cloning term. This outperforms state-of-the-art on two established offline RL benchmarks.
Many real-world control problems involve both discrete decision variables - such as the choice of control modes, gear switching or digital outputs - as well as continuous decision variables - such as velocity setpoints, control gains or analogue outp uts. However, when defining the corresponding optimal control or reinforcement learning problem, it is commonly approximated with fully continuous or fully discrete action spaces. These simplifications aim at tailoring the problem to a particular algorithm or solver which may only support one type of action space. Alternatively, expert heuristics are used to remove discrete actions from an otherwise continuous space. In contrast, we propose to treat hybrid problems in their native form by solving them with hybrid reinforcement learning, which optimizes for discrete and continuous actions simultaneously. In our experiments, we first demonstrate that the proposed approach efficiently solves such natively hybrid reinforcement learning problems. We then show, both in simulation and on robotic hardware, the benefits of removing possibly imperfect expert-designed heuristics. Lastly, hybrid reinforcement learning encourages us to rethink problem definitions. We propose reformulating control problems, e.g. by adding meta actions, to improve exploration or reduce mechanical wear and tear.
We present an algorithm for learning an approximate action-value soft Q-function in the relative entropy regularised reinforcement learning setting, for which an optimal improved policy can be recovered in closed form. We use recent advances in norma lising flows for parametrising the policy together with a learned value-function; and show how this combination can be used to implicitly represent Q-values of an arbitrary policy in continuous action space. Using simple temporal difference learning on the Q-values then leads to a unified objective for policy and value learning. We show how this approach considerably simplifies standard Actor-Critic off-policy algorithms, removing the need for a policy optimisation step. We perform experiments on a range of established reinforcement learning benchmarks, demonstrating that our approach allows for complex, multimodal policy distributions in continuous action spaces, while keeping the process of sampling from the policy both fast and exact.
Invariances to translation, rotation and other spatial transformations are a hallmark of the laws of motion, and have widespread use in the natural sciences to reduce the dimensionality of systems of equations. In supervised learning, such as in imag e classification tasks, rotation, translation and scale invariances are used to augment training datasets. In this work, we use data augmentation in a similar way, exploiting symmetry in the quadruped domain of the DeepMind control suite (Tassa et al. 2018) to add to the trajectories experienced by the actor in the actor-critic algorithm of Abdolmaleki et al. (2018). In a data-limited regime, the agent using a set of experiences augmented through symmetry is able to learn faster. Our approach can be used to inject knowledge of invariances in the domain and task to augment learning in robots, and more generally, to speed up learning in realistic robotics applications.
The successful application of general reinforcement learning algorithms to real-world robotics applications is often limited by their high data requirements. We introduce Regularized Hierarchical Policy Optimization (RHPO) to improve data-efficiency for domains with multiple dominant tasks and ultimately reduce required platform time. To this end, we employ compositional inductive biases on multiple levels and corresponding mechanisms for sharing off-policy transition data across low-level controllers and tasks as well as scheduling of tasks. The presented algorithm enables stable and fast learning for complex, real-world domains in the parallel multitask and sequential transfer case. We show that the investigated types of hierarchy enable positive transfer while partially mitigating negative interference and evaluate the benefits of additional incentives for efficient, compositional task solutions in single task domains. Finally, we demonstrate substantial data-efficiency and final performance gains over competitive baselines in a week-long, physical robot stacking experiment.
The naive application of Reinforcement Learning algorithms to continuous control problems -- such as locomotion and manipulation -- often results in policies which rely on high-amplitude, high-frequency control signals, known colloquially as bang-ban g control. Although such solutions may indeed maximize task reward, they can be unsuitable for real world systems. Bang-bang control may lead to increased wear and tear or energy consumption, and tends to excite undesired second-order dynamics. To counteract this issue, multi-objective optimization can be used to simultaneously optimize both the reward and some auxiliary cost that discourages undesired (e.g. high-amplitude) control. In principle, such an approach can yield the sought after, smooth, control policies. It can, however, be hard to find the correct trade-off between cost and return that results in the desired behavior. In this paper we propose a new constraint-based reinforcement learning approach that ensures task success while minimizing one or more auxiliary costs (such as control effort). We employ Lagrangian relaxation to learn both (a) the parameters of a control policy that satisfies the desired constraints and (b) the Lagrangian multipliers for the optimization. Moreover, we demonstrate that we can satisfy constraints either in expectation or in a per-step fashion, and can even learn a single policy that is able to dynamically trade-off between return and cost. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach using a number of continuous control benchmark tasks, a realistic, energy-optimized quadruped locomotion task, as well as a reaching task on a real robot arm.
We introduce a new algorithm for reinforcement learning called Maximum aposteriori Policy Optimisation (MPO) based on coordinate ascent on a relative entropy objective. We show that several existing methods can directly be related to our derivation. We develop two off-policy algorithms and demonstrate that they are competitive with the state-of-the-art in deep reinforcement learning. In particular, for continuous control, our method outperforms existing methods with respect to sample efficiency, premature convergence and robustness to hyperparameter settings while achieving similar or better final performance.

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