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We consider the description of form factors of local and Wilson line operators (reggeon amplitudes) in N=4 SYM within the framework of four dimensional ambitwistor string theory. We present the explicit expressions for string composite operators corr esponding to stress-tensor operator supermultiplet and Wilson line operator insertion. It is shown, that corresponding tree-level string correlation functions correctly reproduce previously obtained Grassmannian integral representations. As by product we derive four dimensional tree-level scattering equations representations for the mentioned form factors and formulate a simple gluing procedure used to relate operator form factors with on-shell amplitudes.
148 - L.V.Bork , A.I.Onishchenko 2017
We consider the description of reggeon amplitudes (Wilson lines form factors) in N=4 SYM within the framework of four dimensional ambitwistor string theory. The latter is used to derive scattering equations representation for reggeon amplitudes with multiple reggeized gluons present. It is shown, that corresponding tree-level string correlation function correctly reproduces previously obtained Grassmannian integral representation of reggeon amplitudes in N=4 SYM.
We present a calculation of the B0 - anti-B0 mixing matrix element in the framework of QCD sum rules for three-point functions. We compute alpha_s corrections to a three-point function at the three-loop level in QCD perturbation theory, which allows one to extract the matrix element with next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy. This calculation is imperative for a consistent evaluation of experimentally-measured mixing parameters since the coefficient functions of the effective Hamiltonian for B0 - anti-B0 mixing are known at NLO. We find that radiative corrections violate factorization at NLO; this violation is under full control and amounts to 10%.
Following the procedure and motivations developed by Richardson, Buchmuller and Tye, we derive the potential of static quarks consistent with both the three-loop running of QCD coupling constant under the two-loop perturbative matching of V and MS-ba r schemes and the confinement regime at long distances. Implications for the heavy quark masses as well as the quarkonium spectra and leptonic widths are discussed.
The masses of baryons containing two heavy quarks and their couplings to the corresponding quark currents are evaluated in the framework of NRQCD sum rules. The coulomb-like corrections in the system of doubly heavy diquark are taken into account, an d the contribution of nonperturbative terms coming from the quark, gluon and mixed condensates as well as the product of quark and gluon condensates, is analyzed. The higher condensates destroy the factorization of baryon and diquark correlators and provide the convergency of sum rule method. As a result the accuracy of estimates is improved.

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