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This review covers recent theoretical and experimental efforts to extend the application of the continuous-variable quantum technology of light beyond Gaussian quantum states, such as coherent and squeezed states, into the domain of non-Gaussian stat es with negative Wigner functions. Starting with basic Gaussian nonclassicality associated with single- and two-mode vacuum states produced by means of parametric down-conversion and applying a set of standard tools, such as linear interferometry, coherent state injection, and conditional homodyne and photon number measurements, one can implement a large variety of optical states and processes that are relevant in fundamental quantum physics as well as quantum optical information processing. We present a systematic review of these methods, paying attention to both fundamental and practical aspects of their implementation, as well as a comprehensive overview of the results achieved therewith.
Quantum simulators and processors are rapidly improving nowadays, but they are still not able to solve complex and multidimensional tasks of practical value. However, certain numerical algorithms inspired by the physics of real quantum devices prove to be efficient in application to specific problems, related, for example, to combinatorial optimization. Here we implement a numerical annealer based on simulating the coherent Ising machine as a tool to sample from a high-dimensional Boltzmann probability distribution with the energy functional defined by the classical Ising Hamiltonian. Samples provided by such a generator are then utilized for the partition function estimation of this distribution and for the training of a general Boltzmann machine. Our study opens up a door to practical application of numerical quantum-inspired annealers.
68 - A. I. Lvovsky 2014
The squeezed state of the electromagnetic field can be generated in many nonlinear optical processes and finds a wide range of applications in quantum information processing and quantum metrology. This article reviews the basic properties of single-a nd dual-mode squeezed light states, methods of their preparation and detection, as well as their quantum technology applications.
Schroedingers famous thought experiment involves a (macroscopic) cat whose quantum state becomes entangled with that of a (microscopic) decaying nucleus. The creation of such micro-macro entanglement is currently being pursued in several fields, incl uding atomic ensembles, superconducting circuits, electro-mechanical and opto-mechanical systems. For purely optical systems, there have been several proposals to create micro-macro entanglement by greatly amplifying one half of an initial microscopic entangled state of light, but experimental attempts have so far been inconclusive. Here we experimentally demonstrate micro-macro entanglement of light. The macro system involves over a hundred million photons, while the micro system is at the single-photon level. We show that microscopic differences (in field quadrature measurements) on one side are correlated with macroscopic differences (in the photon number variance) on the other side. On the other hand, we demonstrate entanglement by bringing the macroscopic state back to the single-photon level and performing full quantum state tomography of the final state. Our results show that it is possible to create and demonstrate micro-macro entanglement for unexpectedly large photon numbers. Schroedingers thought experiment was originally intended to convey the absurdity of applying quantum mechanics to macroscopic objects. Today many quantum physicists believe that quantum principles in fact apply on all scales. By combining the present approach with other (e.g. mechanical) systems, or by applying its basic ideas in different contexts, it may be possible to bring quantum effects ever closer to our everyday experience.
Quantum memory is important to quantum information processing in many ways: a synchronization device to match various processes within a quantum computer, an identity quantum gate that leaves any state unchanged, and a tool to convert heralded photon s to photons-on-demand. In addition to quantum computing, quantum memory would be instrumental for the implementation of long-distance quantum communication using quantum repeaters. The importance of this basic quantum gate is exemplified by the multitude of optical quantum memory mechanisms being studied: optical delay lines, cavities, electromagnetically-induced transparency, photon-echo, and off-resonant Faraday interaction. Here we report on the state-of-the-art in the field of optical quantum memory, including criteria for successful quantum memory and current performance levels.
We present a versatile, inexpensive and simple optical phase lock for applications in atomic physics experiments. Thanks to all-digital phase detection and implementation of beat frequency pre-scaling, the apparatus requires no microwave-range refere nce input, and permits phase locking at frequency differences ranging from sub-MHz to 7 GHz (and with minor extension, to 12 GHz). The locking range thus covers ground state hyperfine splittings of all alkali metals, which makes this system a universal tool for many experiments on coherent interaction between light and atoms.
The Schrodinger motion of a charged quantum particle in an electromagnetic potential can be simulated by the paraxial dynamics of photons propagating through a spatially inhomogeneous medium. The inhomogeneity induces geometric effects that generate an artificial vector potential to which signal photons are coupled. This phenomenon can be implemented with slow light propagating through an a gas of double-Lambda atoms in an electromagnetically-induced transparency setting with spatially varied control fields. It can lead to a reduced dispersion of signal photons and a topological phase shift of Aharonov-Bohm type.
127 - A. I. Lvovsky , W. Wasilewski , 2006
We discuss the concept of characteristic squeezing modes applied to a travelling-wave optical parametric amplifier pumped by an ultrashort pulse. The characteristic modes undergo decoupled single-mode squeezing transformations, and therefore they for m a useful basis to describe the evolution of the entire multimode system. This provides an elegant and intuitive picture of quantum statistical properties of parametric fluorescence. We analyse the efficiency of detecting quadrature squeezing, and present results of numerical calculations for a realistic nonlinear medium.
We analyze the spectral properties of squeezed light produced by means of pulsed, single-pass degenerate parametric down-conversion. The multimode output of this process can be decomposed into characteristic modes undergoing independent squeezing evo lution akin to the Schmidt decomposition of the biphoton spectrum. The main features of this decomposition can be understood using a simple analytical model developed in the perturbative regime. In the strong pumping regime, for which the perturbative approach is not valid, we present a numerical analysis, specializing to the case of one-dimensional propagation in a beta-barium borate waveguide. Characterization of the squeezing modes provides us with an insight necessary for optimizing homodyne detection of squeezing. For a weak parametric process, efficient squeezing is found in a broad range of local oscillator modes, whereas the intense generation regime places much more stringent conditions on the local oscillator. We point out that without meeting these conditions, the detected squeezing can actually diminish with the increasing pumping strength, and we expose physical reasons behind this inefficiency.
A single photon, delocalized over two optical modes, is characterized by means of quantum homodyne tomography. The reconstructed four-dimensional density matrix extends over the entire Hilbert space and thus reveals, for the first time, complete info rmation about the dual-rail optical quantum bit as a state of the electromagnetic field. The experimental data violate the Bell inequality albeit with a loophole similar to the detection loophole in photon counting experiments.

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