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Teichmueller curves, triangle groups, and Lyapunov exponents

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 Added by Martin Moeller
 Publication date 2005
and research's language is English

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We construct a Teichmueller curve uniformized by the Fuchsian triangle group (m,n,infty) for every m<n. Our construction includes the Teichmueller curves constructed by Veech and Ward as special cases. The construction essentially relies on properties of hypergeometric differential operators. For small m, we find Billiard tables that generate these Teichmueller curves. We interprete some of the so-called Lyapunov exponents of the Kontsevich--Zorich cocycle as normalized degrees of some natural line bundles on a Teichmueller curves. We determine the Lyapunov exponents for the Teichmueller curves we construct.

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263 - Alex Eskin , Carlos Matheus 2012
In this note we show that the results of H. Furstenberg on the Poisson boundary of lattices of semisimple Lie groups allow to deduce simplicity properties of the Lyapunov spectrum of the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle of Teichmueller curves in moduli spaces of Abelian differentials without the usage of codings of the Teichmueller flow. As an application, we show the simplicity of some Lyapunov exponents in the setting of (some) Prym Teichmueller curves of genus 4 where a coding-based approach seems hard to implement because of the poor knowledge of the Veech group of these Teichmueller curves. Finally, we extend the discussion in this note to show the simplicity of Lyapunov exponents coming from (high weight) variations of Hodge structures associated to mirror quintic Calabi-Yau threefolds.
We prove that the moduli space of compact genus three Riemann surfaces contains only finitely many algebraically primitive Teichmueller curves. For the stratum consisting of holomorphic one-forms in genus three with a single zero, our approach to finiteness uses the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of the Hodge bundle over a Teichmueller curve to obtain new information on the locations of the zeros of eigenforms. By passing to the boundary of moduli space, this gives explicit constraints on the cusps of Teichmueller curves in terms of cross-ratios of six points on a projective line. These constraints are akin to those that appear in Zilber and Pinks conjectures on unlikely intersections in diophantine geometry. However, in our case one is lead naturally to the intersection of a surface with a family of codimension two algebraic subgroups of $G_m^n times G_a^n$ (rather than the more standard $G_m^n$). The ambient algebraic group lies outside the scope of Zilbers Conjecture but we are nonetheless able to prove a sufficiently strong height bound. For the generic stratum in genus three, we obtain global torsion order bounds through a computer search for subtori of a codimension-two subvariety of $G_m^9$. These torsion bounds together with new bounds for the moduli of horizontal cylinders in terms of torsion orders yields finiteness in this stratum. The intermediate strata are handled with a mix of these techniques.
98 - Romain Dujardin 2018
We study the asymptotic behavior of the Lyapunov exponent in a meromorphic family of random products of matrices in SL(2, C), as the parameter converges to a pole. We show that the blow-up of the Lyapunov exponent is governed by a quantity which can be interpreted as the non-Archimedean Lyapunov exponent of the family. We also describe the limit of the corresponding family of stationary measures on P 1 (C).
We investigate the Lyapunov Exponents of a variation of Hodge structure which has $G_2$ as geometric monodromy group, and discuss formulas for the sum of positive Lyapunov Exponents of variations of Hodge structures of any weight.
Answering a question asked by Agol and Wise, we show that a desired stronger form of Wises malnormal special quotient theorem does not hold. The counterexamples are generalizations of triangle groups, built using the Ramanujan graphs constructed by Lubotzky--Phillips--Sarnak.
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