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Synthetic spatially graded Rac activation drives directed cell polarization and locomotion

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 Added by William Holmes
 Publication date 2012
  fields Biology
and research's language is English

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Migrating cells possess intracellular gradients of Rho GTPases, but it is unknown whether these shallow gradients themselves can induce motility. Here we describe a new method to present cells with induced linear gradients of active, endogenous Rac without receptor activation. Gradients as low as 15% were sufficient to not only trigger cell migration up the synthetic gradient, but also to induce both cell polarization and repolarization. Response kinetics were inversely proportional to Rac gradient values, in agreement with a new mathematical model, suggesting a role for natural input gradient amplification upstream of Rac. Increases in Rac levels beyond a well-defined threshold dramatically augmented polarization and decreased sensitivity to the gradient value. The threshold was governed by initial cell polarity and PI3K activity, supporting a role for both in defining responsiveness to natural or synthetic Rac activation. Our methodology suggests a general way to investigate processes regulated by intracellular signaling gradients.

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Innovation in synthetic biology often still depends on large-scale experimental trial-and-error, domain expertise, and ingenuity. The application of rational design engineering methods promise to make this more efficient, faster, cheaper and safer. But this requires mathematical models of cellular systems. And for these models we then have to determine if they can meet our intended target behaviour. Here we develop two complementary approaches that allow us to determine whether a given molecular circuit, represented by a mathematical model, is capable of fulfilling our design objectives. We discuss algebraic methods that are capable of identifying general principles guaranteeing desired behaviour; and we provide an overview over Bayesian design approaches that allow us to choose from a set of models, that model which has the highest probability of fulfilling our design objectives. We discuss their uses in the context of biochemical adaptation, and then consider how robustness can and should affect our design approach.
Stem cells can precisely and robustly undergo cellular differentiation and lineage commitment, referred to as stemness. However, how the gene network underlying stemness regulation reliably specifies cell fates is not well understood. To address this question, we applied a recently developed computational method, Random Circuit Perturbation (RACIPE), to a nine-component gene regulatory network (GRN) governing stemness, from which we identified fifteen robust gene states. Among them, four out of the five most probable gene states exhibit gene expression patterns observed in single mouse embryonic cells at 32-cell and 64-cell stages. These gene states can be robustly predicted by the stemness GRN but not by randomiz
We present a model for continuous cell culture coupling intra-cellular metabolism to extracellular variables describing the state of the bioreactor, taking into account the growth capacity of the cell and the impact of toxic byproduct accumulation. We provide a method to determine the steady states of this system that is tractable for metabolic networks of arbitrary complexity. We demonstrate our approach in a toy model first, and then in a genome-scale metabolic network of the Chinese hamster ovary cell line, obtaining results that are in qualitative agreement with experimental observations. More importantly, we derive a number of consequences from the model that are independent of parameter values. First, that the ratio between cell density and dilution rate is an ideal control parameter to fix a steady state with desired metabolic properties invariant across perfusion systems. This conclusion is robust even in the presence of multi-stability, which is explained in our model by the negative feedback loop on cell growth due to toxic byproduct accumulation. Moreover, a complex landscape of steady states in continuous cell culture emerges from our simulations, including multiple metabolic switches, which also explain why cell-line and media benchmarks carried out in batch culture cannot be extrapolated to perfusion. On the other hand, we predict invariance laws between continuous cell cultures with different parameters. A practical consequence is that the chemostat is an ideal experimental model for large-scale high-density perfusion cultures, where the complex landscape of metabolic transitions is faithfully reproduced. Thus, in order to actually reflect the expected behavior in perfusion, performance benchmarks of cell-lines and culture media should be carried out in a chemostat.
Cortisol, corticosterone and aldosterone activate full-length glucocorticoid receptor (GR) from elephant shark, a cartilaginous fish belonging to the oldest group of jawed vertebrates. Activation by aldosterone a mineralocorticoid, indicates partial divergence of elephant shark GR from the MR. Progesterone activates elephant shark MR, but not elephant shark GR. Progesterone inhibits steroid binding to elephant shark GR, but not to human GR. Deletion of the N-terminal domain (NTD) from elephant shark GR (Truncated GR) reduced the response to corticosteroids, while truncated and full-length elephant shark MR had similar responses to corticosteroids. Chimeras of elephant shark GR NTD fused to MR DBD+LBD had increased activation by corticosteroids and progesterone compared to full-length elephant shark MR. Elephant shark MR NTD fused to GR DBD+LBD had similar activation as full-length elephant shark MR, indicating that activation of human GR by the NTD evolved early in GR divergence from the MR.
High-throughput experiments are shedding light on the topology of large regulatory networks and at the same time their functional states, namely the states of activation of the nodes (for example transcript or protein levels) in different conditions, times, environments. We now possess a certain amount of information about these two levels of description, stored in libraries, databases and ontologies. A current challenge is to bridge the gap between topology and function, i.e. developing quantitative models aimed at characterizing the expression patterns of large sets of genes. However, approaches that work well for small networks become impossible to master at large scales, mainly because parameters proliferate. In this review we discuss the state of the art of large-scale functional network models, addressing the issue of what can be considered as realistic and what the main limitations may be. We also show some directions for future work, trying to set the goals that future models should try to achieve. Finally, we will emphasize the possible benefits in the understanding of biological mechanisms underlying complex multifactorial diseases, and in the development of novel strategies for the description and the treatment of such pathologies.
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