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Stacking-order dependent transport properties of trilayer graphene

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 Added by SungHo Jhang
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report markedly different transport properties of ABA- and ABC-stacked trilayer graphenes. Our experiments in double-gated trilayer devices provide evidence that a perpendicular electric field opens an energy gap in the ABC trilayer, while it causes the increase of a band overlap in the ABA trilayer. In a perpendicular magnetic field, the ABA trilayer develops quantum Hall plateaus at filling factors of u = 2, 4, 6... with a step of Delta u = 2, whereas the inversion symmetric ABC trilayer exhibits plateaus at u = 6 and 10 with 4-fold spin and valley degeneracy.

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551 - W. Bao , L. Jing , Y. Lee 2011
In a multi-layer electronic system, stacking order provides a rarely-explored degree of freedom for tuning its electronic properties. Here we demonstrate the dramatically different transport properties in trilayer graphene (TLG) with different stacking orders. At the Dirac point, ABA-stacked TLG remains metallic while the ABC counterpart becomes insulating. The latter exhibits a gap-like dI/dV characteristics at low temperature and thermally activated conduction at higher temperatures, indicating an intrinsic gap ~6 meV. In magnetic fields, in addition to an insulating state at filling factor { u}=0, ABC TLG exhibits quantum Hall plateaus at { u}=-30, pm 18, pm 9, each of which splits into 3 branches at higher fields. Such splittings are signatures of the Lifshitz transition induced by trigonal warping, found only in ABC TLG, and in semi-quantitative agreement with theory. Our results underscore the rich interaction-induced phenomena in trilayer graphene with different stacking orders, and its potential towards electronic applications.
100 - Chao Lei , Lukas Linhart , Wei Qin 2020
We construct a continuum model of twisted trilayer graphene using {it ab initio} density-functional-theory calculations, and apply it to address twisted trilayer electronic structure. Our model accounts for moire variation in site energies, hopping between outside layers and within layers. We focus on the role of a mirror symmetry present in ABA graphene trilayers with a middle layer twist. The mirror symmetry is lost intentionally when a displacement field is applied between layers, and unintentionally when the top layer is shifted laterally relative to the bottom layer. We use two band structure characteristics that are directly relevant to transport measurements, the Drude weight and the weak-field Hall conductivity, and relate them via the Hall density to assess the influence of the accidental lateral stacking shifts currently present in all experimental devices on electronic properties, and comment on the role of the possible importance of accidental lateral stacking shifts for superconductivity in twisted trilayers.
156 - Yande Que , Wende Xiao , Hui Chen 2017
The growth, atomic structure, and electronic property of trilayer graphene (TLG) on Ru(0001) were studied by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy in combined with tight-binding approximation (TBA) calculations. TLG on Ru(0001) shows a flat surface with a hexagonal lattice due to the screening effect of the bottom two layers and the AB-stacking in the top two layers. The coexistence of AA- and AB-stacking in the bottom two layers leads to three different stacking orders of TLG, namely, ABA-, ABC-, and ABB-stacking. STS measurements combined with TBA calculations reveal that the density of states of TLG with ABC- and ABB-stacking is characterized by one and two sharp peaks near to the Fermi level, respectively, in contrast to the V-shaped feature of TLG with ABA-stacking. Our work demonstrates that TLG on Ru(0001) might be an ideal platform for exploring stacking-dependent electronic properties of graphene.
Multilayered van der Waals structures often lack periodicity, which difficults their modeling. Building on previous work for bilayers, we develop a tight-binding based, momentum space formalism capable of describing incommensurate multilayered van der Waals structures for arbitrary lattice mismatch and/or misalignment between different layers. We demonstrate how the developed formalism can be used to model angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements, and scanning tunnelling spectroscopy which can probe the local and total density of states. The general method is then applied to incommensurate twisted trilayer graphene structures. It is found that the coupling between the three layers can significantly affect the low energy spectral properties, which cannot be simply attributed to the pairwise hybridization between the layers.
We present a fabrication process for high quality suspended and double gated trilayer graphene devices. The electrical transport measurements in these transistors reveal a high charge carrier mobility (higher than 20000 cm^2/Vs) and ballistic electric transport on a scale larger than 200nm. We report a particularly large on/off ratio of the current in ABC-stacked trilayers, up to 250 for an average electric displacement of -0.08 V/nm, compatible with an electric field induced energy gap. The high quality of these devices is also demonstrated by the appearance of quantum Hall plateaus at magnetic fields as low as 500mT.
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