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FPAI at SemEval-2021 Task 6: BERT-MRC for Propaganda Techniques Detection

FPAI في مهمة Semeval-2021 6: بيرت MRC للكشف عن تقنيات الدعاية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The objective of subtask 2 of SemEval-2021 Task 6 is to identify techniques used together with the span(s) of text covered by each technique. This paper describes the system and model we developed for the task. We first propose a pipeline system to identify spans, then to classify the technique in the input sequence. But it severely suffers from handling the overlapping in nested span. Then we propose to formulize the task as a question answering task by MRC framework which achieves a better result compared to the pipeline method. Moreover, data augmentation and loss design techniques are also explored to alleviate the problem of data sparse and imbalance. Finally, we attain the 3rd place in the final evaluation phase.

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Among the tasks motivated by the proliferation of misinformation, propaganda detection is particularly challenging due to the deficit of fine-grained manual annotations required to train machine learning models. Here we show how data from other relat ed tasks, including credibility assessment, can be leveraged in multi-task learning (MTL) framework to accelerate the training process. To that end, we design a BERT-based model with multiple output layers, train it in several MTL scenarios and perform evaluation against the SemEval gold standard.
This paper describes and examines different systems to address Task 6 of SemEval-2021: Detection of Persuasion Techniques In Texts And Images, Subtask 1. The task aims to build a model for identifying rhetorical and psycho- logical techniques (such a s causal oversimplification, name-calling, smear) in the textual content of a meme which is often used in a disinformation campaign to influence the users. The paper provides an extensive comparison among various machine learning systems as a solution to the task. We elaborate on the pre-processing of the text data in favor of the task and present ways to overcome the class imbalance. The results show that fine-tuning a RoBERTa model gave the best results with an F1-Micro score of 0.51 on the development set.
This paper describes our system participated in Task 6 of SemEval-2021: the task focuses on multimodal propaganda technique classification and it aims to classify given image and text into 22 classes. In this paper, we propose to use transformer base d architecture to fuse the clues from both image and text. We explore two branches of techniques including fine-tuning the text pretrained transformer with extended visual features, and fine-tuning the multimodal pretrained transformers. For the visual features, we have tested both grid features based on ResNet and salient region features from pretrained object detector. Among the pretrained multimodal transformers, we choose ERNIE-ViL, a two-steam cross-attended transformers pretrained on large scale image-caption aligned data. Fine-tuing ERNIE-ViL for our task produce a better performance due to general joint multimodal representation for text and image learned by ERNIE-ViL. Besides, as the distribution of the classification labels is very unbalanced, we also make a further attempt on the loss function and the experiment result shows that focal loss would perform better than cross entropy loss. Last we have won first for subtask C in the final competition.
We describe our systems of subtask1 and subtask3 for SemEval-2021 Task 6 on Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images. The purpose of subtask1 is to identify propaganda techniques given textual content, and the goal of subtask3 is to det ect them given both textual and visual content. For subtask1, we investigate transfer learning based on pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as BERT, RoBERTa to solve data sparsity problems. For subtask3, we extract heterogeneous visual representations (i.e., face features, OCR features, and multimodal representations) and explore various multimodal fusion strategies to combine the textual and visual representations. The official evaluation shows our ensemble model ranks 1st for subtask1 and 2nd for subtask3.
We describe SemEval-2021 task 6 on Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images: the data, the annotation guidelines, the evaluation setup, the results, and the participating systems. The task focused on memes and had three subtasks: (i) de tecting the techniques in the text, (ii) detecting the text spans where the techniques are used, and (iii) detecting techniques in the entire meme, i.e., both in the text and in the image. It was a popular task, attracting 71 registrations, and 22 teams that eventually made an official submission on the test set. The evaluation results for the third subtask confirmed the importance of both modalities, the text and the image. Moreover, some teams reported benefits when not just combining the two modalities, e.g., by using early or late fusion, but rather modeling the interaction between them in a joint model.

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