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Negativity of the Casimir self-entropy in spherical geometries

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 Added by Kimball A. Milton
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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It has been recognized for some time that even for perfect conductors, the interaction Casimir entropy, due to quantum/thermal fluctuations, can be negative. This result was not considered problematic because it was thought that the self-entropies of the bodies would cancel this negative interaction entropy, yielding a total entropy that was positive. In fact, this cancellation seems not to occur. The positive self-entropy of a perfectly conducting sphere does indeed just cancel the negative interaction entropy of a system consisting of a perfectly conducting sphere and plate, but a model with weaker coupling in general possesses a regime where negative self-entropy appears. The physical meaning of this surprising result remains obscure. In this paper we re-examine these issues, using improved physical and mathematical techniques, partly based on the Abel-Plana formula, and present numerical results for arbitrary temperatures and couplings, which exhibit the same remarkable features.

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In view of the current discussion on the subject, an effort is made to show very accurately both analytically and numerically how the Drude dispersive model, assuming the relaxation is nonzero at zero temperature (which is the case when impurities are present), gives consistent results for the Casimir free energy at low temperatures. Specifically, we find that the free energy consists essentially of two terms, one leading term proportional to T^2, and a next term proportional to T^{5/2}. Both these terms give rise to zero Casimir entropy as T -> 0, thus in accordance with Nernsts theorem.
174 - L.H. Ford , N.F. Svaiter 2008
We discuss the quantization of sound waves in a fluid with a linear dispersion relation and calculate the quantum density fluctuations of the fluid in several cases. These include a fluid in its ground state. In this case, we discuss the scattering cross section of light by the density fluctuations, and find that in many situations it is small compared to the thermal fluctuations, but not negligibly small and might be observable at room temperature. We also consider a fluid in a squeezed state of phonons and fluids containing boundaries. We suggest that the latter may be a useful analog model for better understanding boundary effects in quantum field theory. In all cases involving boundaries which we consider, the mean squared density fluctuations are reduced by the presence of the boundary. This implies a reduction in the light scattering cross section, which is potentially an observable effect.
201 - Varun Vaidya 2013
We utilize Effective Field Theory(EFT) techniques to calculate the casimir torque on a cylindrical gear in the presence of a polarizable but neutral object. We present results for the energy and torque as a function of angle for a gear with multiple cogs, as well as for the case of a concentric cylindrical gear.
Hard momentum cutoff is used for estimating IR/UV corrections to the Casimir force. In contrast to the power-law corrections arising from the IR cutoff, one will find the UV cutoff-dependent corrections to be exponentially suppressed. As a consequence of this fact, there is no chance to detect the corrections due to UV cutoff arising for instance from the minimum-length scenarios even if fundamental quantum-gravity scale is taken around $sim$ TeV (as is the case, for example, in various models with extra dimensions).
107 - S. Rubin , J. Feinberg , A. Mann 2007
We study the Casimir effect at finite temperature for a massless scalar field in the parallel plates geometry in N spatial dimensions, under various combinations of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the plates. We show that in all these cases the entropy, in the limit where energy equipartitioning applies, is a geometrical factor whose sign determines the sign of the Casimir force.
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