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Controlling quantum coherence of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate via an impurity atom

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 Added by Zhen Li
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose a scheme to control quantum coherence of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) by a single impurity atom immersed in the BEC. We show that the single impurity atom can act as a single atom valve (SAV) to control quantum coherence of the two-component BEC. It is demonstrated that the SAV can realize the on-demand control over quantum coherence at an arbitrary time. Specially, it is found that the SAV can also control higher-order quantum coherence of two-component BEC. We investigate the long-time evolution of quantum coherence of the two-component BEC. It is indicated that the single impurity atom can induce collapse and revival phenomenon of quantum coherence of the two-component BEC. Collapse-revival configurations of quantum coherence can be manipulated by the initial-state parameters of the impurity atom and the impurity-BEC interaction strengths.

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90 - L. Wen , W. M. Liu , Yongyong Cai 2012
We point out that the widely accepted condition g11g22<g122 for phase separation of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate is insufficient if kinetic energy is taken into account, which competes against the intercomponent interaction and favors phase mixing. Here g11, g22, and g12 are the intra- and intercomponent interaction strengths, respectively. Taking a d-dimensional infinitely deep square well potential of width L as an example, a simple scaling analysis shows that if d=1 (d=3), phase separation will be suppressed as Lrightarrow0 (Lrightarrowinfty) whether the condition g11g22<g122 is satisfied or not. In the intermediate case of d=2, the width L is irrelevant but again phase separation can be partially or even completely suppressed even if g11g22<g122. Moreover, the miscibility-immiscibility transition is turned from a first-order one into a second-order one by the kinetic energy. All these results carry over to d-dimensional harmonic potentials, where the harmonic oscillator length {xi}ho plays the role of L. Our finding provides a scenario of controlling the miscibility-immiscibility transition of a two-component condensate by changing the confinement, instead of the conventional approach of changing the values of the gs.
We observe the coherence of an interacting two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) surviving for seconds in a trapped Ramsey interferometer. Mean-field driven collective oscillations of two components lead to periodic dephasing and rephasing of condensate wave functions with a slow decay of the interference fringe visibility. We apply spin echo synchronous with the self-rephasing of the condensate to reduce the influence of state-dependent atom losses, significantly enhancing the visibility up to 0.75 at the evolution time of 1.5s. Mean-field theory consistently predicts higher visibility than experimentally observed values. We quantify the effects of classical and quantum noise and infer a coherence time of 2.8 s for a trapped condensate of 5.5e4 interacting atoms.
155 - Chang-Yan Wang , Yan He 2021
The method of geometrization arises as an important tool in understanding the entanglement of quantum fields and the behavior of the many-body system. The symplectic structure of the boson operators provide a natural way to geometrize the quantum dynamics of the bosonic systems of quadratic Hamiltonians, by recognizing that the time evolution operator corresponds to a real symplectic matrix in $Sp(4,R)$ group. We apply this geometrization scheme to study the quantum dynamics of the spinor Bose-Einstein condensate systems, demonstrating that the quantum dynamics of this system can be represented by trajectories in a six dimensional manifold. It is found that the trajectory is quasi-periodic for coupled bosons. The expectation value of the observables can also be naturally calculated through this approach.
We study the fate of an impurity in an ultracold heteronuclear Bose mixture, focusing on the experimentally relevant case of a $^{41}$K-$^{87}$Rb mixture, with the impurity in a $^{41}$K hyperfine state. Our work provides a comprehensive description of an impurity in a BEC mixture with contact interactions across its phase diagram. We present results for the miscible and immiscible regimes, as well as for the impurity in a self-bound quantum droplet. Here, varying the interactions, we find novel, exotic states where the impurity localizes either at the center or at the surface of the droplet.
132 - Ofir E. Alon 2018
The ground state of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a two-dimensional trap potential is analyzed numerically at the infinite-particle limit. It is shown that the anisotropy of the many-particle position variance along the $x$ and $y$ axes can be opposite when computed at the many-body and mean-field levels of theory. This is despite the system being $100%$ condensed, and the respective energies per particle and densities per particle to coincide.
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