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Weighted Statistical Binning: enabling statistically consistent genome-scale phylogenetic analyses

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Biology
and research's language is English

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Because biological processes can make different loci have different evolutionary histories, species tree estimation requires multiple loci from across the genome. While many processes can result in discord between gene trees and species trees, incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), modeled by the multi-species coalescent, is considered to be a dominant cause for gene tree heterogeneity. Coalescent-based methods have been developed to estimate species trees, many of which operate by combining estimated gene trees, and so are called summary methods. Because summary methods are generally fast, they have become very popular techniques for estimating species trees from multiple loci. However, recent studies have established that summary methods can have reduced accuracy in the presence of gene tree estimation error, and also that many biological datasets have substantial gene tree estimation error, so that summary methods may not be highly accurate on biologically realistic conditions. Mirarab et al. (Science 2014) presented the statistical binning technique to improve gene tree estimation in multi-locus analyses, and showed that it improved the accuracy of MP-EST, one of the most popular coalescent-based summary methods. Statistical binning, which uses a simple statistical test for combinability and then uses the larger sets of genes to re-calculate gene trees, has good empirical performance, but using statistical binning within a phylogenomics pipeline does not have the desirable property of being statistically consistent. We show that weighting the recalculated gene trees by the bin sizes makes statistical binning statistically consistent under the multispecies coalescent, and maintains the good empirical performance. Thus, weighted statistical binning enables highly accurate genome-scale species tree estimation, and is also statistical consistent under the multi-species coalescent model.

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The sequence of amino acids in a protein is believed to determine its native state structure, which in turn is related to the functionality of the protein. In addition, information pertaining to evolutionary relationships is contained in homologous sequences. One powerful method for inferring these sequence attributes is through comparison of a query sequence with reference sequences that contain significant homology and whose structure, function, and/or evolutionary relationships are already known. In spite of decades of concerted work, there is no simple framework for deducing structure, function, and evolutionary (SF&E) relationships directly from sequence information alone, especially when the pair-wise identity is less than a threshold figure ~25% [1,2]. However, recent research has shown that sequence identity as low as 8% is sufficient to yield common structure/function relationships and sequence identities as large as 88% may yet result in distinct structure and function [3,4]. Starting with a basic premise that protein sequence encodes information about SF&E, one might ask how one could tease out these measures in an unbiased manner. Here we present a unified framework for inferring SF&E from sequence information using a knowledge-based approach which generates phylogenetic profiles in an unbiased manner. We illustrate the power of phylogenetic profiles generated using the Gestalt Domain Detection Algorithm Basic Local Alignment Tool (GDDA-BLAST) to derive structural domains, functional annotation, and evolutionary relationships for a host of ion-channels and human proteins of unknown function. These data are in excellent accord with published data and new experiments. Our results suggest that there is a wealth of previously unexplored information in protein sequence.
172 - Daniel L. Rabosky 2014
A number of methods have been developed to infer differential rates of species diversification through time and among clades using time-calibrated phylogenetic trees. However, we lack a general framework that can delineate and quantify heterogeneous mixtures of dynamic processes within single phylogenies. I developed a method that can identify arbitrary numbers of time-varying diversification processes on phylogenies without specifying their locations in advance. The method uses reversible-jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo to move between model subspaces that vary in the number of distinct diversification regimes. The model assumes that changes in evolutionary regimes occur across the branches of phylogenetic trees under a compound Poisson process and explicitly accounts for rate variation through time and among lineages. Using simulated datasets, I demonstrate that the method can be used to quantify complex mixtures of time-dependent, diversity-dependent, and constant-rate diversification processes. I compared the performance of the method to the MEDUSA model of rate variation among lineages. As an empirical example, I analyzed the history of speciation and extinction during the radiation of modern whales. The method described here will greatly facilitate the exploration of macroevolutionary dynamics across large phylogenetic trees, which may have been shaped by heterogeneous mixtures of distinct evolutionary processes.
A wide range of applications and research has been done with genome-scale metabolic models. In this work we describe a methodology for comparing metabolic networks constructed from genome-scale metabolic models and how to apply this comparison in order to infer evolutionary distances between different organisms. Our methodology allows a quantification of the metabolic differences between different species from a broad range of families and even kingdoms. This quantification is then applied in order to reconstruct phylogenetic trees for sets of various organisms.
215 - Daniel L. Rabosky 2015
The statistical estimation of phylogenies is always associated with uncertainty, and accommodating this uncertainty is an important component of modern phylogenetic comparative analysis. The birth-death polytomy resolver is a method of accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty that places missing (unsampled) taxa onto phylogenetic trees, using taxonomic information alone. Recent studies of birds and mammals have used this approach to generate pseudo-posterior distributions of phylogenetic trees that are complete at the species level, even in the absence of genetic data for many species. Many researchers have used these distributions of phylogenies for downstream evolutionary analyses that involve inferences on phenotypic evolution, geography, and community assembly. I demonstrate that the use of phylogenies constructed in this fashion is inappropriate for many questions involving traits. Because species are placed on trees at random with respect to trait values, the birth-death polytomy resolver breaks down natural patterns of trait phylogenetic structure. Inferences based on these trees are predictably and often drastically biased in a direction that depends on the underlying (true) pattern of phylogenetic structure in traits. I illustrate the severity of the phenomenon for both continuous and discrete traits using examples from a global bird phylogeny.
Metagenomic binning is an essential task in analyzing metagenomic sequence datasets. To analyze structure or function of microbial communities from environmental samples, metagenomic sequence fragments are assigned to their taxonomic origins. Although sequence alignment algorithms can readily be used and usually provide high-resolution alignments and accurate binning results, the computational cost of such alignment-based methods becomes prohibitive as metagenomic datasets continue to grow. Alternative compositional-based methods, which exploit sequence composition by profiling local short k-mers in fragments, are often faster but less accurate than alignment-based methods. Inspired by the success of linear error correcting codes in noisy channel communication, we introduce Opal, a fast and accurate novel compositional-based binning method. It incorporates ideas from Gallagers low-density parity-check code to design a family of compact and discriminative locality-sensitive hashing functions that encode long-range compositional dependencies in long fragments. By incorporating the Gallager LSH functions as features in a simple linear SVM, Opal provides fast, accurate and robust binning for datasets consisting of a large number of species, even with mutations and sequencing errors. Opal not only performs up to two orders of magnitude faster than BWA, an alignment-based binning method, but also achieves improved binning accuracy and robustness to sequencing errors. Opal also outperforms models built on traditional k-mer profiles in terms of robustness and accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate that we can effectively use Opal in the coarse search stage of a compressive genomics pipeline to identify a much smaller candidate set of taxonomic origins for a subsequent alignment-based method to analyze, thus providing metagenomic binning with high scalability, high accuracy and high resolution.
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