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The Recycler Electron Cooler (REC) was the first cooler working at a relativistic energy (gamma = 9.5). It was successfully developed in 1995-2004 and was in operation at Fermilab in 2005-2011, providing cooling of antiprotons in the Recycler ring. After introducing the physics of electron cooling and the REC system, this paper describes measurements carried out to tune the electron beam and optimize its cooling properties. In particular, we discuss the cooling strategy adopted for maximizing the collider integrated luminosity.
Application of electron cooling at ion energies above a few GeV has been limited due to reduction of electron cooling efficiency with energy and difficulty in producing and accelerating a high-current high-quality electron beam. A high-current storage-ring electron cooler offers a solution to both of these problems by maintaining high cooling beam quality through naturally-occurring synchrotron radiation damping of the electron beam. However, the range of ion energies where storage-ring electron cooling can be used has been limited by low electron beam damping rates at low ion energies and high equilibrium electron energy spread at high ion energies. This paper reports a development of a storage ring based cooler consisting of two sections with significantly different energies: the cooling and damping sections. The electron energy and other parameters in the cooling section are adjusted for optimum cooling of a stored ion beam. The beam parameters in the damping section are adjusted for optimum damping of the electron beam. The necessary energy difference is provided by an energy recovering SRF structure. A prototype linear optics of such storage-ring cooler and initial tracking simulations are presented and some potential issues such as coherent synchrotron radiation and beam break up are discussed.
Cooling of hadron beams is critically important in the next generation of hadron storage rings for delivery of unprecedented performance. One such application is the electron-ion collider presently under development in the US. The desire to develop electron coolers for operation at much higher energies than previously achieved necessitates the use of radio-frequency (RF) fields for acceleration as opposed to the conventional, electrostatic approach. While electron cooling is a mature technology at low energy utilizing a DC beam, RF acceleration requires the cooling beam to be bunched, thus extending the parameter space to an unexplored territory. It is important to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of cooling with electron bunches and further investigate how the relative time structure of the two beams affects the cooling properties; thus, a set of four pulsed-beam cooling experiments was carried out by a collaboration of Jefferson Lab and Institute of Modern Physics (IMP). The experiments have successfully demonstrated cooling with a beam of electron bunches in both the longitudinal and transverse directions for the first time. We have measured the effect of the electron bunch length and longitudinal ion focusing strength on the temporal evolution of the longitudinal and transverse ion beam profile and demonstrate that if the synchronization can be accurately maintained, the dynamics are not adversely affected by the change in time structure.
An electron cloud instability might limit the intensity in the Fermilab Recycler after the PIP-II upgrade. A multibunch instability typically develops in the horizontal plane within a hundred turns and, in certain conditions, leads to beam loss. Recent studies have indicated that the instability is caused by an electron cloud, trapped in the Recycler index dipole magnets. We developed an analytical model of an electron cloud driven instability with the electrons trapped in combined function dipoles. The resulting instability growth rate of about 30 revolutions is consistent with experimental observations and qualitatively agrees with the simulation in the PEI code. The model allows an estimation of the instability rate for the future intensity upgrades.
We report results of the beam commissioning and first operation of the 1.3 GHz superconducting RF electron linear accelerator at Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) facility. Construction of the linac was completed and the machine was commissioned with beam in 2017. The maximum total beam energy of about 300 MeV was achieved with the record energy gain of 250 MeV in the ILC-type SRF cryomodule. The photoinjector was tuned to produce trains of 200 pC bunches with a frequency of 3 MHz at a repetition rate of 1 Hz. This report describes the aspects of machine commissioning such as tuning of the SRF cryomodule and beam optics optimization. We also present highlights of an experimental program carried out parasitically during the two-month run, including studies of wake-fields, and advanced beam phase space manipulation.
FAST linear accelerator has been commissioned in 2017. Experimental program of the facility requires high quality beams with well-defined properties. Solenoidal fields at photoinjector, laser spot shape, space charge forces and other effects can distort beam distribution and introduce coupling. This work presents results of a beam phase space tomography for a coupled 4D case. Beam was rotated in two planes with seven quads by 180 degrees and images from YaG screen were used to perform SVD based reconstruction of the beam distribution.