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A direct probe of the variability of Coulomb correlation in Fe-pnictide superconductors

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 Added by Paolo Vilmercati
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We use core-valence-valence (CVV) Auger spectra to probe the Coulomb repulsion between holes in the valence band of Fe pnictide superconductors. By comparing the two-hole final state spectra to density functional theory calculations of the single particle density of states, we extract a measure of the electron correlations that exist in these systems. Our results show that the Coulomb repulsion is highly screened and can definitively be considered as weak. We also find that there are differences between the 1111 and 122 families and even a small variation as a function of the doping, x, in Ba(Fe1 xCox)2As2. We discuss how the values of the hole-hole Coulomb repulsion obtained from our study relate to the onsite Coulomb parameter U used in model and first principles calculations based on dynamical mean field theory, and establish an upper bound for its effective value. Our results impose stringent constraints on model based phase diagrams

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In this paper we discuss the normal and superconducting state properties of two pnictide superconductors, LaOFeAs and LaONiAs, using Migdal-Eliashberg theory and density functional perturbation theory. For pure LaOFeAs, the calculated electron-phonon coupling constant $lambda=0.21$ and logarithmic-averaged frequency $omega_{ln}=206 K$, give a maximum $T_c$ of 0.8 K, using the standard Migdal-Eliashberg theory. Inclusion of multiband effects increases the Tc only marginally. To reproduce the experimental $T_c$, a 5-6 times larger coupling constant would be needed. Our results indicate that standard electron-phonon coupling is not sufficient to explain superconductivity in the whole family of Fe-As based superconductors. At the same time, the electron-phonon coupling in Ni-As based compounds is much stronger and its normal and superconducting state properties can be well described by standard Migdal-Eliashberg theory.
Insight into the electronic structure of the pnictide family of superconductors is obtained from quantum oscillation measurements. Here we review experimental quantum oscillation data that reveal a transformation from large quasi-two dimensional electron and hole cylinders in the paramagnetic overdoped members of the pnictide family to significantly smaller three-dimensional Fermi surface sections in the antiferromagnetic parent members, via a potential quantum critical point at which an effective mass enhancement is observed. Similarities with the Fermi surface evolution from the overdoped to the underdoped normal state of the cuprate superconducting family are discussed, along with the enhancement in antiferromagnetic correlations in both these classes of materials, and the potential implications for superconductivity.
We investigate the origin of exoticity in Fe-based systems via studying the Fermiology of CaFe2As2 employing Angle Resolved Photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). While the Fermi surfaces (FSs) at 200 K and 31 K are observed to exhibit two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) topology, respectively, the FSs at intermediate temperatures reveal emergence of the 3D topology at much lower temperature than the structural & magnetic phase transition temperature (170 K, for the sample under scrutiny). This leads to the conclusion that the evolution of FS topology is not directly driven by the structural transition. In addition, we discover the existence in ambient conditions of energy bands related to the collapsed tetragonal (cT) phase. These bands are distinctly resolved in the high-photon energy spectra exhibiting strong Fe 3d character. They gradually move to higher binding energies due to thermal compression with cooling, leading to the emergence of 3D topology in the Fermi surface. These results reveal the so-far hidden existence of a cT phase in ambient conditions, which is argued to lead to quantum fluctuations responsible for the exotic electronic properties in Fe-pnictide superconductors.
Iron-based superconductivity develops near an antiferromagnetic order and out of a bad metal normal state, which has been interpreted as originating from a proximate Mott transition. Whether an actual Mott insulator can be realized in the phase diagram of the iron pnictides remains an open question. Here we use transport, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and neutron scattering to demonstrate that NaFe$_{1-x}$Cu$_x$As near $xapprox 0.5$ exhibits real space Fe and Cu ordering, and are antiferromagnetic insulators with the insulating behavior persisting above the Neel temperature, indicative of a Mott insulator. Upon decreasing $x$ from $0.5$, the antiferromagnetic ordered moment continuously decreases, yielding to superconductivity around $x=0.05$. Our discovery of a Mott insulating state in NaFe$_{1-x}$Cu$_x$As thus makes it the only known Fe-based material in which superconductivity can be smoothly connected to the Mott insulating state, highlighting the important role of electron correlations in the high-$T_{rm c}$ superconductivity.
We report on orbital-dependent quasiparticle dynamics in EuFe$_2$As$_2$, a parent compound of Fe-based superconductors and a novel way to experimentally identify this behavior, using time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy across the spin density wave transition. We observe two different relaxation time scales for photo-excited d$_x$$_z$/d$_y$$_z$ and d$_x$$_y$ electrons. While d$_x$$_z$/d$_y$$_z$ electrons relax faster through the electron-electron scattering channel, showing an itinerant character, d$_x$$_y$ electrons form a quasi-equilibrium state with the lattice due to their localized character, and the state decays slowly. Our findings suggest that electron correlation in Fe-pnictides is an important property, which should be taken into careful account when describing the electronic properties of both parent and electron-doped compounds, and therefore establish a strong connection with cuprates.
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