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We propose a setup for a quantitative test of the quantum fluctuation theorem. It consists of a quantum conductor, driven by an external voltage source, and a classical inductor-capacitor circuit. The work done on the system by the voltage source can be expressed by the classical degrees of freedom of the LC circuit, which are measurable by conventional techniques. In this way the circuit acts as a classical detector to perform measurements of the quantum conductor. We prove that this definition is consistent with the work fluctuation theorem. The system under consideration is effectively described by a Langevin equation with non-Gaussian white noise. Our analysis extends the proof of the fluctuation theorem to this situation.
We derive fluctuation-dissipation relations for a tunnel junction driven by a high impedance microwave resonator, displaying strong quantum fluctuations. We find that the fluctuation-dissipation relations derived for classical forces hold, provided the effect of the circuits quantum fluctuations is incorporated into a modified non-linear $I(V)$ curve. We also demonstrate that all quantities measured under a coherent time dependent bias can be reconstructed from their dc counterpart with a photo-assisted tunneling relation. We confirm these predictions by implementing the circuit and measuring the dc current through the junction, its high frequency admittance and its current noise at the frequency of the resonator.
We study experimentally work fluctuations in a Szilard engine that extracts work from information encoded as the occupancy of an electron level in a semiconductor quantum dot. We show that as the average work extracted per bit of information increases towards the Landauer limit $k_BT ln 2$, the work fluctuations decrease in accordance with the work fluctuation-dissipation relation. We compare the results to a protocol without measurement and feedback and show that when no information is used, the work output and fluctuations vanish simultaneously contrasting the information-to-energy conversion case where increasing amount of work is produced with decreasing fluctuations. Our work highlights the importance of fluctuations in the design of information-to-work conversion processes.
Performances of work-to-work conversion are studied for a dissipative nonlinear quantum system with two isochromatic phase-shifted drives. It is shown that for weak Ohmic damping simultaneous maximization of efficiency with finite power yield and low power fluctuations can be achieved. Optimal performances of these three quantities are accompanied by a shortfall of the trade-off bound recently introduced for classical thermal machines. This bound can be undercut down to zero for sufficiently low temperature and weak dissipation, where the non-Markovian quantum nature dominates. Analytic results are given for linear thermodynamics. These general features can persist in the nonlinear driving regime near to a maximum of the power yield and a minimum of the power fluctuations. This broadens the scope to a new operation field beyond linear response.
We consider a one-channel coherent conductor with a good transmission embedded into an ohmic environment whose impedance is equal to the quantum of resistance R_q=h/e^2 below the RC frequency. This choice is motivated by the mapping of this problem to a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid with one impurity whose interaction parameter corresponds to the specific value K=1/2, allowing for a refermionization procedure. The new fermions have an energy-dependent transmission amplitude which incorporates the strong correlation effects and yields the exact dc current and zero-frequency noise through expressions similar to those of the scattering approach. We recall and discuss these results for our present purpose. Then we compute, for the first time, the finite-frequency differential conductance and the finite-frequency non-symmetrized noise. Contrary to intuitive expectation, both cannot be expressed within the scattering approach for the new fermions, even though they are still determined by the transmission amplitude. Even more, the finite-frequency conductance obeys an exact relation in terms of the dc current which is similar to that derived perturbatively with respect to weak tunneling within the Tien-Gordon theory, and extended recently to arbitrary strongly interacting systems coupled eventually to an environment or/and with a fractional charge. We also show that the emission excess noise vanishes exactly above eV, even though the underlying Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid model corresponds to a many-body correlated system. Our results apply for all ranges of temperature, voltages and frequencies below the RC frequency, and they allow to explore fully the quantum regime.
Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) strongly modulate the shallow electric potential in piezoelectric materials. In semiconductor heterostructures such as GaAs/AlGaAs, SAWs can thus be employed to transfer individual electrons between distant quantum dots. This transfer mechanism makes SAW technologies a promising candidate to convey quantum information through a circuit of quantum logic gates. Here we present two essential building blocks of such a SAW-driven quantum circuit. First, we implement a directional coupler allowing to partition a flying electron arbitrarily into two paths of transportation. Second, we demonstrate a triggered single-electron source enabling synchronisation of the SAW-driven sending process. Exceeding a single-shot transfer efficiency of 99 %, we show that a SAW-driven integrated circuit is feasible with single electrons on a large scale. Our results pave the way to perform quantum logic operations with flying electron qubits.