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Maximally Localized Wannier Functions within the FLAPW formalism

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 Added by Frank Freimuth
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report on the implementation of the Wannier Functions (WFs) formalism within the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method (FLAPW), suitable for bulk, film and one-dimensional geometries. The details of the implementation, as well as results for the metallic SrVO3, ferroelectric BaTiO3 grown on SrTiO3, covalently bonded graphene and a one-dimensional Pt-chain are given. We discuss the effect of spin-orbit coupling on the Wannier Functions for the cases of SrVO3 and platinum. The dependency of the WFs on the choice of the localized trial orbitals as well as the difference between the maximally localized and first-guess WFs are discussed. Our results on SrVO3 and BaTiO3, e.g. the ferroelectric polarization of BaTiO3, are compared to results published elsewhere and found to be in excellent agreement.

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We review the formalisms of the self-consistent GW approximation to many-body perturbation theory and of the generation of optimally-localized Wannier functions from groups of energy bands. We show that the quasiparticle Bloch wave functions from such GW calculations can be used within this Wannier framework. These Wannier functions can be used to interpolate the many-body band structure from the coarse mesh of Brillouin zone points on which it is known from the initial calculation to the usual symmetry lines, and we demonstrate that this procedure is accurate and efficient for the self-consistent GW band structure. The resemblance of these Wannier functions to the bond orbitals discussed in the chemical community led us to expect differences between density-functional and many-body functions that could be qualitatively interpreted. However, the differences proved to be minimal in the cases studied. Detailed results are presented for SrTiO_3 and solid argon.
We investigate a recently developed approach [P. L. Silvestrelli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 053002 (2008); J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 5224 (2009)] that uses maximally localized Wannier functions to evaluate the van der Waals contribution to the total energy of a system calculated with density-functional theory. We test it on a set of atomic and molecular dimers of increasing complexity (argon, methane, ethene, benzene, phthalocyanine, and copper phthalocyanine) and demonstrate that the method, as originally proposed, has a number of shortcomings that hamper its predictive power. In order to overcome these problems, we have developed and implemented a number of improvements to the method and show that these modifications give rise to calculated binding energies and equilibrium geometries that are in closer agreement to results of quantum-chemical coupled-cluster calculations.
We present an implementaion of interface between the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave package Wien2k and the wannier90 code for the construction of maximally localized Wannier functions. The FORTRAN code and a documentation is made available and results are discussed for SrVO$_3$, Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (including spin-orbit coupling), LaFeAsO, and FeSb$_2$.
Maximally localized Wannier functions are localized orthogonal functions that can accurately represent given Bloch eigenstates of a periodic system at a low computational cost, thanks to the small size of each orbital. Tight-binding models based on the maximally localized Wannier functions obtained from different systems are often combined to construct tight-binding models for large systems such as a semi-infinite surface. However, the corresponding maximally localized Wannier functions in the overlapping region of different systems are not identical, and this discrepancy can introduce serious artifacts to the combined tight-binding model. Here, we propose two methods to seamlessly stitch two different tight-binding models that share some basis functions in common. First, we introduce a simple and efficient method: (i) finding the best matching maximally localized Wannier function pairs in the overlapping region belonging to the two tight-binding models, (ii) rotating the spin orientations of the two corresponding Wannier functions to make them parallel to each other, and (iii) making their overall phases equal. Second, we propose a more accurate and generally applicable method based on the iterative minimization of the difference between the Hamiltonian matrix elements in the overlapping region. We demonstrate our methods by applying them to the surfaces of diamond, GeTe, Bi$_2$Se$_3$, and TaAs. Our methods can be readily used to construct reliable tight-binding models for surfaces, interfaces, and defects.
We present Wannier90, a program for calculating maximally-localised Wannier functions (MLWF) from a set of Bloch energy bands that may or may not be attached to or mixed with other bands. The formalism works by minimising the total spread of the MLWF in real space. This done in the space of unitary matrices that describe rotations of the Bloch bands at each k-point. As a result, Wannier90 is independent of the basis set used in the underlying calculation to obtain the Bloch states. Therefore, it may be interfaced straightforwardly to any electronic structure code. The locality of MLWF can be exploited to compute band-structure, density of states and Fermi surfaces at modest computational cost. Furthermore, Wannier90 is able to output MLWF for visualisation and other post-processing purposes. Wannier functions are already used in a wide variety of applications. These include analysis of chemical bonding in real space; calculation of dielectric properties via the modern theory of polarisation; and as an accurate and minimal basis set in the construction of model Hamiltonians for large-scale systems, in linear-scaling quantum Monte Carlo calculations, and for efficient computation of material properties, such as the anomalous Hall coefficient. Wannier90 is freely available under the GNU General Public License from
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