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Distributional Schwarzschild Geometry from nonsmooth regularization via Horizon. Disributional Rindler spacetime with disributional Levi-Civit`a connection induced vacuum dominance.Unruh effect revisited

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 Added by Jaykov Foukzon
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper we leave the neighborhood of the singularity at the origin and turn to the singularity at the horizon. Using nonlinear superdistributional geometry and supergeneralized functions it seems possible to show that the horizon singularity is not only a coordinate singularity without leaving Schwarzschild coordinates. However the Tolman formula for the total energy $E$ of a static and asymptotically flat spacetime,gives $E=mc^2$, as it should be. New class Colombeau solutions to Einstein field equations is obtained.New class Colombeau solutions to Einstein field equations is obtained. The vacuum energy density of free scalar quantum field ${Phi}$ with a distributional background spacetime also is considered.It has been widely believed that, except in very extreme situations, the influence of acceleration on quantum fields should amount to just small, sub-dominant contributions. Here we argue that this belief is wrong by showing that in a Rindler distributional background spacetime with distributional Levi-Civit`a connection the vacuum energy of free quantum fields is forced, by the very same background distributional space-time such a Rindler distributional background space-time, to become dominant over any classical energy density component.This semiclassical gravity effect finds its roots in the singular behavior of quantum fields on a Rindler distributional space-times with distributional Levi-Civit`a connection. In particular we obtain that the vacuum fluctuations $<{Phi}^2({delta})>$ have a singular behavior at a Rindler horizon $delta = 0$.Therefore sufficiently strongly accelerated observer burns up near the Rindler horizon. Thus Polchinski account does not violate of the Einstein equivalence principle.

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163 - P. R. Silva 2013
A quantum vacuum, represented by a viscous fluid, is added to the Einstein vacuum, surrounding a spherical distribution of mass. This gives as a solution, in spherical coordinates, a Schwarzschild-like metric. The plot of g00 and g11 components of the metric, as a function of the radial coordinate, display the same qualitative behavior as that of the Schwarzschild metric. However, the temperature of the event horizon is equal to the Hawking temperature multiplied by a factor of two, while the entropy is equal to half of the Bekenstein one.
We prove the existence and uniqueness of Levi-Civita connections for strongly sigma-compatible pseudo-Riemannian metrics on tame differential calculi. Such pseudo-Riemannian metrics properly contain the classes of bilinear metrics as well as their conformal deformations. This extends the previous results in references 9 and 10. Star-compatibility of Levi-Civita connections for bilinear pseudo-Riemannian metrics are also discussed.
The vacuum expectation value of the current density for a charged scalar field is investigated in Rindler spacetime with a part of spatial dimensions compactified to a torus. It is assumed that the field is prepared in the Fulling-Rindler vacuum state. For general values of the phases in the periodicity conditions and the lengths of compact dimensions, the expressions are provided for the Hadamard function and vacuum currents. The current density along compact dimensions is a periodic function of the magnetic flux enclosed by those dimensions and vanishes on the Rindler horizon. The obtained results are compared with the corresponding currents in the Minkowski vacuum. The near-horizon and large-distance asymptotics are discussed for the vacuum currents around cylindrical black holes. In the near-horizon approximation the lengths of compact dimensions are determined by the horizon radius. At large distances from the horizon the geometry is approximated by a locally anti-de Sitter spacetime with toroidally compact dimensions and the lengths of compact dimensions are determined by negative cosmological constant.
This is the first of a series of papers in which we use analyticity properties of quantum fields propagating on a spacetime to uncover a new multiverse geometry when the classical geometry has horizons and/or singularities. The nature and origin of the multiverse idea presented in this paper, that is shared by the fields in the standard model coupled to gravity, is different from other notions of a multiverse. Via analyticity we are able to establish definite relations among the universes. In this paper we illustrate these properties for the extended Rindler space, while black hole spacetime and the cosmological geometry of mini-superspace (see Appendix B) will appear in later papers. In classical general relativity, extended Rindler space is equivalent to flat Minkowski space; it consists of the union of the four wedges in (u,v) light-cone coordinates as in Fig.(1). In quantum mechanics, the wavefunction is an analytic function of (u,v) that is sensitive to branch points at the horizons u=0 or v=0, with branch cuts attached to them. The wavefunction is uniquely defined by analyticity on an infinite number of sheets in the cut analytic (u,v) spacetime. This structure is naturally interpreted as an infinite stack of identical Minkowski geometries, or universes, connected to each other by analyticity across branch cuts, such that each sheet represents a different Minkowski universe when (u,v) are analytically continued to the real axis on any sheet. We show in this paper that, in the absence of interactions, information doesnt flow from one Rindler sheet to another. By contrast, for an eternal black hole spacetime, which may be viewed as a modification of Rindler that includes gravitational interactions, analyticity shows how information is lost due to a flow to other universes, enabled by an additional branch point and cut due to the black hole singularity.
112 - Michael Ibison 2010
We investigate the impact of singularities occurring at future times in solutions of the Friedmann equations expressed in conformal coordinates. We focus on the consequences of extending the time coordinate through the singularity for the physics of matter and radiation occupying just one side. Mostly this involves investigation of the relationship between the metric with line element ds^2 = a^2(t) * (dt^2 - dx^2) and time reversal symmetry within electrodynamics. It turns out compatibility between these two is possible only if there is a singular physical event at the time of the singularity or if the topology is not trivial. In both cases the singularity takes on the appearance of a time-like mirror. We are able to demonstrate a relationship between the broken time symmetry in electrodynamics characterized by retarded radiation and radiation reaction and the absolute conformal time relative to the time of the singularity, i.e. between the Electromagnetic and Cosmological arrows of time. It is determined that the Wheeler-Feynman reasoning but with the future absorber replaced by the Cosmological mirror leads to a conflict with observation unless matter is electromagnetically strongly bound to the environment.
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