الفكاهة والتصنيف يشكل تحديات لغوية مثيرة للاهتمام إلى NLP؛إنها ذاتية عالية اعتمادا على تصورات مزحة والسياق الذي يستخدم فيه.تستخدم هذه الورقة ويقارن نماذج المحولات؛Bert Base و Large، Bertweet، Roberta Base and Large، مفارقة قاعدة روبرتا، للكشف عن الفكاهة والفكاهة.النماذج المقترحة، حيث نظمت نصا في نوع غلاف وغير مقصود تم الحصول عليها من مهمة Semeval-2021: hahackathon: ربط الفكاهة والجريمة عبر الفئات العمرية المختلفة.أعلى نموذج مسجل في المراكب الفرعي الأول: الكشف عن الفكاهة، نموذج Bertweet Base CaseD مع 0.9540 F1-Score، للمرجع الفرعي الثاني: متوسط درجة التصنيف الفكاهي، فهو Bert Large Cased مع الحد الأدنى من RMSE من 0.5555، في المراكز الفرعية الرابعة:متوسط درجة تصنيف الاكتشاف، إنها نموذج Bertweet Base Cased مع الحد الأدنى من RMSE من 0.4822.
Humor detection and rating poses interesting linguistic challenges to NLP; it is highly subjective depending on the perceptions of a joke and the context in which it is used. This paper utilizes and compares transformers models; BERT base and Large, BERTweet, RoBERTa base and Large, and RoBERTa base irony, for detecting and rating humor and offense. The proposed models, where given a text in cased and uncased type obtained from SemEval-2021 Task7: HaHackathon: Linking Humor and Offense Across Different Age Groups. The highest scored model for the first subtask: Humor Detection, is BERTweet base cased model with 0.9540 F1-score, for the second subtask: Average Humor Rating Score, it is BERT Large cased with the minimum RMSE of 0.5555, for the fourth subtask: Average Offensiveness Rating Score, it is BERTweet base cased model with minimum RMSE of 0.4822.
References used
SemEval 2021 Task 7, HaHackathon, was the first shared task to combine the previously separate domains of humor detection and offense detection. We collected 10,000 texts from Twitter and the Kaggle Short Jokes dataset, and had each annotated for hum
The HaHackathon: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense'' task at the SemEval 2021 competition focuses on detecting and rating the humor level in sentences, as well as the level of offensiveness contained in these texts with humoristic tones. In this
This paper describes our contribution to SemEval-2021 Task 7: Detecting and Rating Humor and Of-fense.This task contains two sub-tasks, sub-task 1and sub-task 2. Among them, sub-task 1 containsthree sub-tasks, sub-task 1a ,sub-task 1b and sub-task 1c
This article introduces the submission of subtask 1 and subtask 2 that we participate in SemEval-2021 Task 7: HaHackathon: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense, we use a model based on ALBERT that uses ALBERT as the module for extracting text featu
This paper describes Humor-BERT, a set of BERT Large based models that we used in the SemEval-2021 Task 7: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense. It presents pre and post processing techniques, variable threshold learning, meta learning and Ensemble