The quantum field theory describing the massive O(2) nonlinear sigma-model is investigated through two non-perturbative constructions: The form factor bootstrap based on integrability and the lattice formulation as the XY model. The S-matrix, the spin and current two-point functions, as well as the 4-point coupling are computed and critically compared in both constructions. On the bootstrap side a new parafermionic super selection sector is found; in the lattice theory a recent prediction for the (logarithmic) decay of lattice artifacts is probed.
We develop a systematic DLCQ perturbation theory and show that DLCQ S-matrix does not have a covariant continuum limit for processes with $p^+=0$ exchange. This implies that the role of the zero mode is more subtle than ever considered in DLCQ and hence must be treated with great care also in non-perturbative approach. We also make a brief comment on DLCQ in string theory.
We show that all current formalisms for quarks in lattice QCD are consistent in the quenched continuum limit, as they should be. We improve on previous extrapolations to this limit, and the understanding of lattice systematic errors there, by using a constrained fit including both leading and sub-leading dependence on a.
We present a lattice-QCD calculation of the pion distribution amplitudes using large-momentum effective theory (LaMET). Our calculation is carried out using five ensembles with 2+1+1 flavors of highly improved staggered quarks (HISQ), generated by MILC collaboration, at 310 MeV and 220 MeV pion mass with 0.06, 0.09, 0.12 and 0.15 fm lattice spacings. We use clover fermion action for the valence quarks and tune the quark mass to match the lightest light and strange masses in the sea. The resulting lattice matrix elements are nonperturbatively renormalized in regularization-independent momentum-subtraction (RI/MOM) scheme and extrapolated to the continuum. We compare different approaches to extract the x-dependence of the pion distribution amplitudes.
We consider the 2d XY Model with topological lattice actions, which are invariant against small deformations of the field configuration. These actions constrain the angle between neighbouring spins by an upper bound, or they explicitly suppress vortices (and anti-vortices). Although topological actions do not have a classical limit, they still lead to the universal behaviour of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transition - at least up to moderate vortex suppression. Thus our study underscores the robustness of universality, which persists even when basic principles of classical physics are violated. In the massive phase, the analytically known Step Scaling Function (SSF) is reproduced in numerical simulations. In the massless phase, the BKT value of the critical exponent eta_c is confirmed. Hence, even though for some topological actions vortices cost zero energy, they still drive the standard BKT transition. In addition we identify a vortex-free transition point, which deviates from the BKT behaviour.
Evaluation of the continuum limit of the axial anomaly and index is sketched for the staggered overlap Dirac operator. There are new complications compared to the usual overlap case due to the distribution of the spin and flavor components around lattice hypercubes in the staggered formalism. The index is found to correctly reproduce the continuum index, but for the axial anomaly this is only true after averaging over the sites of a lattice hypercube.