It is likely that the holographic principle will be a consequence of the would be theory of quantum gravity. Thus, it is interesting to try to go in the opposite direction: can the holographic principle fix the gravitational interaction? It is shown that the classical gravitational interaction is well inside the set of potentials allowed by the holographic principle. Computations clarify which role such a principle could have in lowering the value of the cosmological constant computed in QFT to the observed one.
A scenario is proposed in which the matter-antimatter asymmetry behaves like a seed for the inflationary phase of the universe. The mechanism which makes this scenario plausible is the holographic principle: this scheme is supported by a good prediction of the number of e-folds. It seems that such a mechanism can only work in the presence of a Hagedorn-like phase transition. The issue of the graceful exit can also be naturally accounted for.
I give a critical review of the holographic hypothesis, which posits that a universe with gravity can be described by a quantum field theory in fewer dimensions. I first recall how the idea originated from considerations on black hole thermodynamics and the so-called information paradox that arises when Hawking radiation is taken into account. String Quantum Gravity tried to solve the puzzle using the AdS/CFT correspondence, according to which a black hole in a 5-D anti-de Sitter space is like a flat 4-D field of particles and radiation. Although such an interesting holographic property, also called gauge/gravity duality, has never been proved rigorously, it has impulsed a number of research programs in fields as diverse as nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, general relativity and cosmology. I finally discuss the pros and cons of the holographic conjecture, and emphasizes the key role played by black holes for understanding quantum gravity and possible dualities between distant fields of theoretical physics.
We review the hypothesis of the existence of gravitational magnetic monopoles (H-pole for short) defined in analogy with the Diracs hypothesis of magnetic monopoles in electrodynamics. These hypothetical dual particles violate the equivalence principle and are accelerated by a gravitational field. We propose an expression for the gravitational force exerted upon an H-pole. According to GR ordinary matter (which we call E-poles) follows geodesics in a background metric. The dual H-poles follows geodesics in an effective metric.
We find the series of example theories for which the relativistic limit of maximum tension $F_{max} = c^4/4G$ represented by the entropic force can be abolished. Among them the varying constants theories, some generalized entropy models applied both for cosmological and black hole horizons as well as some generalized uncertainty principle models.
We compute the static contribution to the gravitational interaction potential of two point masses in the velocity-independent five-loop (and 5th post-Newtonian) approximation to the harmonic coordinates effective action in a direct calculation. The computation is performed using effective field methods based on Feynman diagrams in momentum-space in $d = 3 - 2varepsilon$ space dimensions. We also reproduce the previous results including the 4th post-Newtonian order.