We show that for a particular choice of the coupling parameters the Ashkin-Teller spin-glass neural network model with the Hebb learning rule and one condensed pattern yields the same thermodynamic properties as the four-state anisotropic Potts-glass neural network model. This equivalence is not seen at the level of the Hamiltonians.
The thermodynamic and retrieval properties of the Ashkin-Teller neural network model storing an infinite number of patterns are examined in the replica-symmetric mean-field approximation. In particular, for linked patterns temperature-capacity phase diagrams are derived for different values of the two-neuron and four-neuron coupling strengths. This model can be considered as a particular non-trivial generalisation of the Hopfield model and exhibits a number of interesting new features. Some aspects of replica-symmetry breaking are discussed.
We perform numerical simulations, including parallel tempering, on the Potts glass model with binary random quenched couplings using the JANUS application-oriented computer. We find and characterize a glassy transition, estimating the location of the transition and the value of the critical exponents. We show that there is no ferromagnetic transition in a large temperature range around the glassy critical temperature. We also compare our results with those obtained recently on the random permutation Potts glass.
An Ashkin-Teller neural network, allowing for two types of neurons is considered in the case of low loading as a function of the strength of the respective couplings between these neurons. The storage and retrieval of embedded patterns built from the two types of neurons, with different degrees of (in)dependence is studied. In particular, thermodynamic properties including the existence and stability of Mattis states are discussed. Furthermore, the dynamic behaviour is examined by deriving flow equations for the macroscopic overlap. It is found that for linked patterns the model shows better retrieval properties than a corresponding Hopfield model.
It is known that a trained Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) on the binary Monte Carlo Ising spin configurations, generates a series of iterative reconstructed spin configurations which spontaneously flow and stabilize to the critical point of physical system. Here we construct a variety of Neural Network (NN) flows using the RBM and (variational) autoencoders, to study the q-state Potts and clock models on the square lattice for q = 2, 3, 4. The NN are trained on Monte Carlo spin configurations at various temperatures. We find that the trained NN flow does develop a stable point that coincides with critical point of the q-state spin models. The behavior of the NN flow is nontrivial and generative, since the training is unsupervised and without any prior knowledge about the critical point and the Hamiltonian of the underlying spin model. Moreover, we find that the convergence of the flow is independent of the types of NNs and spin models, hinting a universal behavior. Our results strengthen the potential applicability of the notion of the NN flow in studying various states of matter and offer additional evidence on the connection with the Renormalization Group flow.
We solve the q-state Potts model with anti-ferromagnetic interactions on large random lattices of finite coordination. Due to the frustration induced by the large loops and to the local tree-like structure of the lattice this model behaves as a mean field spin glass. We use the cavity method to compute the temperature-coordination phase diagram and to determine the location of the dynamic and static glass transitions, and of the Gardner instability. We show that for q>=4 the model possesses a phenomenology similar to the one observed in structural glasses. We also illustrate the links between the positive and the zero-temperature cavity approaches, and discuss the consequences for the coloring of random graphs. In particular we argue that in the colorable region the one-step replica symmetry breaking solution is stable towards more steps of replica symmetry breaking.