Phonon-assisted 2-magnon absorption is studied at T=4 K in the spin-1/2 two-leg ladders of Ca_14-x La_x Cu_24 O_41 (x=5 and 4) for polarization of the electrical field parallel to the legs and the rungs, respectively. Two peaks at about 2140 and 2800 1/cm reflect van-Hove singularities in the density of states of the strongly dispersing 2-magnon singlet bound state, and a broad peak at about 4000 1/cm is identified with the 2-magnon continuum. Two different theoretical approaches (Jordan-Wigner fermions and perturbation theory) describe the data very well for J_parallel = 1050 - 1100 1/cm and J_parallel / J_perp = 1 - 1.1. A striking similarity of the high-energy continuum absorption of the ladders and of the undoped high T_c cuprates is observed.
Momentum dependent charge excitations of a two-leg ladder are investigated by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of (La,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41. In contrast to the case of a square lattice, momentum dependence of the Mott gap excitation of the ladder exhibits little change upon hole-doping, indicating the formation of hole pairs. Theoretical calculation based on a Hubbard model qualitatively explains this feature. In addition, experimental data shows intraband excitation as continuum intensity below the Mott gap and it appears at all the momentum transfers simultaneously. The intensity of the intraband excitation is proportional to the hole concentration of the ladder, which is consistent with optical conductivity measurements.
Transmission and reflectivity of La_x Ca_14-x Cu_24 O_41 two-leg spin-1/2 ladders were measured in the mid-infrared regime between 500 and 12000 1/cm. This allows us to determine the optical conductivity sigma_1 directly and with high sensitivity. Here we show data for x=4 and 5 with the electrical field polarized parallel to the rungs (E||a) and to the legs (E||c). Three characteristic peaks are identified as magnetic excitations by comparison with two different theoretical calculations.
We derive a Hamiltonian for a two-leg ladder which includes an arbitrary number of charge and spin interactions. To illustrate this Hamiltonian we consider two examples and use a renormalization group technique to evaluate the ground state phases. The first example is a two-leg ladder with zigzagged legs. We find that increasing the number of interactions in such a two-leg ladder may result in a richer phase diagram, particularly at half-filling where a few exotic phases are possible when the number of interactions are large and the angle of the zigzag is small. In the second example we determine under which conditions a two-leg ladder at quarter-filling is able to support a Tomanaga-Luttinger liquid phase. We show that this is only possible when the spin interactions across the rungs are ferromagnetic. In both examples we focus on lithium purple bronze, a two-leg ladder with zigzagged legs which is though to support a Tomanaga-Luttinger liquid phase.
We consider the effects of Umklapp processes in doped two-leg fermionic ladders. These may emerge either at special band fillings or as a result of the presence of external periodic potentials. We show that such Umklapp processes can lead to profound changes of physical properties and in particular stabilize pair-density wave phases.
We study the dynamical spin response of doped two-leg Hubbard-like ladders in the framework of a low-energy effective field theory description given by the SO(6) Gross Neveu model. Using the integrability of the SO(6) Gross-Neveu model, we derive the low energy dynamical magnetic susceptibility. The susceptibility is characterized by an incommensurate coherent mode near $(pi,pi)$ and by broad two excitation scattering continua at other $k$-points. In our computation we are able to estimate the relative weights of these contributions. All calculations are performed using form-factor expansions which yield exact low energy results in the context of the SO(6) Gross-Neveu model. To employ this expansion, a number of hitherto undetermined form factors were computed. To do so, we developed a general approach for the computation of matrix elements of semi-local SO(6) Gross-Neveu operators. While our computation takes place in the context of SO(6) Gross-Neveu, we also consider the effects of perturbations away from an SO(6) symmetric model, showing that small perturbations at best quantitatively change the physics.