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Electron Spin Decoherence in Bulk and Quantum Well Zincblende Semiconductors

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 Added by Michael E. Flatte
 Publication date 2000
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A theory for longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) electron spin coherence times in zincblende semiconductor quantum wells is developed based on a non-perturbative nanostructure model solved in a fourteen-band restricted basis set. Distinctly different dependences of coherence times on mobility, quantization energy, and temperature are found from previous calculations. Quantitative agreement between our calculations and measurements is found for GaAs/AlGaAs, InGaAs/InP, and GaSb/AlSb quantum wells.

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Electronic structure calculations for layered zincblende semiconductors are described within a restricted basis formalism which naturally and non-perturbatively accomodates both crystalline inversion asymmetry and cubic anisotropy. These calculations are applied to calculate the electron spin decoherence times $T_1$ and $T_2$ due to precessional decoherence in quantum wells. Distinctly different dependences of spin coherence times on mobility, quantization energy, and temperature are found from perturbative calculations. Quantitative agreement between these calculations and experiments is found for GaAs/AlGaAs, InGaAs/InP, and GaSb/AlSb $(001)$-grown quantum wells. The electron spin coherence times for CdZnSe/ZnSe II-VI quantum wells are calculated, and calculations of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells appropiate for comparison with spin-LED structures are also presented.
We show that the piezoelectric effect that describes the emergence of an electric field in response to a crystal deformation in III-V semiconductors such as GaAs and InAs has strong contributions from second-order effects that have been neglected so far. We calculate the second-order piezoelectric tensors using density functional theory and obtain the piezoelectric field for [111]-oriented In$_x$Ga$_{1-x}$As quantum wells of realistic dimensions and concentration $x$. We find that the linear and the quadratic piezoelectric coefficients have the opposite effect on the field, and for large strains the quadratic terms even dominate. Thus, the piezoelectric field turns out to be a rare example of a physical quantity for which the first- and second-order contributions are of comparable magnitude.
127 - J. H. Jiang , M. W. Wu 2009
Electron spin relaxation in bulk III-V semiconductors is investigated from a fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equation approach where all relevant scatterings, such as, the electron--nonmagnetic-impurity, electron-phonon, electron-electron, electron-hole, and electron-hole exchange (the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism) scatterings are explicitly included. The Elliot-Yafet mechanism is also fully incorporated. This approach offers a way toward thorough understanding of electron spin relaxation both near and far away from the equilibrium in the metallic regime. The dependence of the spin relaxation time on electron density, temperature, initial spin polarization, photo-excitation density, and hole density are studied thoroughly with the underlying physics analyzed. In contrast to the previous investigations in the literature, we find that: (i) In $n$-type materials, the Elliot-Yafet mechanism is {em less} important than the Dyakonov-Perel mechanism, even for the narrow band-gap semiconductors such as InSb and InAs. (ii) The density dependence of the spin relaxation time is nonmonotonic and we predict a {em peak} in the metallic regime in both $n$-type and intrinsic materials. (iii) In intrinsic materials, the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism is found to be negligible compared with the Dyakonov-Perel mechanism. We also predict a peak in the temperature dependence of spin relaxation time which is due to the nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the electron-electron Coulomb scattering in intrinsic materials with small initial spin polarization. (iv) In $p$-type III-V semiconductors, ...... (the remaining is omitted here due to the limit of space)
We use a recently developed self-consistent $GW$ approximation to present systematic emph{ab initio} calculations of the conduction band spin splitting in III-V and II-V zincblende semiconductors. The spin orbit interaction is taken into account as a perturbation to the scalar relativistic hamiltonian. These are the first calculations of conduction band spin splittings based on a quasiparticle approach; and because the self-consistent $GW$ scheme accurately reproduces the relevant band parameters, it is expected to be a reliable predictor of spin splittings. The results are compared to the few available experimental data and a previous calculation based on a model one-particle potential. We also briefly address the widely used {bf k}$cdot${bf p} parameterization in the context of these results.
In this article we review our work on the dynamics and decoherence of electron and hole spins in single and double quantum dots. The first part, on electron spins, focuses on decoherence induced via the hyperfine interaction while the second part covers decoherence and relaxation of heavy-hole spins due to spin-orbit interaction as well as the manipulation of heavy-hole spin using electric dipole spin resonance.
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