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We report on R_c and K band observations of the optical counterpart to GRB 970508 with the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory (FLWO) 1.2m telescope. Eleven R_c-band observations were obtained on 1997 May 12, and three on May14. The counterpart clearly faded between the two nights. On May 12 there was no evidence for variability (<9%) on 10-70 minute time scales based on 11 R_c-band observations. On May 19 a one hour observation set a limit on the K magnitude of K>18.2. Comparison of these data points with those obtained by other authors shows that the decay of the optical counterpart can be well fitted by a power law of the form f ~ t**-alpha where alpha = 1.22 +/- 0.03 with occasional fluctuations superposed. We note that the decay of the optical counterpart to another burst, GRB 970228, can also be well fitted with a power law with exponent alpha = 1.0/+0.2/-0.5 with occasional fluctuations superposed. These two decay light curves are remarkably similar in form to that predicted by cosmic-fireball models.
The location accuracy of the BeppoSAX Wide Field Cameras and acute ground-based followup have led to the detection of a decaying afterglow in X rays and optical light following the classical gamma-ray burst GRB 970228. The afterglow in X rays and optical light fades as a power law at all wavelengths. This behaviour was predicted for a relativistic blast wave that radiates its energy when it decelerates by ploughing into the surrounding medium. Because the afterglow has continued with unchanged behaviour for more than a month, its total energy must be of order 10**51 erg, placing it firmly at a redshift of order 1. Further tests of the model are discussed, some of which can be done with available data, and implications for future observing strategies are pointed out. We discuss how the afterglow can provide a probe for the nature of the burst sources.
Visible afterglow counterparts have now been detected for two GRBs (970228 and 970508) but are absent, with $L_{opt}/L_{gamma}$ ratios at least two orders of magnitude lower, for other GRBs, e.g., 970828. The causes of this variation are unknown. Any correspondence which could be discovered between the gamma-ray properties of a GRB and its $L_{opt}/L_{gamma}$ would be useful, both in determining the GRB mechanisms, and in allocating resources for counterpart searches and studies. This paper presents the gamma-ray spectra of GRB 970228 as measured by the Transient Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and comments on characteristics of this GRB compared to others that do and do not have observable counterparts.
The typical detection rate of $sim1$ gamma-ray burst (GRB) per day by the emph{Fermi} Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) provides a valuable opportunity to further our understanding of GRB physics. However, the large uncertainty of the emph{Fermi} localization typically prevents rapid identification of multi-wavelength counterparts. We report the follow-up of 93 emph{Fermi} GRBs with the Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO) prototype on La Palma. We selected 53 events (based on favourable observing conditions) for detailed analysis, and to demonstrate our strategy of searching for optical counterparts. We apply a filtering process consisting of both automated and manual steps to 60,085 candidates initially, rejecting all but 29, arising from 15 events. With $approx3$ GRB afterglows expected to be detectable with GOTO from our sample, most of the candidates are unlikely to be related to the GRBs. Since we did not have multiple observations for those candidates, we cannot confidently confirm the association between the transients and the GRBs. Our results show that GOTO can effectively search for GRB optical counterparts thanks to its large field of view of $approx40$ square degrees and its depth of $approx20$ mag. We also detail several methods to improve our overall performance for future follow-up programs of emph{Fermi} GRBs.
We explore galaxy properties in general and properties of host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in particular, using N-body/Eulerian hydrodynamic simulations and the stellar population synthesis model, Starburst99, to infer observable properties. We identify simulated galaxies that have optical star formation rate (SFR) and SFR-to-luminosity ratio similar to those observed in a well-defined sample of ten host galaxies. Each of the numerical counterparts are found in catalogs at the same redshifts as the observed hosts. The counterparts are found to be low-mass galaxies, with low mass-to-light ratio, recent epoch of formation, and high ratio between the SFR and the average of the SFR. When compared to the overall galaxy population, they have colors much bluer than the high-mass star-forming galaxy population. Although their SFRs span a range of values, the specific rates of the numerical counterparts are equal to or higher than the median values estimated at the different redshifts. We also emphasize the strong relationships between the specific star formation rate (SFR) and quantities known to reflect the star formation history of galaxies, i.e. color and mass-to-light ratio: At intermediate redshift, the faintest and bluest galaxies are also the objects with the highest specific rates. These results suggest that GRB host galaxies are likely to be drawn from the high specific SFR sub-population of galaxies, rather than the high SFR galaxy population. Finally, as indicated by our catalogs, in an extended sample, the majority of GRB host galaxies is expected to have specific SFRs higher than found in the magnitude-limited sample studied here.
We better determine the spectral flux distribution of the supernova candidate associated with GRB 970228 by modeling the spectral flux distribution of the host galaxy of this burst, fitting this model to measurements of the host galaxy, and using the fitted model to better subtract out the contribution of the host galaxy to measurements of the afterglow of this burst.