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The ability to test the nature of dark mass-energy components in the universe through large-scale structure studies hinges on accurate predictions of sky survey expectations within a given world model. Numerical simulations predict key survey signatures with varying degrees of confidence, limited mainly by the complex astrophysics of galaxy formation. As surveys grow in size and scale, systematic uncertainties in theoretical modeling can become dominant. Dark energy studies will challenge the computational cosmology community to critically assess current techniques, develop new approaches to maximize accuracy, and establish new tools and practices to efficiently employ globally networked computing resources.
This paper investigates the reproducibility of computational science research and identifies key challenges facing the community today. It is the result of the First Summer School on Experimental Methodology in Computational Science Research ( First, we consider how to reproduce experiments that involve human subjects, and in particular how to deal with different ethics requirements at different institutions. Second, we look at whether parallel and distributed computational experiments are more or less reproducible than serial ones. Third, we consider reproducible computational experiments from fields outside computer science. Our final case study looks at whether reproducibility for one researcher is the same as for another, by having an author attempt to have others reproduce their own, reproducible, paper. This paper is open, executable and reproducible: the whole process of writing this paper is captured in the source control repository hosting both the source of the paper, supplementary codes and data; we are providing setup for several experiments on which we were working; finally, we try to describe what we have achieved during the week of the school in a way that others may reproduce (and hopefully improve) our experiments.
The Dark Energy Survey (DES) will use a new imaging camera on the Blanco 4-m telescope at CTIO to image 5000 square degrees of sky in the South Galactic Cap in four optical bands, and to carry out repeat imaging over a smaller area to identify and measure lightcurves of Type Ia supernovae. The main imaging area overlaps the planned Sunyaev-Zeldovich survey of the South Pole Telescope. The idea behind DES is to use four distinct and largely independent methods to probe the properties of dark energy: baryon oscillations of the power spectrum, abundance and spatial distribution of clusters, weak gravitational lensing, and Type Ia supernovae. This white paper outlines, in broad terms, some of the theoretical issues associated with the first three of these probes (the issues for supernovae are mostly different in character), and with the general task of characterizing dark energy and distinguishing it from alternative explanations for cosmic acceleration. A companion white paper discusses the kind of numerical simulations and other theoretical tools that will be needed to address the these issues and to create mock catalogs that allow end-to-end tests of analysis procedures. Although we have been thinking about these problems in the specific context of DES, many of them are also relevant to other planned dark energy studies.
The Nobel Prize winning confirmation in 1998 of the accelerated expansion of our Universe put into sharp focus the need of a consistent theoretical model to explain the origin of this acceleration. As a result over the past two decades there has been a huge theoretical and observational effort into improving our understanding of the Universe. The cosmological equations describing the dynamics of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe are systems of ordinary differential equations, and one of the most elegant ways these can be investigated is by casting them into the form of dynamical systems. This allows the use of powerful analytical and numerical methods to gain a quantitative understanding of the cosmological dynamics derived by the models under study. In this review we apply these techniques to cosmology. We begin with a brief introduction to dynamical systems, fixed points, linear stability theory, Lyapunov stability, centre manifold theory and more advanced topics relating to the global structure of the solutions. Using this machinery we then analyse a large number of cosmological models and show how the stability conditions allow them to be tightly constrained and even ruled out on purely theoretical grounds. We are also able to identify those models which deserve further in depth investigation through comparison with observational data. This review is a comprehensive and detailed study of dynamical systems applications to cosmological models focusing on the late-time behaviour of our Universe, and in particular on its accelerated expansion. In self contained sections we present a large number of models ranging from canonical and non-canonical scalar fields, interacting models and non-scalar field models through to modified gravity scenarios. Selected models are discussed in detail and interpreted in the context of late-time cosmology.
Kination dominated quintessence models of dark energy have the intriguing feature that the relic abundance of thermal cold dark matter can be significantly enhanced compared to the predictions from standard cosmology. Previous treatments of such models do not include a realistic embedding of inflationary initial conditions. We remedy this situation by constructing a viable inflationary model in which the inflaton and quintessence field are the same scalar degree of freedom. Kination domination is achieved after inflation through a strong push or kick of the inflaton, and sufficient reheating can be achieved depending on model parameters. This allows us to explore both model-dependent and model-independent cosmological predictions of this scenario. We find that measurements of the B-mode CMB polarization can rule out this class of scenarios almost model independently. We also discuss other experimentally accessible signatures for this class of models.
The negative pressure accompanying gravitationally-induced particle creation can lead to a cold dark matter (CDM) dominated, accelerating Universe (Lima et al. 1996) without requiring the presence of dark energy or a cosmological constant. In a recent study Lima et al. (2008, LSS) demonstrated that particle creation driven cosmological models are capable of accounting for the SNIa observations of the recent transition from a decelerating to an accelerating Universe. Here we test the evolution of such models at high redshift using the constraint on z_eq, the redshift of the epoch of matter radiation equality, provided by the WMAP constraints on the early Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. Since the contribution of baryons and radiation was ignored in the work of LSS, we include them in our study of this class of models. The parameters of these more realistic models with continuous creation of CDM is tested and constrained at widely-separated epochs (z = z_eq and z = 0) in the evolution of the Universe. This comparison reveals a tension between the high redshift CMB constraint on z_eq and that which follows from the low redshift SNIa data, challenging the viability of this class of models.