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The near-IR luminosity-metallicity relationship for dwarf irregular galaxies

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 Added by Ivo Saviane
 Publication date 2003
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Ivo Saviane

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We briefly describe our on-going investigation of the near-IR luminosity-metallicity relationship for dwarf irregular galaxies in nearby groups of galaxies. The motivations of the project and the observational databases are introduced, and a preliminary result is presented. The 12+log(O/H) vs.H plane must be populated with more low-luminosity galaxies before a definite conclusion can be drawn.

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105 - Ivo Saviane 2005
We report on the recent developments of our long-term investigation of the near-IR luminosity-metallicity relation for dwarf irregular galaxies in nearby groups. A very well-defined relation is emerging from our observational database, and a preliminary discussion of its implications is given.
The stellar halos of spiral galaxies bear important chemo-dynamical signatures of galaxy formation. We present here the analysis of 89 semi-cosmological spiral galaxy simulations, spanning ~ 4 magnitudes in total galactic luminosity. These simulations sample a wide variety of merging histories and show significant dispersion in halo metallicity at a given total luminosity - more than a factor of ten in metallicity. Our preliminary analysis suggests that galaxies with a more extended merging history possess halos which have younger and more metal rich stellar populations than the stellar halos associated with galaxies with a more abbreviated assembly. A correlation between halo metallicity and its surface brightness has also been found, reflecting the correlation between halo metallicity and its stellar mass. Our simulations are compared with recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of resolved stellar halos in nearby spirals.
123 - Ivo Saviane 2008
(abridged) The present work is a first step to collect homogeneous abundances and near-infrared (NIR) luminosities for a sample of dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies, located in nearby groups. The use of NIR luminosities is intended to provide a better proxy to mass than the blue luminosities commonly used in the literature; in addition, selecting group members reduces the impact of uncertain distances. Accurate abundances are derived to assess the galaxy metallicity. Optical spectra are collected for Hii regions in the dIrrs, allowing the determination of oxygen abundances by means of the temperature-sensitive method. For each dIrr galaxy H-band imaging is performed and the total magnitudes are measured via surface photometry. This high-quality database allows us to build a well-defined luminosity-metallicity relation in the range -13 >= M(H) >= -20. The scatter around its linear fit is reduced to 0.11 dex, the lowest of all relations currently available. There might exist a difference between the relation for dIrrs and the relation for giant galaxies, although a firm conclusion should await direct abundance determinations for a significant sample of massive galaxies. This new dataset provides an improved luminosity-metallicity relation, based on a standard NIR band, for dwarf star-forming galaxies. The relation can now be compared with some confidence to the predictions of models of galaxy evolution. Exciting follow-ups of this work are (a) exploring groups with higher densities, (b) exploring nearby galaxy clusters to probe environmental effects on the luminosity-metallicity relation, and (c) deriving direct oxygen abundances in the central regions of star-forming giant galaxies, to settle the question of a possible dichotomy between the chemical evolution of dwarfs and that of massive galaxies.
214 - John J. Salzer 2005
We explore the galaxian luminosity-metallicity (L-Z) relationship in both the optical and the near-IR using a combination of optical photometric and spectroscopic observations from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) and near-infrared photometry from the Two-micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). We supplement the 2MASS data with our own NIR photometry for a small number of lower-luminosity ELGs that are under-represented in the 2MASS database. Our B-band L-Z relationship includes 765 star-forming KISS galaxies with coarse abundance estimates from our follow-up spectra, while the correlation with KISS and 2MASS yields a total of 420 galaxies in our J-band L-Z relationship. We explore the effect that changing the correlation between the strong-line abundance diagnostic R_23 and metallicity has on the derived L-Z relation. We find that the slope of the L-Z relationship decreases as the wavelength of the luminosity bandpass increases. We interpret this as being, at least in part, an effect of internal absorption in the host galaxy. Furthermore, the dispersion in the L-Z relation decreases for the NIR bands, suggesting that variations in internal absorption contribute significantly to the observed scatter. We propose that our NIR L-Z relations are more fundamental than the B-band relation, since they are largely free of absorption effects and the NIR luminosities are more directly related to the stellar mass of the galaxy than are the optical luminosities.
We explore the origin of stellar metallicity gradients in simulated and observed dwarf galaxies. We use FIRE-2 cosmological baryonic zoom-in simulations of 26 isolated galaxies as well as existing observational data for 10 Local Group dwarf galaxies. Our simulated galaxies have stellar masses between $10^{5.5}$ and $10^{8.6} msun$. Whilst gas-phase metallicty gradients are generally weak in our simulated galaxies, we find that stellar metallicity gradients are common, with central regions tending to be more metal-rich than the outer parts. The strength of the gradient is correlated with galaxy-wide median stellar age, such that galaxies with younger stellar populations have flatter gradients. Stellar metallicty gradients are set by two competing processes: (1) the steady puffing of old, metal-poor stars by feedback-driven potential fluctuations, and (2) the accretion of extended, metal-rich gas at late times, which fuels late-time metal-rich star formation. If recent star formation dominates, then extended, metal-rich star formation washes out pre-existing gradients from the puffing process. We use published results from ten Local Group dwarf galaxies to show that a similar relationship between age and stellar metallicity-gradient strength exists among real dwarfs. This suggests that observed stellar metallicity gradients may be driven largely by the baryon/feedback cycle rather than by external environmental effects.
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