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Origin and Destiny of Dark Matter Halos: Cosmological Matter Exchange and Metal Enrichment

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 Added by Tsafrir Kolatt
 Publication date 2000
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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[Abridged] We analyze the exchange of dark matter between halos, subhalos, and their environments in a high-resolution cosmological N-body simulation of a Lambda CDM cosmology. At each analyzed redshift z we divide the dark matter particles into 4 components: (i) isolated galactic halos, (ii) subhalos, (iii) the diffuse medium of group and cluster halos, and (iv) the background outside of virialized halos. We follow the time evolution of the mass distribution and flows between these components and provide fitting functions for the exchange rates. We use our derived exchange rates to gauge the importance of metal redistribution in the universe due solely to gravity-induced interactions. The diffuse metallicity in clusters is predicted to be ~40% that in isolated galaxies (~55% of groups) at z=0, and should be lower only slightly by z=1, consistent with observations. The metallicity of the diffuse media in poor groups is expected to be lower by a factor of 5 by z~2, in agreement with the observed metallicity of damped Ly$alpha$ systems. The metallicity of the background IGM is predicted to be (1-3)x10^{-4} that of z=0 clusters, also consistent with observations. The agreement of predicted and observed trends indicates that gravitational interaction alone may play an important role in metal enrichment of the intra-cluster and intergalactic media.

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We investigate the effect of dark energy on the density profiles of dark matter haloes with a suite of cosmological N-body simulations and use our results to test analytic models. We consider constant equation of state models, and allow both w>-1 and w<-1. Using five simulations with w ranging from -1.5 to -0.5, and with more than ~1600 well-resolved haloes each, we show that the halo concentration model of Bullock et al. (2001) accurately predicts the median concentrations of haloes over the range of w, halo masses, and redshifts that we are capable of probing. We find that the Bullock et al. (2001) model works best when halo masses and concentrations are defined relative to an outer radius set by a cosmology-dependent virial overdensity. For a fixed power spectrum normalization and fixed-mass haloes, larger values of w lead to higher concentrations and higher halo central densities, both because collapse occurs earlier and because haloes have higher virial densities. While precise predictions of halo densities are quite sensitive to various uncertainties, we make broad comparisons to galaxy rotation curve data. At fixed power spectrum normalization (fixed sigma_8), w>-1 quintessence models seem to exacerbate the central density problem relative to the standard w=-1 model. Meanwhile w<-1 models help to reduce the apparent discrepancy. We confirm that the Jenkins et al. (2001) halo mass function provides an excellent approximation to the abundance of haloes in our simulations and extend its region of validity to include models with w<-1.
107 - Cesar Gomez , Raul Jimenez 2020
A promising candidate for cold dark matter is primordial black holes (PBH) formed from strong primordial quantum fluctuations. A necessary condition for the formation of PBHs is a change of sign in the tilt governing the anomalous scale invariance of the power spectrum from red at large scales into blue at small scales. Non-perturbative information on the dependence of the power spectrum tilt on energy scale can be extracted from the quantum Fisher information measuring the energy dependence of the quantum phases defining the de Sitter vacua. We show that this non-perturbative quantum tilt goes from a red tilted phase, at large scales, into a blue tilted phase at small scales converging to $n_s=2$ in the UV. This allows the formation of PBHs in the range of masses $lesssim 10^{20} gr$.
84 - M. Vitvitska 2001
We propose a new explanation for the origin of angular momentum in galaxies and their dark halos, in which the halos obtain their spin through the cumulative acquisition of angular momentum from satellite accretion. In our model, the build-up of angular momentum is a random walk process associated with the mass assembly history of the halos major progenitor. We assume no correlation between the angular momenta of accreted objects. Using the extended Press-Schechter approximation, we calculate the growth of mass, angular momentum, and spin parameter $lambda$ for many halos. Our random walk model reproduces the key features of the angular momentum of halos found in N-body simulations: a lognormal distribution in $lambda$ with an average of $<lambda> approx 0.04$, independent of mass and redshift. The evolution of the spin parameter in individual halos in this model is quite different from the steady increase with time of angular momentum in the tidal torque picture. We find both in N-body simulations and in our random walk model that the value of $lambda$ changes significantly with time for a halos major progenitor. It typically has a sharp increase due to major mergers, and a steady decline during periods of gradual accretion of small satellites. The model predicts that on average the $lambda$ of halos which had major mergers after redshift $z=2$ should be substantially larger than the $lambda$ of those which did not. Perhaps surprisingly, this suggests that halos that host late-forming elliptical galaxies should rotate faster than halos of spiral galaxies.
296 - C. Alard 2012
This papers explores the self similar solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system and their relation to the gravitational collapse of dynamically cold systems. Analytic solutions are derived for power law potential in one dimension, and extensions of these solutions in three dimensions are proposed. Next the self similarity of the collapse of cold dynamical systems is investigated numerically. The fold system in phase space is consistent with analytic self similar solutions, the solutions present all the proper self-similar scalings. An additional point is the appearance of an $x^{-(1/2)}$ law at the center of the system for initial conditions with power law index larger than $-(1/2)$. It is found that the first appearance of the $x^{-(1/2)}$ law corresponds to the formation of a singularity very close to the center. Finally the general properties of self similar multi dimensional solutions near equilibrium are investigated. Smooth and continuous self similar solutions have power law behavior at equilibrium. However cold initial conditions result in discontinuous phase space solutions, and the smoothed phase space density looses its auto similar properties. This problem is easily solved by observing that the probability distribution of the phase space density $P$ is identical except for scaling parameters to the probability distribution of the smoothed phase space density $P_S$. As a consequence $P_S$ inherit the self similar properties of $P$. This particular property is at the origin of the universal power law observed in numerical simulation for ${rho}/{sigma^3}$. The self similar properties of $P_S$ implies that other quantities should have also an universal power law behavior with predictable exponents. This hypothesis is tested using a numerical model of the phase space density of cold dark matter halos, an excellent agreement is obtained.
We present a test to quantify how well some approximate methods, designed to reproduce the mildly non-linear evolution of perturbations, are able to reproduce the clustering of DM halos once the grouping of particles into halos is defined and kept fixed. The following methods have been considered: Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT) up to third order, Truncated LPT, Augmented LPT, MUSCLE and COLA. The test runs as follows: halos are defined by applying a friends-of-friends (FoF) halo finder to the output of an N-body simulation. The approximate methods are then applied to the same initial conditions of the simulation, producing for all particles displacements from their starting position and velocities. The position and velocity of each halo are computed by averaging over the particles that belong to that halo, according to the FoF halo finder. This procedure allows us to perform a well-posed test of how clustering of the matter density and halo density fields are recovered, without asking to the approximate method an accurate reconstruction of halos. We have considered the results at $z=0,0.5,1$, and we have analysed power spectrum in real and redshift space, object-by-object difference in position and velocity, density Probability Distribution Function (PDF) and its moments, phase difference of Fourier modes. We find that higher LPT orders are generally able to better reproduce the clustering of halos, while little or no improvement is found for the matter density field when going to 2LPT and 3LPT. Augmentation provides some improvement when coupled with 2LPT, while its effect is limited when coupled with 3LPT. Little improvement is brought by MUSCLE with respect to Augmentation. The more expensive particle-mesh code COLA outperforms all LPT methods [abridged]
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