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Spatially and color consistent environment lighting estimation using deep neural networks for mixed reality

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 Added by Bruno Marques
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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The representation of consistent mixed reality (XR) environments requires adequate real and virtual illumination composition in real-time. Estimating the lighting of a real scenario is still a challenge. Due to the ill-posed nature of the problem, classical inverse-rendering techniques tackle the problem for simple lighting setups. However, those assumptions do not satisfy the current state-of-art in computer graphics and XR applications. While many recent works solve the problem using machine learning techniques to estimate the environment light and scenes materials, most of them are limited to geometry or previous knowledge. This paper presents a CNN-based model to estimate complex lighting for mixed reality environments with no previous information about the scene. We model the environment illumination using a set of spherical harmonics (SH) environment lighting, capable of efficiently represent area lighting. We propose a new CNN architecture that inputs an RGB image and recognizes, in real-time, the environment lighting. Unlike previous CNN-based lighting estimation methods, we propose using a highly optimized deep neural network architecture, with a reduced number of parameters, that can learn high complex lighting scenarios from real-world high-dynamic-range (HDR) environment images. We show in the experiments that the CNN architecture can predict the environment lighting with an average mean squared error (MSE) of um{7.85e-04} when comparing SH lighting coefficients. We validate our model in a variety of mixed reality scenarios. Furthermore, we present qualitative results comparing relights of real-world scenes.

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We present a deep learning solution for estimating the incident illumination at any 3D location within a scene from an input narrow-baseline stereo image pair. Previous approaches for predicting global illumination from images either predict just a single illumination for the entire scene, or separately estimate the illumination at each 3D location without enforcing that the predictions are consistent with the same 3D scene. Instead, we propose a deep learning model that estimates a 3D volumetric RGBA model of a scene, including content outside the observed field of view, and then uses standard volume rendering to estimate the incident illumination at any 3D location within that volume. Our model is trained without any ground truth 3D data and only requires a held-out perspective view near the input stereo pair and a spherical panorama taken within each scene as supervision, as opposed to prior methods for spatially-varying lighting estimation, which require ground truth scene geometry for training. We demonstrate that our method can predict consistent spatially-varying lighting that is convincing enough to plausibly relight and insert highly specular virtual objects into real images.
Photo retouching enables photographers to invoke dramatic visual impressions by artistically enhancing their photos through stylistic color and tone adjustments. However, it is also a time-consuming and challenging task that requires advanced skills beyond the abilities of casual photographers. Using an automated algorithm is an appealing alternative to manual work but such an algorithm faces many hurdles. Many photographic styles rely on subtle adjustments that depend on the image content and even its semantics. Further, these adjustments are often spatially varying. Because of these characteristics, existing automatic algorithms are still limited and cover only a subset of these challenges. Recently, deep machine learning has shown unique abilities to address hard problems that resisted machine algorithms for long. This motivated us to explore the use of deep learning in the context of photo editing. In this paper, we explain how to formulate the automatic photo adjustment problem in a way suitable for this approach. We also introduce an image descriptor that accounts for the local semantics of an image. Our experiments demonstrate that our deep learning formulation applied using these descriptors successfully capture sophisticated photographic styles. In particular and unlike previous techniques, it can model local adjustments that depend on the image semantics. We show on several examples that this yields results that are qualitatively and quantitatively better than previous work.
We propose a real-time method to estimate spatiallyvarying indoor lighting from a single RGB image. Given an image and a 2D location in that image, our CNN estimates a 5th order spherical harmonic representation of the lighting at the given location in less than 20ms on a laptop mobile graphics card. While existing approaches estimate a single, global lighting representation or require depth as input, our method reasons about local lighting without requiring any geometry information. We demonstrate, through quantitative experiments including a user study, that our results achieve lower lighting estimation errors and are preferred by users over the state-of-the-art. Our approach can be used directly for augmented reality applications, where a virtual object is relit realistically at any position in the scene in real-time.
We present a data-driven inference method that can synthesize a photorealistic texture map of a complete 3D face model given a partial 2D view of a person in the wild. After an initial estimation of shape and low-frequency albedo, we compute a high-frequency partial texture map, without the shading component, of the visible face area. To extract the fine appearance details from this incomplete input, we introduce a multi-scale detail analysis technique based on mid-layer feature correlations extracted from a deep convolutional neural network. We demonstrate that fitting a convex combination of feature correlations from a high-resolution face database can yield a semantically plausible facial detail description of the entire face. A complete and photorealistic texture map can then be synthesized by iteratively optimizing for the reconstructed feature correlations. Using these high-resolution textures and a commercial rendering framework, we can produce high-fidelity 3D renderings that are visually comparable to those obtained with state-of-the-art multi-view face capture systems. We demonstrate successful face reconstructions from a wide range of low resolution input images, including those of historical figures. In addition to extensive evaluations, we validate the realism of our results using a crowdsourced user study.
We present a learning-based method to infer plausible high dynamic range (HDR), omnidirectional illumination given an unconstrained, low dynamic range (LDR) image from a mobile phone camera with a limited field of view (FOV). For training data, we collect videos of various reflective spheres placed within the cameras FOV, leaving most of the background unoccluded, leveraging that materials with diverse reflectance functions reveal different lighting cues in a single exposure. We train a deep neural network to regress from the LDR background image to HDR lighting by matching the LDR ground truth sphere images to those rendered with the predicted illumination using image-based relighting, which is differentiable. Our inference runs at interactive frame rates on a mobile device, enabling realistic rendering of virtual objects into real scenes for mobile mixed reality. Training on automatically exposed and white-balanced videos, we improve the realism of rendered objects compared to the state-of-the art methods for both indoor and outdoor scenes.
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