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Filtered deformations of elliptic algebras

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 Added by Eric M. Rains
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Authors Eric M. Rains

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One of the difficulties in doing noncommutative projective geometry via explicitly presented graded algebras is that it is usually quite difficult to show flatness, as the Hilbert series is uncomputable in general. If the algebra has a regular central element, one can reduce to understanding the (hopefully more tractable) quotient. If the quotient is particularly nice, one can proceed in reverse and find all algebras of which it is the quotient by a regular central element (the filtered deformations of the quotient). We consider in detail the case that the quotient is an elliptic algebra (the homogeneous endomorphism ring of a vector bundle on an elliptic curve, possibly twisted by translation). We explicitly compute the family of filtered deformations in many cases and give a (conjecturally exhaustive) construction of such deformations from noncommutative del Pezzo surfaces. In the process, we also give a number of results on the classification of exceptional collections on del Pezzo surfaces, which are new even in the commutative case.

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117 - Brent Pym , Travis Schedler 2017
We introduce a natural nondegeneracy condition for Poisson structures, called holonomicity, which is closely related to the notion of a log symplectic form. Holonomic Poisson manifolds are privileged by the fact that their deformation spaces are as finite-dimensional as one could ever hope: the corresponding derived deformation complex is a perverse sheaf. We develop some basic structural features of these manifolds, highlighting the role played by the divergence of Hamiltonian vector fields. As an application, we establish the deformation-invariance of certain families of Poisson manifolds defined by Feigin and Odesskii, along with the elliptic algebras that quantize them.
122 - Alex Chirvasitu , Ryo Kanda , 2019
The elliptic algebras in the title are connected graded $mathbb{C}$-algebras, denoted $Q_{n,k}(E,tau)$, depending on a pair of relatively prime integers $n>kge 1$, an elliptic curve $E$, and a point $tauin E$. This paper examines a canonical homomorphism from $Q_{n,k}(E,tau)$ to the twisted homogeneous coordinate ring $B(X_{n/k},sigma,mathcal{L}_{n/k})$ on the characteristic variety $X_{n/k}$ for $Q_{n,k}(E,tau)$. When $X_{n/k}$ is isomorphic to $E^g$ or the symmetric power $S^gE$ we show the homomorphism $Q_{n,k}(E,tau) to B(X_{n/k},sigma,mathcal{L}_{n/k})$ is surjective, that the relations for $B(X_{n/k},sigma,mathcal{L}_{n/k})$ are generated in degrees $le 3$, and the non-commutative scheme $mathrm{Proj}_{nc}(Q_{n,k}(E,tau))$ has a closed subvariety that is isomorphic to $E^g$ or $S^gE$, respectively. When $X_{n/k}=E^g$ and $tau=0$, the results about $B(X_{n/k},sigma,mathcal{L}_{n/k})$ show that the morphism $Phi_{|mathcal{L}_{n/k}|}:E^g to mathbb{P}^{n-1}$ embeds $E^g$ as a projectively normal subvariety that is a scheme-theoretic intersection of quadric and cubic hypersurfaces.
In this work we study the deformations of a Hopf algebra $H$ by partial actions of $H$ on its base field $Bbbk$, via partial smash product algebras. We introduce the concept of a $lambda$-Hopf algebra as a Hopf algebra obtained as a partial smash product algebra, and show that every Hopf algebra is a $lambda$-Hopf algebra. Moreover, a method to compute partial actions of a given Hopf algebra on its base field is developed and, as an application, we exhibit all partial actions of such type for some families of Hopf algebras.
The Calabi-Yau property of cocommutative Hopf algebras is discussed by using the homological integral, a recently introduced tool for studying infinite dimensional AS-Gorenstein Hopf algebras. It is shown that the skew-group algebra of a universal enveloping algebra of a finite dimensional Lie algebra $g$ with a finite subgroup $G$ of automorphisms of $g$ is Calabi-Yau if and only if the universal enveloping algebra itself is Calabi-Yau and $G$ is a subgroup of the special linear group $SL(g)$. The Noetherian cocommutative Calabi-Yau Hopf algebras of dimension not larger than 3 are described. The Calabi-Yau property of Sridharan enveloping algebras of finite dimensional Lie algebras is also discussed. We obtain some equivalent conditions for a Sridharan enveloping algebra to be Calabi-Yau, and then partly answer a question proposed by Berger. We list all the nonisomorphic 3-dimensional Calabi-Yau Sridharan enveloping algebras.
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve. When the symmetric group $Sigma_{g+1}$ of order $(g+1)!$ acts on $E^{g+1}$ in the natural way, the subgroup $E_0^{g+1}$, consisting of those $(g+1)$-tuples whose coordinates sum to zero, is stable under the action of $Sigma_{g+1}$. It is isomorphic to $E^g$. This paper concerns the structure of the quotient variety $E^g/Sigma$ when $Sigma$ is a subgroup of $Sigma_{g+1}$ generated by simple transpositions. In an earlier paper we observed that $E^g/Sigma$ is a bundle over a suitable power, $E^N$, with fibers that are products of projective spaces. This paper shows that $E^g/Sigma$ has an etale cover by a product of copies of $E$ and projective spaces with an abelian Galois group.
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