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Bloch oscillations in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain

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 Added by Haruki Watanabe
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Under a perfect periodic potential, the electric current density induced by a constant electric field may exhibit nontrivial oscillations, so-called Bloch oscillations, with an amplitude that remains nonzero in the large system size limit. Such oscillations have been well studied for nearly noninteracting particles and observed in experiments. In this work, we revisit Bloch oscillations in strongly interacting systems. By analyzing the spin-1/2 XXZ chain, which can be mapped to a model of spinless electrons, we demonstrate that the current density at special values of the anisotropy parameter $Delta=-cos(pi/p)$ ($p=3,4,5,cdots$) in the ferromagnetic gapless regime behaves qualitatively the same as in the noninteracting case ($Delta=0$) even in the weak electric field limit. When $Delta$ deviates from these values, the amplitude of the oscillation under a weak electric field is suppressed by a factor of the system size. We estimate the strength of the electric field required to observe such a behavior using the Landau--Zener formula.

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152 - C. Psaroudaki , X. Zotos 2015
We present a temperature and magnetic field dependence study of spin transport and magnetothermal corrections to the thermal conductivity in the spin S = 1/2 integrable easy-plane regime Heisenberg chain, extending an earlier analysis based on the Bethe ansatz method. We critically discuss the low temperature, weak magnetic field behavior, the effect of magnetothermal corrections in the vicinity of the critical field and their role in recent thermal conductivity experiments in 1D quantum magnets.
We employ matrix-product state techniques to numerically study the zero-temperature spin transport in a finite spin-1/2 XXZ chain coupled to fermionic leads with a spin bias voltage. Current-voltage characteristics are calculated for parameters corresponding to the gapless XY phase and the gapped Neel phase. In both cases, the low-bias spin current is strongly suppressed unless the parameters of the model are fine-tuned. For the XY phase, this corresponds to a conducting fixed point where the conductance agrees with the Luttinger-liquid prediction. In the Neel phase, fine-tuning the parameters similarly leads to an unsuppressed spin current with a linear current-voltage characteristic at low bias voltages. However, with increasing the bias voltage, there occurs a sharp crossover to a region where a current-voltage characteristic is no longer linear and the smaller differential conductance is observed. We furthermore show that the parameters maximizing the spin current minimize the Friedel oscillations at the interface, in agreement with the previous analyses of the charge current for inhomogeneous Hubbard and spinless fermion chains.
175 - O. Breunig , M. Garst , E. Sela 2013
Comparing high-resolution specific heat and thermal expansion measurements to exact finite-size diagonalization, we demonstrate that Cs$_2$CoCl$_4$ for a magnetic field along the crystallographic b axis realizes the spin-$frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain in a transverse field. Exploiting both thermal as well as virtual excitations of higher crystal field states, we find that the spin chain is in the XY-limit with an anisotropy $J_z/J_perp approx 0.12$ substantially smaller than previously believed. A spin-flop Ising quantum phase transition occurs at a critical field of $mu_0 H_b^{rm cr} approx 2$ T before around 3.5 T the description in terms of an effective spin-$frac{1}{2}$ chain becomes inapplicable.
We consider the dimerized spin-1 $XXZ$ chain with single-ion anisotropy $D$. In absence of an explicit dimerization there are three phases: a large-$D$, an antiferromagnetically ordered and a Haldane phase. This phase structure persists up to a critical dimerization, above which the Haldane phase disappears. We show that for weak dimerization the phases are separated by Gaussian and Ising quantum phase transitions. One of the Ising transitions terminates in a critical point in the universality class of the dilute Ising model. We comment on the relevance of our results to experiments on quasi-one-dimensional anisotropic spin-1 quantum magnets.
We have investigated the zero and finite temperature behaviors of the anisotropic antiferromagnetic Heisenberg XXZ spin-1/2 chain in the presence of a transverse magnetic field (h). The attention is concentrated on an interval of magnetic field between the factorizing field (h_f) and the critical one (h_c). The model presents a spin-flop phase for 0<h<h_f with an energy scale which is defined by the long range antiferromagnetic order while it undergoes an entanglement phase transition at h=h_f. The entanglement estimators clearly show that the entanglement is lost exactly at h=h_f which justifies different quantum correlations on both sides of the factorizing field. As a consequence of zero entanglement (at h=h_f) the ground state is known exactly as a product of single particle states which is the starting point for initiating a spin wave theory. The linear spin wave theory is implemented to obtain the specific heat and thermal entanglement of the model in the interested region. A double peak structure is found in the specific heat around h=h_f which manifests the existence of two energy scales in the system as a result of two competing orders before the critical point. These results are confirmed by the low temperature Lanczos data which we have computed.
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