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Observations and analysis of CH$^+$ vibrational emissions from the young, carbon-rich planetary nebula NGC 7027: a textbook example of chemical pumping

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 Added by David Neufeld
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We discuss the detection of 14 rovibrational lines of CH$^+$, obtained with the iSHELL spectrograph on NASAs Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Maunakea. Our observations in the 3.49 - 4.13 $mu$m spectral region, obtained with a 0.375 slit width that provided a spectral resolving power $lambda/Delta lambda sim 80,000$, have resulted in the unequivocal detection of the $R(0) - R(3)$ and $P(1)-P(10)$ transitions within the $v=1-0$ band of CH$^+$. The $R$-branch transitions are anomalously weak relative to the $P$-branch transitions, a behavior that is explained accurately by rovibronic calculations of the transition dipole moment reported in a companion paper (Changala et al. 2021). Nine infrared transitions of H$_2$ were also detected in these observations, comprising the $S(8)$, $S(9)$, $S(13)$ and $S(15)$ pure rotational lines; the $v=1-0$ $O(4) - O(7)$ lines, and the $v=2-1$ $O(5)$ line. We present a photodissociation region model, constrained by the CH$^+$ and H$_2$ line fluxes that we measured, that includes a detailed treatment of the excitation of CH$^+$ by inelastic collisions, optical pumping, and chemical (formation) pumping. The latter process is found to dominate the excitation of the observed rovibrational lines of CH$^+$, and the model is remarkably successful in explaining both the absolute and relative strengths of the CH$^+$ and H$_2$ lines.

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We report the detection of emission in the v=1-0 P(1) (3.51629 micron) and P(2) (3.60776 micron) rovibrational lines of the helium hydride cation (HeH+) from the planetary nebula NGC 7027. These detections were obtained with the iSHELL spectrograph on NASAs Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Maunakea. The confirm the discovery of HeH+ reported recently by Guesten et al. (2019), who used the GREAT instrument on the SOFIA airborne observatory to observe its pure rotational J=1-0 transition at 149.137 micron. The flux measured for the HeH+ v=1-0 P(1) line is in good agreement with our model for the formation, destruction and excitation of HeH+ in NGC 7027. The measured strength of the J=1-0 pure rotational line, however, exceeds the model prediction significantly, as does that of the v=1-0 P(2) line, by factors of 2.9 and 2.3 respectively. Possible causes of these discrepancies are discussed. Our observations of NGC 7027, covering the 3.26 - 3.93 micron spectral region, have led to the detection of more than sixty spectral lines including nine rovibrational emissions from CH+. The latter are detected for the first time in an astronomical source.
We have detected CH$^{+}$ and CH molecular absorption lines from the young compact planetary nebula IC 4997 from high resolution optical spectra. A high-resolution infra-red (H and K bands) spectrum provides detection of H$_2$ emission lines amongst many other lines. The H$_2$ lines provide an excitation temperature of 2100 K which may result from UV fluorescence in the envelope or from shocks formed at the interface between an expanding outflow of ionized gas and the neutral envelope ejected when the star was on the AGB. It is suggested that the CH$^+$ may result from the endothermic reaction C + H$_2$ $rightarrow$ CH$^+$ + H. Intriguingly, CH$^{+}$ and also CH show a higher expansion velocity than H$_{rm 2}$ emission suggesting they may be part of the post-shocked gas.
Optical integral-field spectroscopy was used to investigate the planetary nebula NGC 3242. We analysed the main morphological components of this source, including its knots, but not the halo. In addition to revealing the properties ofthe physical and chemical nature of this nebula, we also provided reliable spatially resolved constraints that can be used for future photoionisation modelling of the nebula. The latter is ultimately necessary to obtain a fully self-consistent 3D picture of the physical and chemical properties of the object. The observations were obtained with the VIMOS instrument attached to VLT-UT3. Maps and values for specific morphological zones for the detected emission-lines were obtained and analysed with routines developed by the authors to derive physical and chemical conditions of the ionised gas in a 2D fashion. We obtained spatially resolved maps and mean values of the electron densities, temperatures, and chemical abundances, for specific morphological structures in NGC 3242. These results show the pixel-to-pixel variations of the the small- and large-scale structures of the source. These diagnostic maps provide information free from the biases introduced by traditional single long-slit observations. In general, our results are consistent with a uniform abundance distribution for the object, whether we look at abundance maps or integrated fluxes from specified morphological structures. The results indicate that special care should be taken with the calibration of the data and that only data with extremely good signal-to-noise ratio and spectral coverage should be used to ensure the detection of possible spatial variations.
119 - Masaaki Otsuka 2013
We performed detailed chemical abundance analysis of the extremely metal-poor ([Ar/H]-2) halo planetary nebula H4-1 based on the multi-wavelength spectra from Subaru/HDS, GALEX, SDSS, and Spitzer/IRS and determined the abundances of 10 elements. The C and O abundances were derived from collisionally excited lines (CELs) and are almost consistent with abundances from recombination lines (RLs). We demonstrated that the large discrepancy in the C abundance between CEL and RL in H4-1 can be solved using the temperature fluctuation model. We reported the first detection of the [Xe III]5846 A line in H4-1 and determination of its elemental abundance ([Xe/H]>+0.48). H4-1 is the most Xe-rich PN among the Xe-detected PNe. The observed abundances are close to the theoretical prediction by a ~2.0 Msun single star model with initially r-process element rich ([r/Fe]=+2.0 dex). The observed Xe abundance would be a product of the r-process in primordial SNe. The [C/O]-[Ba/(Eu or Xe)] diagram suggests that the progenitor of H4-1 shares the evolution with two types of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars (CEMP), CEMP-r/s and CEMP-no stars. The progenitor of H4-1 is a presumably binary formed in an r-process rich environment.
Aims. Excitation of far-infrared and submillimetric molecular lines may originate from nonreactive collisions, chemical formation, or far infrared, near-infrared, and optical fluorescences. As a template, we investigate the impact of each of these processes on the excitation of the methylidyne cation CH+ and on the intensities of its rotational transitions recently detected in emission in dense photodissociation regions (PDRs) and in planetary nebulae. Methods. We have developed a nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) excitation model that includes the entire energy structure of CH+, i.e. taking into account the pumping of its vibrational and bound and unbound electronic states by near-infrared and optical photons. The model includes the theoretical cross-sections of nonreactive collisions with H, H2, He, and e-, and a Boltzmann distribution is used to describe the probability of populating the excited levels of CH+ during its chemical formation by hydrogenation of C+. To confirm our results we also performed an extensive analytical study, which we use to predict the main excitation process of several diatomic molecules, namely HF, HCl, SiO, CS, and CO. Results. At densities nH = 10^4 cm-3, the excitation of the rotational levels of CH+ is dominated by the radiative pumping of its electronic, vibrational, and rotational states if the intensities of the radiation field at sim 0.4, sim 4, and sim 300 mum are stronger than 10^5, 10^8, and 10^4 times those of the local interstellar radiation field (ISRF). Below these values, the chemical pumping is the dominant source of excitation of the J > 1 levels, even at high kinetic temperatures (sim 1000 K). The far-infrared emission lines of CH+ observed in the Orion Bar and the NGC 7027 PDRs are consistent with the predictions of our excitation model assuming an incident far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field of sim 3 times 10^4 (in Draines unit) and densities of sim 5 times 10^4 and sim 2 times 10^5 cm-3. In the case of NGC 7027, the estimate of the density is 10 to 100 times lower than those deduced by traditional excitation codes. Applying our model to other X1Sigma+ ground state diatomic molecules, we find that HF, and SiO and HCl are the species the most sensitive to the radiative pumping of their vibrational and bound electronic states. In both cases, the minimal near-infrared and optical/UV radiation field intensities required to modify their rotational level populations are sim 10^3 times those of the local ISRF at densities nH = 10^4 cm-3. All these results point towards interstellar and circumstellar media with densities lower than previously established and cast doubts on the clumpiness of well-studied molecular clouds.
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