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Higgs bundles twisted by a vector bundle

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 Added by Oscar Garcia-Prada
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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In this paper, we consider a generalization of the theory of Higgs bundles over a smooth complex projective curve in which the twisting of the Higgs field by the canonical bundle of the curve is replaced by a rank 2 vector bundle. We define a Hitchin map and give a spectral correspondence. We also state a Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence for a generalization of the Hitchin equations to this situation. In a certain sense, this theory lies halfway between the theories of Higgs bundles on a curve and on a higher dimensional variety.

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141 - Marina Logares 2018
This is a review article on some applications of generalised parabolic structures to the study of torsion free sheaves and $L$-twisted Hitchin pairs on nodal curves. In particular, we survey on the relation between representations of the fundamental group of a nodal curve and the moduli spaces of generalised parabolic bundles and generalised parabolic $L$-twisted Hitchin pairs on its normalisation as well as on an analogue of the Hitchin map for generalised parabolic $L$-twisted Hitchin pairs.
Let $X$ be a compact connected Riemann surface and $D$ an effective divisor on $X$. Let ${mathcal N}_H(r,d)$ denote the moduli space of $D$-twisted stable Higgs bundles (a special class of Hitchin pairs) on $X$ of rank $r$ and degree $d$. It is known that ${mathcal N}_H(r,d)$ has a natural holomorphic Poisson structure which is in fact symplectic if and only if $D$ is the zero divisor. We prove that ${mathcal N}_H(r,d)$ admits a natural enhancement to a holomorphic symplectic manifold which is called here ${mathcal M}_H(r,d)$. This ${mathcal M}_H(r,d)$ is constructed by trivializing, over $D$, the restriction of the vector bundles underlying the $D$-twisted Higgs bundles; such objects are called here as framed Higgs bundles. We also investigate the symplectic structure on the moduli space ${mathcal M}_H(r,d)$ of framed Higgs bundles as well as the Hitchin system associated to it.
187 - Peter B. Gothen 2012
These are the lecture notes from my course in the January 2011 School on Moduli Spaces at the Newton Institute. I give an introduction to Higgs bundles and their application to the study of character varieties for surface group representations.
Over a smooth and proper complex scheme, the differential Galois group of an integrable connection may be obtained as the closure of the transcendental monodromy representation. In this paper, we employ a completely algebraic variation of this idea by restricting attention to connections on trivial vector bundles and replacing the fundamental group by a certain Lie algebra constructed from the regular forms. In more detail, we show that the differential Galois group is a certain ``closure of the aforementioned Lie algebra. This is then applied to construct connections on curves with prescribed differential Galois group.
202 - Brian Collier 2018
This is a survey article whose main goal is to explain how many components of the character variety of a closed surface are either deformation spaces of representations into the maximal compact subgroup or deformation spaces of certain Fuchsian representations. This latter family is of particular interest and is related to the field of higher Teichmuller theory. Our main tool is the theory of Higgs bundles. We try to develop the general theory of Higgs bundles for real groups and indicate where subtleties arise. However, the main emphasis is placed on concrete examples which are our motivating objects. In particular, we do not prove any of the foundational theorems, rather we state them and show how they can be used to prove interesting statements about components of the character variety. We have also not spent any time developing the tools (harmonic maps) which define the bridge between Higgs bundles and the character variety. For this side of the story we refer the reader to the survey article of Q. Li [arXiv:1809.05747].
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