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Baryon number non-conservation as Peccei-Quinn mechanism

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 Added by Koji Tsumura
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Baryon number is an accidental symmetry in the standard model, while Peccei-Quinn symmetry is hypothetical symmetry which is introduced to solve the strong CP problem. We study the possible connections between Peccei-Quinn symmetry and baryon number symmetry. In this framework, an axion is identified as the Nambu-Goldstone boson of baryon number violation. As a result, characteristic baryon number violating processes are predicted. We developed the general method to determine the baryon number and lepton number of new scalar in the axion model.

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In the Standard Model, the renormalization of the QCD vacuum angle $theta$ is extremely tiny, and small $theta$ is technically natural. In the general Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT), however, $Deltatheta$ is quadratically divergent, reflecting the fact that new sources of hadronic CP-violation typically produce $mathcal O(1)$ threshold corrections to $theta$. The observation of such CP-violating interactions would therefore be in tension with solutions to the strong CP problem in which $theta=0$ is an ultraviolet boundary condition, pointing to the Peccei-Quinn mechanism as the explanation for why $theta$ is small in the infrared. We study the quadratic divergences in $theta$ arising from dimension-6 SMEFT operators and discuss the discovery prospects for these operators at electric dipole moment experiments, the LHC, and future proton-proton colliders.
The relaxation mechanism, which solves the electroweak hierarchy problem without relying on TeV scale new physics, crucially depends on how a Higgs-dependent back-reaction potential is generated. In this paper, we suggest a new scenario in which the scalar potential induced by the QCD anomaly is responsible both for the relaxation mechanism and the Peccei-Quinn mechanism to solve the strong CP problem. The key idea is to introduce the relaxion and the QCD axion whose cosmic evolutions become quite different depending on an inflaton-dependent scalar potential. Our scheme raises the cutoff scale of the Higgs mass up to 10^7 GeV, and allows reheating temperature higher than the electroweak scale as would be required for viable cosmology. In addition, the QCD axion can account for the observed dark matter of the universe as produced by the conventional misalignment mechanism. We also consider the possibility that the couplings of the Standard Model depend on the inflaton and become stronger during inflation. In this case, the relaxation can be implemented with a sub-Planckian field excursion of the relaxion for a cutoff scale below 10 TeV.
We propose a model of Dirac neutrino masses generated at one-loop level. The origin of this mass is induced from Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking which was proposed to solve the so-called strong CP problem in QCD, therefore, the neutrino mass is connected with the QCD scale, $Lambda_{rm QCD}$. We also study the parameter space of this model confronting with neutrino oscillation data and leptonic rare decays. The phenomenological implications to leptonic flavor physics such as the electromagnetic moment of charged leptons and neutrinos are studied. Axion as the dark matter candidate is one of the byproduct in our scenario. Di-photon and Z-photon decay channels in the LHC Higgs search are investigated, we show that the effects of singly charged singlet scalar can be distinguished from the general two Higgs doublet model.
150 - C. Pallis , N. Toumbas 2011
We consider a phenomenological extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model which incorporates non-minimal chaotic inflation, driven by a quartic potential associated with the lightest right-handed sneutrino. Inflation is followed by a Peccei-Quinn phase transition based on renormalizable superpotential terms, which resolves the strong CP and mu problems of the minimal supersymmetric standard model provided that one related parameter of the superpotential is somewhat small. Baryogenesis occurs via non-thermal leptogenesis, which is realized by the inflaton decay. Confronting our scenario with the current observational data on the inflationary observables, the baryon assymetry of the universe, the gravitino limit on the reheating temperature and the upper bound on the light neutrino masses, we constrain the effective Yukawa coupling involved in the decay of the inflaton to relatively small values and the inflaton mass to values lower than 10^12 GeV.
Axions were first introduced in connection with chiral symmetry but are now being looked for mainly as dark matter. In this paper we introduce a nonabelian analogue of axions which can also be potential candidates for dark matter. Their nonabelian symmetries, which are generalizations of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry, are interesting in their own right. Detailed analysis, using fermion measure and zeta function approaches shows that these symmetries are not anomalous.
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