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We implement two recently developed fast Coulomb solvers, HSMA3D [J. Chem. Phys. 149 (8) (2018) 084111] and HSMA2D [J. Chem. Phys. 152 (13) (2020) 134109], into a new user package HSMA for molecular dynamics simulation engine LAMMPS. The HSMA package is designed for efficient and accurate modeling of electrostatic interactions in 3D and 2D periodic systems with dielectric effects at the O(N) cost. The implementation is hybrid MPI and OpenMP parallelized and compatible with existing LAMMPS functionalities. The vectorization technique following AVX512 instructions is adopted for acceleration. To establish the validity of our implementation, we have presented extensive comparisons to the widely used particle-particle particle-mesh (PPPM) algorithm in LAMMPS and other dielectric solvers. With the proper choice of algorithm parameters and parallelization setup, the package enables calculations of electrostatic interactions that outperform the standard PPPM in speed for a wide range of particle numbers.
We present a new method for computing the Near-To-Far-Field (NTFF) transformation in FDTD simulations which has an overall scaling of $O(N^3)$ instead of the standard $O(N^4)$. By mapping the far field with a cartesian coordinate system the 2D surface integral can be split into two successive 1D integrals. For a near field spanned by $N_X times N_Y$ discrete sample points, and a far field spanned by $N_{theta} times N_{phi}$ points, the calculation can then be performed in $O(N_{theta}N_X N_Y) + O(N_{theta}N_{phi}N_Y)$ operations instead of $O(N_{theta}N_{phi}N_X N_Y)$.
Electronic stopping (ES) of energetic atoms is not taken care of by the interatomic potentials used in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations when simulating collision cascades. The Lindhard-Scharff (LS) formula for electronic stopping is therefore included as a drag term for energetic atoms in the open source large scale atomic molecular massively parallel simulator (LAMMPS) code. In order to validate the ES implementation, MD simulations of collision cascades at primary knock-on atom (PKA) energies of 5, 10 and 20 keV are carried out in W and Fe in 100 random directions. The total ES losses from the MD simulations show energy straggling due to the stochastic nature of the phenomena. Thelosses due to ES are compared with that predicted by theNorgett-Robinson-Torrens (NRT) model to validate our implementation. It is seenthat the root mean square deviation of ES losses from the MD implementation is around 10 % for both W and Fe compared to the NRT model. The velocity threshold above which electronic stopping is important is explored. The effect of ES on the number of defects in collision cascades is presented for Fe and W.
MCViNE (Monte-Carlo VIrtual Neutron Experiment) is a versatile Monte Carlo (MC) neutron ray-tracing program that provides researchers with tools for performing computer modeling and simulations that mirror real neutron scattering experiments. By adopting modern software engineering practices such as using composite and visitor design patterns for representing and accessing neutron scatterers, and using recursive algorithms for multiple scattering, MCViNE is flexible enough to handle sophisticated neutron scattering problems including, for example, neutron detection by complex detector systems, and single and multiple scattering events in a variety of samples and sample environments. In addition, MCViNE can take advantage of simulation components in linear-chain-based MC ray tracing packages widely used in instrument design and optimization, as well as NumPy-based components that make prototypes useful and easy to develop. These developments have enabled us to carry out detailed simulations of neutron scattering experiments with non-trivial samples in time-of-flight inelastic instruments at the Spallation Neutron Source. Examples of such simulations for powder and single-crystal samples with various scattering kernels, including kernels for phonon and magnon scattering, are presented. With simulations that closely reproduce experimental results, scattering mechanisms can be turned on and off to determine how they contribute to the measured scattering intensities, improving our understanding of the underlying physics.
Molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules have been widely adopted in biomedical studies. As classical point-charge models continue to be used in routine biomolecular applications, there have been growing demands on developing polarizable force fields for handling more complicated biomolecular processes. Here we focus on a recently proposed polarizable Gaussian Multipole (pGM) model for biomolecular simulations. A key benefit of pGM is its screening of all short-range electrostatic interactions in a physically consistent manner, which is critical for stable charge-fitting and is needed to reproduce molecular anisotropy. Another advantage of pGM is that each atoms multipoles are represented by a single Gaussian function or its derivatives, allowing for more efficient electrostatics than other Gaussian-based models. In this study we present an efficient formulation for the pGM model defined with respect to a local frame formed with a set of covalent basis vectors. The covalent basis vectors are chosen to be along each atoms covalent bonding directions. The new local frame allows molecular flexibility during molecular simulations and facilitates an efficient formulation of analytical electrostatic forces without explicit torque computation. Subsequent numerical tests show that analytical atomic forces agree excellently with numerical finite-difference forces for the tested system. Finally, the new pGM electrostatics algorithm is interfaced with the PME implementation in Amber for molecular simulations under the periodic boundary conditions. To validate the overall pGM/PME electrostatics, we conducted an NVE simulation for a small water box of 512 water molecules. Our results show that, to achieve energy conservation in the polarizable model, it is important to ensure enough accuracy on both PME and induction iteration.
A model for the simulation of orientational effects in straight and bent periodic atomic structures is presented. The continuum potential approximation has been adopted.The model allows the manipulation of particle trajectories by means of straight and bent crystals and the scaling of the cross sections of hadronic and electromagnetic processes for channeled particles. Based on such a model, an extension of the Geant4 toolkit has been developed. The code has been validated against data from channeling experiments carried out at CERN.