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Muon $g-2$ in Gauge Mediation without SUSY CP Problem

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 Added by Yuhei Nakayama
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We discuss gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking models which explain the observed muon anomalous magnetic moment and the Higgs boson mass simultaneously. The successful explanation requires the messenger sector which violates the relation motivated by the grand unification theory (GUT). The naive violation of the GUT relation, however, ends up with the CP problem. We propose a model in which the phases of the gaugino masses are aligned despite the violation of the GUT relation. We also consider a model which generates the $mu$-term and the additional Higgs soft masses squared without causing CP violation. As a result, we find a successful model which explains the muon anomalous magnetic moment and the Higgs boson mass. The model is also free from the CP, flavor-changing neutral current and the lepton flavor violation problems caused by the subdominant gravity mediation effects.

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98 - Wen Yin 2021
The long-standing muon $g-2$ anomaly has been confirmed recently at the Fermilab. The combined discrepancy from Fermilab and Brookhaven results shows a difference from the theory at a significance of 4.2 $sigma$. In addition, the LHC has updated the lower mass bound of a pure wino. In this letter, we study to what extent the $g-2$ can be explained in anomaly mediation scenarios, where the pure wino is the dominant dark matter component. To this end, we derive some model-independent constraints on the particle spectra and $g-2$. We find that the $g-2$ explanation at the 1$sigma$ level is driven into a corner if the higgsino threshold correction is suppressed. On the contrary, if the threshold correction is sizable, the $g-2$ can be explained. In the whole viable parameter region, the gluino mass is at most $2-4,$TeV, the bino mass is at most $2,$TeV, and the wino dark matter mass is at most $1-2,$TeV. If the muon $g-2$ anomaly is explained in the anomaly mediation scenarios, colliders and indirect search for the dark matter may find further pieces of evidence in the near future. Possible UV models for the large threshold corrections are discussed.
68 - Motoi Endo , Wen Yin 2019
We propose a SUSY scenario to explain the current electron and muon $g-2$ discrepancies without introducing lepton flavor mixings. Threshold corrections to the Yukawa couplings can enhance the electron $g-2$ and flip the sign of the SUSY contributions. The mechanism predicts a flavor-dependent slepton mass spectrum. We show that it is compatible with the Higgs mediation scenario.
260 - Ji-Haeng Huh , Bumseok Kyae 2013
We propose a U(1)^prime mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking, in which U(1)^prime is identified with U(1)_{B_1+B_2-2L_1}. The U(1)_{B_1+B_2-2L_1} gauge symmetry, which is anomaly-free with the field contents of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, assigns pm 1/3 charges to the first and second generations of the quarks, and mp 2 to the first generation of the leptons. As a result, the first two generations of squarks acquire masses of about 7 TeV, and the first generation of the sleptons do those of 40 TeV, respectively, in the presence of one or three pairs of extra vector-like matter {{bf 5},bar{bf 5}}. Non-observation on extra colored particles below 1 TeV at the large hadron collider, and also the flavor violations such as mu^-rightarrow e^-gamma are explained. By virtue of such a gauge symmetry, proton stability can be protected. The other squarks and sleptons as well as the gauginos can obtain masses of order 10^{2-3} GeV through the conventional gravity or gauge mediated SUSY breaking mechanism. The relatively light smuon/sneutrino and the neutralino/chargino could be responsible for the (g-2)_mu deviated from the standard model prediction. The stop mass of sim 500 GeV relieves the fine-tuning problem in the Higgs sector. Two-loop effects by the relatively heavy sfermions can protect the smallness of the stop mass from the radiative correction by the heavy gluino (gtrsim 1 TeV). Extra vector-like matter can enhance the radiative corrections to the Higgs mass up to 126 GeV, and induce the desired mixing among the chiral fermions after U(1)_{B_1+B_2-2L_1} breaking.
158 - Song Li , Yang Xiao , Jin Min Yang 2021
The minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with complex parameters can contribute sizably to muon/electron anomalous magnetic dipole momemnt ($g-2$) and electric dipole moment (EDM). The electron $g-2$ interplays with electron EDM; the muon $g-2$ can also interplay with electron EDM assuming the universality between smuon and selectron masses, either of which can constrain the relevant CP-phases in the MSSM. In this work, we first use such an interplay to derive an approximate analytical upper limit on the relevant CP-phase. Then we extensively scan the parameter space to obtain more accurate upper limits. We obtain the following observations: (i) The muon $g-2$ in the $2sigma$ range combined with the electron EDM upper limit (assuming the universality between smuon and selectron masses) typically constrains the relevant CP-phase under $1.9times 10^{-5} (text{rad})$; (ii) The electron $g-2$ in the $2sigma$ range (Berkeley) interplays with the electron EDM upper limit (without assuming the universality between smuon and selectron masses) constrains the relevant CP-phase under $3.9times 10^{-6}(text{rad})$ (also requiring muon $g-2$ in the allowed $2sigma$ range). We also find some special cancellations in the parameter space which can relax the constraints by a couple of orders. Such stringent limits on CP-phases may pose a challenge for model building of SUSY, i.e., how to naturally suppress these phases.
159 - Chengcheng Han 2021
We study the constraints of the CP violation in the muon $g-2$ preferred region of the minimal supersymmetric standard model assuming a universal slepton masses within first two generations. We present two particular scenarios where the $g-2$ anomaly is predicted within 2 $sigma$ level mainly through the chargino loop or the bino loop. We found that for both cases the electron EDM experiment already highly constrained the CP phase of the parameters: either the Arg[$mu M_1]$ or Arg[$mu M_2]$ should be smaller than $mathcal O$(2-3)$times10^{-5}$. If the muon $g-2$ anomaly is explained by the MSSM, a particular SUSY breaking mechanism is needed to guarantee the small CP phase of SUSY parameters. Otherwise, a tuning of $mathcal O(10^{-5})$ is needed to cancel the phase in a general CP violated SUSY model.
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