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QuClassi: A Hybrid Deep Neural Network Architecture based on Quantum State Fidelity

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 Added by Ying Mao
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In the past decade, remarkable progress has been achieved in deep learning related systems and applications. In the post Moores Law era, however, the limit of semiconductor fabrication technology along with the increasing data size have slowed down the development of learning algorithms. In parallel, the fast development of quantum computing has pushed it to the new ear. Google illustrates quantum supremacy by completing a specific task (random sampling problem), in 200 seconds, which is impracticable for the largest classical computers. Due to the limitless potential, quantum based learning is an area of interest, in hopes that certain systems might offer a quantum speedup. In this work, we propose a novel architecture QuClassi, a quantum neural network for both binary and multi-class classification. Powered by a quantum differentiation function along with a hybrid quantum-classic design, QuClassi encodes the data with a reduced number of qubits and generates the quantum circuit, pushing it to the quantum platform for the best states, iteratively. We conduct intensive experiments on both the simulator and IBM-Q quantum platform. The evaluation results demonstrate that QuClassi is able to outperform the state-of-the-art quantum-based solutions, Tensorflow-Quantum and QuantumFlow by up to 53.75% and 203.00% for binary and multi-class classifications. When comparing to traditional deep neural networks, QuClassi achieves a comparable performance with 97.37% fewer parameters.

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Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are widely speculated to deliver quantum advantages for practical problems under the quantum-classical hybrid computational paradigm in the near term. Both theoretical and practical developments of VQAs share many similarities with those of deep learning. For instance, a key component of VQAs is the design of task-dependent parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) as in the case of designing a good neural architecture in deep learning. Partly inspired by the recent success of AutoML and neural architecture search (NAS), quantum architecture search (QAS) is a collection of methods devised to engineer an optimal task-specific PQC. It has been proven that QAS-designed VQAs can outperform expert-crafted VQAs under various scenarios. In this work, we propose to use a neural network based predictor as the evaluation policy for QAS. We demonstrate a neural predictor guided QAS can discover powerful PQCs, yielding state-of-the-art results for various examples from quantum simulation and quantum machine learning. Notably, neural predictor guided QAS provides a better solution than that by the random-search baseline while using an order of magnitude less of circuit evaluations. Moreover, the predictor for QAS as well as the optimal ansatz found by QAS can both be transferred and generalized to address similar problems.
Approaches to machine intelligence based on brain models have stressed the use of neural networks for generalization. Here we propose the use of a hybrid neural network architecture that uses two kind of neural networks simultaneously: (i) a surface learning agent that quickly adapt to new modes of operation; and, (ii) a deep learning agent that is very accurate within a specific regime of operation. The two networks of the hybrid architecture perform complementary functions that improve the overall performance. The performance of the hybrid architecture has been compared with that of back-propagation perceptrons and the CC and FC networks for chaotic time-series prediction, the CATS benchmark test, and smooth function approximation. It has been shown that the hybrid architecture provides a superior performance based on the RMS error criterion.
136 - M. Zwerger , H.J. Briegel , W. Dur 2013
We present a hybrid scheme for quantum computation that combines the modular structure of elementary building blocks used in the circuit model with the advantages of a measurement-based approach to quantum computation. We show how to construct optimal resource states of minimal size to implement elementary building blocks for encoded quantum computation in a measurement-based way, including states for error correction and encoded gates. The performance of the scheme is determined by the quality of the resource states, where within this error model we find a threshold of the order of 10% local noise per particle for fault-tolerant quantum computation and quantum communication.
One key step in performing quantum machine learning (QML) on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices is the dimension reduction of the input data prior to their encoding. Traditional principle component analysis (PCA) and neural networks have been used to perform this task; however, the classical and quantum layers are usually trained separately. A framework that allows for a better integration of the two key components is thus highly desirable. Here we introduce a hybrid model combining the quantum-inspired tensor networks (TN) and the variational quantum circuits (VQC) to perform supervised learning tasks, which allows for an end-to-end training. We show that a matrix product state based TN with low bond dimensions performs better than PCA as a feature extractor to compress data for the input of VQCs in the binary classification of MNIST dataset. The architecture is highly adaptable and can easily incorporate extra quantum resource when available.
Inspired by the success of classical neural networks, there has been tremendous effort to develop classical effective neural networks into quantum concept. In this paper, a novel hybrid quantum-classical neural network with deep residual learning (Res-HQCNN) is proposed. We firstly analysis how to connect residual block structure with a quantum neural network, and give the corresponding training algorithm. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of transforming deep residual learning into quantum concept are provided. As a result, the model can be trained in an end-to-end fashion, analogue to the backpropagation in classical neural networks. To explore the effectiveness of Res-HQCNN , we perform extensive experiments for quantum data with or without noisy on classical computer. The experimental results show the Res-HQCNN performs better to learn an unknown unitary transformation and has stronger robustness for noisy data, when compared to state of the arts. Moreover, the possible methods of combining residual learning with quantum neural networks are also discussed.
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