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We propose a kinematic wave based Deep Convolutional Neural Network (Deep CNN) to estimate high resolution traffic speed dynamics from sparse probe vehicle trajectories. To that end, we introduce two key approaches that allow us to incorporate kinematic wave theory principles to improve the robustness of existing learning-based estimation methods. First, we use an anisotropic traffic-based kernel for the CNN. This kernel is designed to explicitly take forward and backward traffic wave propagation characteristics into account during reconstruction in the space-time domain. Second, we use simulated data for training the CNN. This implicitly imposes physical constraints on the patterns learned by the CNN, providing an alternate, unrestricted way to integrate complex traffic behaviors into learning models. We present the speed fields estimated using the anisotropic kernel and highlight its advantages over its isotropic counterpart in terms of predicting shockwave dynamics. Furthermore, we test the transferability of the trained model to real traffic by using two datasets: the Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) program and the Highway Drone (HighD) dataset. Finally, we present an ensemble version of the CNN that allows us to handle multiple (and unknown) probe vehicle penetration rates. The results demonstrate that anisotropic kernels can reduce model complexity while improving the correctness of the estimation, and that simulation-based training is a viable alternative to model fitting using real-world data. This suggests that exploiting prior traffic knowledge adds value to learning-based estimation methods, and that there is great potential in exploring broader approaches to do so.
Traffic state estimation (TSE), which reconstructs the traffic variables (e.g., density) on road segments using partially observed data, plays an important role on efficient traffic control and operation that intelligent transportation systems (ITS) need to provide to people. Over decades, TSE approaches bifurcate into two main categories, model-driven approaches and data-driven approaches. However, each of them has limitations: the former highly relies on existing physical traffic flow models, such as Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) models, which may only capture limited dynamics of real-world traffic, resulting in low-quality estimation, while the latter requires massive data in order to perform accurate and generalizable estimation. To mitigate the limitations, this paper introduces a physics-informed deep learning (PIDL) framework to efficiently conduct high-quality TSE with small amounts of observed data. PIDL contains both model-driven and data-driven components, making possible the integration of the strong points of both approaches while overcoming the shortcomings of either. This paper focuses on highway TSE with observed data from loop detectors, using traffic density as the traffic variables. We demonstrate the use of PIDL to solve (with data from loop detectors) two popular physical traffic flow models, i.e., Greenshields-based LWR and three-parameter-based LWR, and discover the model parameters. We then evaluate the PIDL-based highway TSE using the Next Generation SIMulation (NGSIM) dataset. The experimental results show the advantages of the PIDL-based approach in terms of estimation accuracy and data efficiency over advanced baseline TSE methods.
Value factorisation proves to be a very useful technique in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), but the underlying mechanism is not yet fully understood. This paper explores a theoretic basis for value factorisation. We generalise the Shapley value in the coalitional game theory to a Markov convex game (MCG) and use it to guide value factorisation in MARL. We show that the generalised Shapley value possesses several features such as (1) accurate estimation of the maximum global value, (2) fairness in the factorisation of the global value, and (3) being sensitive to dummy agents. The proposed theory yields a new learning algorithm called Sharpley Q-learning (SHAQ), which inherits the important merits of ordinary Q-learning but extends it to MARL. In comparison with prior-arts, SHAQ has a much weaker assumption (MCG) that is more compatible with real-world problems, but has superior explainability and performance in many cases. We demonstrated SHAQ and verified the theoretic claims on Predator-Prey and StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC).
Accurate traffic speed prediction is an important and challenging topic for transportation planning. Previous studies on traffic speed prediction predominately used spatio-temporal and context features for prediction. However, they have not made good use of the impact of urban traffic incidents. In this work, we aim to make use of the information of urban incidents to achieve a better prediction of traffic speed. Our incident-driven prediction framework consists of three processes. First, we propose a critical incident discovery method to discover urban traffic incidents with high impact on traffic speed. Second, we design a binary classifier, which uses deep learning methods to extract the latent incident impact features from the middle layer of the classifier. Combining above methods, we propose a Deep Incident-Aware Graph Convolutional Network (DIGC-Net) to effectively incorporate urban traffic incident, spatio-temporal, periodic and context features for traffic speed prediction. We conduct experiments on two real-world urban traffic datasets of San Francisco and New York City. The results demonstrate the superior performance of our model compare to the competing benchmarks.
Accurate traffic state prediction is the foundation of transportation control and guidance. It is very challenging due to the complex spatiotemporal dependencies in traffic data. Existing works cannot perform well for multi-step traffic prediction that involves long future time period. The spatiotemporal information dilution becomes serve when the time gap between input step and predicted step is large, especially when traffic data is not sufficient or noisy. To address this issue, we propose a multi-spatial graph convolution based Seq2Seq model. Our main novelties are three aspects: (1) We enrich the spatiotemporal information of model inputs by fusing multi-view features (time, location and traffic states) (2) We build multiple kinds of spatial correlations based on both prior knowledge and data-driven knowledge to improve model performance especially in insufficient or noisy data cases. (3) A spatiotemporal attention mechanism based on reachability knowledge is novelly designed to produce high-level features fed into decoder of Seq2Seq directly to ease information dilution. Our model is evaluated on two real world traffic datasets and achieves better performance than other competitors.
Space-time visualizations of macroscopic or microscopic traffic variables is a qualitative tool used by traffic engineers to understand and analyze different aspects of road traffic dynamics. We present a deep learning method to learn the macroscopic traffic speed dynamics from these space-time visualizations, and demonstrate its application in the framework of traffic state estimation. Compared to existing estimation approaches, our approach allows a finer estimation resolution, eliminates the dependence on the initial conditions, and is agnostic to external factors such as traffic demand, road inhomogeneities and driving behaviors. Our model respects causality in traffic dynamics, which improves the robustness of estimation. We present the high-resolution traffic speed fields estimated for several freeway sections using the data obtained from the Next Generation Simulation Program (NGSIM) and German Highway (HighD) datasets. We further demonstrate the quality and utility of the estimation by inferring vehicle trajectories from the estimated speed fields, and discuss the benefits of deep neural network models in approximating the traffic dynamics.