The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) is the largest single dish telescope in the world focused on sub-millimeter astronomy - and it remains at the forefront of sub-millimeter discovery space. JCMT continues itspush for higher efficiency and greater science impact with a switch to fully remote operation. This switch toremote operations occurred on November 1st 2019. The switch to remote operations should be recognized to bepart of a decade long process involving incremental changes leading to Extended Observing - observing beyondthe classical night shift - and eventually to full remote operations. The success of Remote Observing is indicatedin the number of productive hours and continued low fault rate from before and after the switch.
SONG is a global ground based network of 1 meter telescopes for stellar time-domain science, an international collaboration involving many countries across the world. In order to enable a favourable duty cycle, the SONG network plans to create a homogeneous distribution of 4 nodes in each of the northern and southern hemispheres. A natural possibility was building one of the northern nodes in East Asia, preferably on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. During the last decade, a great deal of effort has been invested in searching for high a quality site for ground based astronomy in China, since this has been one of the major concerns for the development of Chinese astronomy. A number of sites on the plateau have been in operation for many years, but most of them are used only for radio astronomy, as well as small optical telescopes for applied astronomy. Several potential sites for large optical instruments have been identified by the plateau site survey, but as yet none of them have been adequately quantitatively characterised. Here we present results from a detailed multi-year study of the Delingha site, which was eventually selected for the SONG-China node. We also describe the site monitoring system that will allow an isolated SONG and 50BiN node to operate safely in an automated mode.
Namakanui is an instrument containing three inserts in an ALMA type Dewar. The three inserts are Alaihi, Uu and Aweoweo operating around 86, 230 and 345GHz. The receiver is being commissioned on the JCMT. It will be used for both Single dish and VLBI observations. We will present commissioning results and the system.
In this paper we present the SOXS Scheduler, a web-based application aimed at optimising remote observations at the NTT-ESO in the context of scientific topics of both the SOXS Consortium and regular ESO proposals.This paper will give details of how detected transients from various surveys are inserted, prioritised, and selected for observations with SOXS at the NTT while keeping the correct sharing between GTO time (for the SOXSConsortium) and the regularly approved observing time from ESO proposals. For the 5-years of operation ofSOXS this vital piece of software will provide a night-by-night dynamical schedule, allowing the user to face rapid changes during the operations that might come from varying weather conditions or frequent target of opportunity (ToO) observations that require a rapid response. The scheduler is developed with high available and scalable architecture in mind and it implements the state-of-the-art technologies for API Restful application like Docker Containers, API Gateway, and Python-based Flask frameworks.
Remote observing seeks to simulate the presence of the astronomer at the telescope. While this is useful, and necessary in some circumstances, simulation is not reality. The drive to abstract the astronomer from the instrument can have unpleasant consequences, some of which are prefigured in the ancient tales of Procrustes and Antaeus. This article, written in 1992 for a conference proceedings on remote observing, is reprinted here with only slight editorial changes and the addition of a short Afterword. I consider some of the human factors involved in remote observing, and suggest that our aim be to enhance rather than supplant the astronomer at the telescope.
During February 2016, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science and the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy installed, commissioned and carried out science observations with a phased array feed (PAF) receiver system on the 64m diameter Parkes radio telescope. Here we demonstrate that the PAF can be used for pulsar observations and we highlight some unique capabilities. We demonstrate that the pulse profiles obtained using the PAF can be calibrated and that multiple pulsars can be simultaneously observed. Significantly, we find that an intrinsic polarisation leakage of -31dB can be achieved with a PAF beam offset from the centre of the field of view. We discuss the possibilities for using a PAF for future pulsar observations and for searching for fast radio bursts with the Parkes and Effelsberg telescopes.