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Trace minmax functions and the radical Laguerre-Polya class

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 Added by J E Pascoe
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English
 Authors J. E. Pascoe

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We classify functions $f:(a,b)rightarrow mathbb{R}$ which satisfy the inequality $$operatorname{tr} f(A)+f(C)geq operatorname{tr} f(B)+f(D)$$ when $Aleq Bleq C$ are self-adjoint matrices, $D= A+C-B$, the so-called trace minmax functions. (Here $Aleq B$ if $B-A$ is positive semidefinite, and $f$ is evaluated via the functional calculus.) A function is trace minmax if and only if its derivative analytically continues to a self map of the upper half plane. The negative exponential of a trace minmax function $g=e^{-f}$ satisfies the inequality $$det g(A) det g(C)leq det g(B) det g(D)$$ for $A, B, C, D$ as above. We call such functions determinant isoperimetric. We show that determinant isoperimetric functions are in the radical of the the Laguerre-Polya class. We derive an integral representation for such functions which is essentially a continuous version of the Hadamard factorization for functions in the the Laguerre-Polya class. We apply our results to give some equivalent formulations of the Riemann hypothesis.

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The composition operators preserving total non-negativity and total positivity for various classes of kernels are classified, following three themes. Letting a function act by post composition on kernels with arbitrary domains, it is shown that such a composition operator maps the set of totally non-negative kernels to itself if and only if the function is constant or linear, or just linear if it preserves total positivity. Symmetric kernels are also discussed, with a similar outcome. These classification results are a byproduct of two matrix-completion results and the second theme: an extension of A.M. Whitneys density theorem from finite domains to subsets of the real line. This extension is derived via a discrete convolution with modulated Gaussian kernels. The third theme consists of analyzing, with tools from harmonic analysis, the preservers of several families of totally non-negative and totally positive kernels with additional structure: continuous Hankel kernels on an interval, Polya frequency functions, and Polya frequency sequences. The rigid structure of post-composition transforms of totally positive kernels acting on infinite sets is obtained by combining several specialized situations settled in our present and earlier works.
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We analyze the fine structure of Clark measures and Clark isometries associated with two-variable rational inner functions on the bidisk. In the degree (n,1) case, we give a complete description of supports and weights for both generic and exceptional Clark measures, characterize when the associated embedding operators are unitary, and give a formula for those embedding operators. We also highlight connections between our results and both the structure of Agler decompositions and study of extreme points for the set of positive pluriharmonic measures on 2-torus.
219 - Jordi Pau 2015
We completely characterize the simultaneous membership in the Schatten ideals $S_ p$, $0<p<infty$ of the Hankel operators $H_ f$ and $H_{bar{f}}$ on the Bergman space, in terms of the behaviour of a local mean oscillation function, proving a conjecture of Kehe Zhu from 1991.
A full description of the membership in the Schatten ideal $S_ p(A^2_{omega})$ for $0<p<infty$ of the Toeplitz operator acting on large weighted Bergman spaces is obtained.
Let $Pin Bbb Q_p[x,y]$, $sin Bbb C$ with sufficiently large real part, and consider the integral operator $ (A_{P,s}f)(y):=frac{1}{1-p^{-1}}int_{Bbb Z_p}|P(x,y)|^sf(x) |dx| $ on $L^2(Bbb Z_p)$. We show that if $P$ is homogeneous then for each character $chi$ of $Bbb Z_p^times$ the characteristic function $det(1-uA_{P,s,chi})$ of the restriction $A_{P,s,chi}$ of $A_{P,s}$ to the eigenspace $L^2(Bbb Z_p)_chi$ is the $q$-Wronskian of a set of solutions of a (possibly confluent) $q$-hypergeometric equation. In particular, the nonzero eigenvalues of $A_{P,s,chi}$ are the reciprocals of the zeros of such $q$-Wronskian.
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