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We study a special class of four-point correlation functions of infinitely heavy half-BPS operators in planar N=4 SYM which admit factorization into a product of two octagon form factors. We demonstrate that these functions satisfy a system of nonlinear integro-differential equations which are powerful enough to fully determine their dependence on the t Hooft coupling and two cross ratios. At weak coupling, solution to these equations yields a known series representation of the octagon in terms of ladder integrals. At strong coupling, we develop a systematic expansion of the octagon in the inverse powers of the coupling constant and calculate accompanying expansion coefficients analytically. We examine the strong coupling expansion of the correlation function in various kinematical regions and observe a perfect agreement both with the expected asymptotic behavior dictated by the OPE and with results of numerical evaluation. We find that, surprisingly enough, the strong coupling expansion is Borel summable. Applying the Borel-Pade summation method, we show that the strong coupling expansion correctly describes the correlation function over a wide region of the t Hooft coupling.
We continue the study of the octagon form factor which helps to evaluate a class of four-point correlation functions in $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory. The octagon is characterised, besides the kinematical parameters, by a bridge of $ell$ propagators connecting two non-adjacent operators. In this paper we construct an operator representation of the octagon with finite bridge as an expectation value in the Fock space of free complex fermions. The bridge $ell$ appears as the level of filling of the Dirac sea. We obtain determinant identities relating octagons with different bridges, which we derive from the expression of the octagon in terms of discrete fermionic oscillators. The derivation is based on the existence of a previously conjectured similarity transformation, which we find here explicitly.
In large-$N_c$ conformal field theories with classical holographic duals, inverse coupling constant corrections are obtained by considering higher-derivative terms in the corresponding gravity theory. In this work, we use type IIB supergravity and bottom-up Gauss-Bonnet gravity to study the dynamics of boost-invariant Bjorken hydrodynamics at finite coupling. We analyze the time-dependent decay properties of non-local observables (scalar two-point functions and Wilson loops) probing the different models of Bjorken flow and show that they can be expressed generically in terms of a few field theory parameters. In addition, our computations provide an analytically quantifiable probe of the coupling-dependent validity of hydrodynamics at early times in a simple model of heavy-ion collisions, which is an observable closely analogous to the hydrodynamization time of a quark-gluon plasma. We find that to third order in the hydrodynamic expansion, the convergence of hydrodynamics is improved and that generically, as expected from field theory considerations and recent holographic results, the applicability of hydrodynamics is delayed as the field theory coupling decreases.
The computation of a certain class of four-point functions of heavily charged BPS operators boils down to the computation of a special form factor - the octagon. In this paper, which is an extended version of the short note [1], we derive a non-perturbative formula for the square of the octagon as the determinant of a semi-infinite skew-symmetric matrix. We show that perturbatively in the weak coupling limit the octagon is given by a determinant constructed from the polylogarithms evaluating ladder Feynman graphs. We also give a simple operator representation of the octagon in terms of a vacuum expectation value of massless free bosons or fermions living in the rapidity plane.
The Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) equations for planar $mathcal{N}=6$ super-conformal Chern-Simons (SCS) are solved numerically at finite values of the coupling constant for states in the $mathfrak{sl}(2|1)$ sector. New weak coupling results for conformal dimensions of operators outside the $mathfrak{sl}(2)$-like sector are obtained by adapting a recently proposed algorithm for the QSC perturbative solution. Besides being interesting in their own right, these perturbative results are necessary initial inputs for the numerical algorithm to converge on the correct solution. The non-perturbative numerical outcomes nicely interpolate between the weak coupling and the known semiclassical expansions, and novel strong coupling exact results are deduced from the numerics. Finally, the existence of contour crossing singularities in the TBA equations for the operator $textbf{20}$ is ruled out by our analysis. The results of this paper are an important test of the QSC formalism for this model, open the way to new quantitative studies and provide further evidence in favour of the conjectured weak/strong coupling duality between $mathcal{N}=6$ SCS and type IIA superstring theory on $AdS_4 times CP^3$. Attached to the arXiv submission, a Mathematica implementation of the numerical method and ancillary files containing the numerical results are provided.
We work out the method for evaluating the QCD coupling constant at finite temperature ($T$) by making use of the finite $T$ renormalization group equation up to the one-loop order on the basis of the background field method with the imaginary time formalism. The background field method, which maintains the explicit gauge invariance, provides notorious simplifications since one has to calculate only the renormalization constant of the background field gluon propagator. The results for the evolution of the QCD coupling constant at finite $T$ reproduce partially the ones obtained in the literature. We discuss, in particular, the origin of the discrepancies between different calculations, such as the choice of gauge, the break-down of Lorentz invariance, imaginary versus real time formalism and the applicability of the Ward identities at finite $T$.