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We present the DMSimpt model implementation in FeynRules, which aims to offer a unique general framework allowing for all simulations relevant for simplified $t$-channel dark matter models at colliders and for the complementary cosmology calculations. We describe how to match next-to-leading-order QCD fixed-order calculations with parton showers to derive robust bounds and predictions in the context of LHC dark matter searches, and moreover validate two model restrictions (relevant for Dirac and Majorana fermionic dark matter respectively) to exemplify how to evaluate dark matter observables to constrain the model parameter space. More importantly, we emphasise how to achieve these results by using a combination of publicly available automated tools, and discuss how dark matter predictions are sensitive to the model file and software setup. All files, together with illustrative Mathematica notebooks, are available from the URL
The correlation between the invisible Higgs branching ratio ($B_h^{rm inv} $) vs. dark matter (DM) direct detection ($sigma_p^{rm SI}$) in Higgs portal DM models is usually presented in the effective field theory (EFT) framework. This is fine for singlet scalar DM, but not in the singlet fermion DM (SFDM) or vector DM (VDM) models. In this paper, we derive the explicit expressions for this correlation within UV completions of SFDM and VDM models with Higgs portals, and discuss the limitation of the EFT approach. We show that there are at least two additional hidden parameter in $sigma_p^{rm SI}$ in the UV completions: the singlet-like scalar mass $m_2$ and its mixing angle $alpha$ with the SM Higgs boson ($h$). In particular, if the singlet-like scalar is lighter than the SM Higgs boson ($m_2 < m_h cos alpha / sqrt{1 + cos^2 alpha}$), the collider bound becomes weaker than the one based on EFT.
We propose a novel thermal production mechanism for dark matter based on the idea that dark matter particles $chi$ can transform (`infect) heat bath particles $psi$: $chi psi rightarrow chi chi$. For a small initial abundance of $chi$ this induces an exponential growth in the dark matter number density, closely resembling the epidemic curves of a spreading pathogen after an initial outbreak. To quantify this relation we present a sharp duality between the Boltzmann equation for the dark matter number density and epidemiological models for the spread of infectious diseases. Finally we demonstrate that the exponential growth naturally stops before $chi$ thermalizes with the heat bath, corresponding to a triumphant `flattening of the curve that matches the observed dark matter abundance.
In this work we introduce RAPIDD, a surrogate model that speeds up the computation of the expected spectrum of dark matter particles in direct detection experiments. RAPIDD replaces the exact calculation of the dark matter differential rate (which in general involves up to three nested integrals) with a much faster parametrization in terms of ordinary polynomials of the dark matter mass and couplings, obtained in an initial training phase. In this article, we validate our surrogate model on the multi-dimensional parameter space resulting from the effective field theory description of dark matter interactions with nuclei, including also astrophysical uncertainties in the description of the dark matter halo. As a concrete example, we use this tool to study the complementarity of different targets to discriminate simplified dark matter models. We demonstrate that RAPIDD is fast and accurate, and particularly well-suited to explore a multi-dimensional parameter space, such as the one in effective field theory approach, and scans with a large number of evaluations.
We review sterile neutrinos as possible Dark Matter candidates. After a short summary on the role of neutrinos in cosmology and particle physics, we give a comprehensive overview of the current status of the research on sterile neutrino Dark Matter. First we discuss the motivation and limits obtained through astrophysical observations. Second, we review different mechanisms of how sterile neutrino Dark Matter could have been produced in the early universe. Finally, we outline a selection of future laboratory searches for keV-scale sterile neutrinos, highlighting their experimental challenges and discovery potential.
It was recently shown that a powerful beam of radio/microwave radiation sent out to space can produce detectable back-scattering via the stimulated decay of ambient axion dark matter. This echo is a faint and narrow signal centered at an angular frequency close to half the axion mass. In this article, we provide a detailed analytical and numerical analysis of this signal, considering the effects of the axion velocity distribution as well as the outgoing beam shape. In agreement with the original proposal, we find that the divergence of the outgoing beam does not affect the echo signal, which is only constrained by the axion velocity distribution. Moreover, our findings are relevant for the optimization of the experimental parameters in order to attain maximal signal to noise or minimal energy consumption.