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Principles Of Heliophysics: a textbook on the universal processes behind planetary habitability

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 Added by Carolus Schrijver
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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This textbook gives a perspective of heliophysics in a way that emphasizes universal processes from a perspective that draws attention to what provides Earth (and similar (exo-)planets) with a relatively stable setting in which life as we know it can thrive. The book is intended for students in physical sciences in later years of their university training and for beginning graduate students in fields of solar, stellar, (exo-)planetary, and planetary-system sciences.

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Habitability has been generally defined as the capability of an environment to support life. Ecologists have been using Habitat Suitability Models (HSMs) for more than four decades to study the habitability of Earth from local to global scales. Astrobiologists have been proposing different habitability models for some time, with little integration and consistency between them and different in function to those used by ecologists. In this white paper, we suggest a mass-energy habitability model as an example of how to adapt and expand the models used by ecologists to the astrobiology field. We propose to implement these models into a NASA Habitability Standard (NHS) to standardize the habitability objectives of planetary missions. These standards will help to compare and characterize potentially habitable environments, prioritize target selections, and study correlations between habitability and biosignatures. Habitability models are the foundation of planetary habitability science. The synergy between the methods used by ecologists and astrobiologists will help to integrate and expand our understanding of the habitability of Earth, the Solar System, and exoplanets.
We report magnetic field measurements for Kappa1~Cet, a proxy of the young Sun when life arose on Earth. We carry out an analysis of the magnetic properties determined from spectropolarimetric observations and reconstruct its large-scale surface magnetic field to derive the magnetic environment, stellar winds and particle flux permeating the interplanetary medium around Kappa1~Cet. Our results show a closer magnetosphere and mass-loss rate of Mdot = 9.7 x 10^{-13} Msol/yr, i.e., a factor 50 times larger than the current solar wind mass-loss rate, resulting in a larger interaction via space weather disturbances between the stellar wind and a hypothetical young-Earth analogue, potentially affecting the planets habitability. Interaction of the wind from the young Sun with the planetary ancient magnetic field may have affected the young Earth and its life conditions
275 - M. Guedel , R. Dvorak , N. Erkaev 2014
With the discovery of hundreds of exoplanets and a potentially huge number of Earth-like planets waiting to be discovered, the conditions for their habitability have become a focal point in exoplanetary research. The classical picture of habitable zones primarily relies on the stellar flux allowing liquid water to exist on the surface of an Earth-like planet with a suitable atmosphere. However, numerous further stellar and planetary properties constrain habitability. Apart from geophysical processes depending on the internal structure and composition of a planet, a complex array of astrophysical factors additionally determine habitability. Among these, variable stellar UV, EUV, and X-ray radiation, stellar and interplanetary magnetic fields, ionized winds, and energetic particles control the constitution of upper planetary atmospheres and their physical and chemical evolution. Short- and long-term stellar variability necessitates full time-dependent studies to understand planetary habitability at any point in time. Furthermore, dynamical effects in planetary systems and transport of water to Earth-like planets set fundamentally important constraints. We will review these astrophysical conditions for habitability under the crucial aspects of the long-term evolution of stellar properties, the consequent extreme conditions in the early evolutionary phase of planetary systems, and the important interplay between properties of the host star and its planets.
In addition to long-lived radioactive nuclei like U and Th isotopes, which have been used to measure the age of the Galaxy, also radioactive nuclei with half-lives between 0.1 and 100 million years (short-lived radionuclides, SLRs) were present in the early Solar System (ESS), as indicated by high-precision meteoritic analysis. We review the most recent meteoritic data and describe the nuclear reaction processes responsible for the creation of SLRs in different types of stars and supernovae. We show how the evolution of radionuclide abundances in the Milky Way Galaxy can be calculated based on their stellar production. By comparing predictions for the evolution of galactic abundances to the meteoritic data we can build up a time line for the nucleosynthetic events that predated the birth of the Sun, and investigate the lifetime of the stellar nursery where the Sun was born. We then review the scenarios for the circumstances and the environment of the birth of the Sun within such a stellar nursery that have been invoked to explain the abundances in the ESS of the SLRs with the shortest lives - of the order of million years or less. Finally, we describe how the heat generated by radioactive decay and in particular by the abundant 26Al in the ESS had important consequences for the thermo-mechanical and chemical evolution of planetesimals, and discuss possible implications on the habitability of terrestrial-like planets. We conclude with a set of open questions and future directions related to our understanding of the nucleosynthetic processes responsible for the production of SLRs in stars, their evolution in the Galaxy, the birth of the Sun, and the connection with the habitability of extra-solar planets.
259 - Benjamin Brown 2010
Plasma experiments in laboratory settings offer unique opportunities to address fundamental aspects of the solar dynamo and magnetism in the solar atmosphere. We argue here that ground-based laboratory experiments have direct connections to NASA based missions and NSF programs, and that a small investment in laboratory heliophysics may have a high payoff. We advocate for broad involvement in community-scale plasma experiments.
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