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We calculate the finite-temperature Tans contact for N SU(2) fermions, characterized by repulsive contact interaction, trapped in a 1D harmonic confinement within a local density approximation on top of a thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz. The Tans contact for such a system, as in the homogeneous case, displays a minimum at a very low temperature. By means of an exact canonical ensemble calculation for two fermions, we provide an explicit formula for the contact at very low temperatures that reveals that the minimum is due to the mixing of states with different exchange symmetries. In the unitary regime, this symmetry blending corresponds to a maximal entanglement entropy.
We study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a finite-temperature harmonically trapped Tonks-Girardeau gas induced by periodic modulation of the trap frequency. We give explicit exact solutions for the real-space density and momentum distributions of this interacting many-body system and characterize the stability diagram of the dynamics by mapping the many-body solution to the solution and stability diagram of Mathieus differential equation. The mapping allows one to deduce the exact structure of parametric resonances in the parameter space characterized by the driving amplitude and frequency of the modulation. Furthermore, we analyze the same problem within the finite-temperature hydrodynamic approach and show that the respective solutions to the hydrodynamic equations can be mapped to the same Mathieu equation. Accordingly, the stability diagram and the structure of resonances following from the hydrodynamic approach is exactly the same as those obtained from the exact many-body solution.
We study harmonically trapped, unpolarized fermion systems with attractive interactions in two spatial dimensions with spin degeneracies Nf = 2 and 4 and N/Nf = 1, 3, 5, and 7 particles per flavor. We carry out our calculations using our recently proposed quantum Monte Carlo method on a nonuniform lattice. We report on the ground-state energy and contact for a range of couplings, as determined by the binding energy of the two-body system, and show explicitly how the physics of the Nf-body sector dominates as the coupling is increased.
We use the T-matrix approach for studying highly polarized homogeneous Fermi gases in one dimension with repulsive or attractive contact interactions. Using this approach, we compute ground state energies and values for the contact parameter that show excellent agreement with exact and other numerical methods at zero temperature, even in the strongly interacting regime. Furthermore, we derive an exact expression for the value of the contact parameter in one dimension at zero temperature. The model is then extended and used for studying the temperature dependence of ground state energies and the contact parameter.
We develop a finite temperature Hartree theory for the trapped dipolar Bose gas. We use this theory to study thermal effects on the mechanical stability of the system and density oscillating condensate states. We present results for the stability phase diagram as a function of temperature and aspect ratio. In oblate traps above the critical temperature for condensation we find that the Hartree theory predicts significant stability enhancement over the semiclassical result. Below the critical temperature we find that thermal effects are well described by accounting for the thermal depletion of the condensate. Our results also show that density oscillating condensate states occur over a range of interaction strengths that broadens with increasing temperature.
In this work, combining the Bethe ansatz approach with the variational principle, we calculate the ground state energy of the relative motion of a system of two fermions with spin up and down interacting via a delta-function potential in a 1D harmonic trap. Our results show good agreement with the analytical solution of the problem, and provide a starting point for the investigation of more complex few-body systems where no exact theoretical solution is available.