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Sunyaev-Zeldovich detection of the galaxy cluster Cl J1449+0856 at z = 1.99: the pressure profile in uv space

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 Added by Raphael Gobat
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present Atacama Large Millimetre Array and Atacama Compact Array observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in the z = 2 galaxy cluster Cl J1449+0856, an X-ray-detected progenitor of typical massive clusters in the present day Universe. While in a cleaned but otherwise untouched 92 GHz map of this cluster, little to no negative signal is visible, careful subtraction of known sub-millimetre emitters in the uv plane reveals a decrement at 5$sigma$ significance. The total signal is -190$pm$36 $mu$Jy, with a peak offset by 5-9 ($sim$50 kpc) from both the X-ray centroid and the still-forming brightest cluster galaxy. A comparison of the recovered uv-amplitude profile of the decrement with different pressure models allows us to derive total mass constraints consistent with the $sim$6$times$10$^{13}$ M$_{odot}$ estimated from X-ray data. Moreover, we find no strong evidence for a deviation of the pressure profile with respect to local galaxy clusters, although a slight tension at small-to-intermediate spatial scales suggests a flattened central profile, opposite to what seen in a cool core and possibly an AGN-related effect. This analysis of the lowest mass single SZ detection so far illustrates the importance of interferometers when observing the SZ effect in high-redshift clusters, the cores of which cannot be considered quiescent, such that careful subtraction of galaxy emission is necessary.

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144 - C. Adami , F. Durret , L. Guennou 2012
Cluster properties do not seem to be changing significantly during their mature evolution phase, for example they do not seem to show strong dynamical evolution at least up to z~0.5, their galaxy red sequence is already in place at least up to z$sim$1.2, and their diffuse light content remains stable up to z~0.8. The question is now to know if cluster properties can evolve more significantly at redshifts notably higher than 1. We propose here to see how the properties of the intracluster light (ICL) evolve with redshift by detecting and analysing the ICL in the X-ray cluster CL J1449+0856 at z=2.07 (discovered by Gobat et al. 2011), based on deep HST NICMOS H band exposures.We used the same wavelet-based method as that applied to 10 clusters between z=0.4 and 0.8 by Guennou et al. (2012). We detect three diffuse light sources with respective total magnitudes of H=24.8, 25.5, and 25.9, plus a more compact object with a magnitude H=25.3. We discuss the significance of our detections and show that they are robust. The three sources of diffuse light indicate an elongation along a north-east south-west axis, similar to that of the distribution of the central galaxies and to the X-ray elongation. This strongly suggests a history of merging events along this direction. While Guennou et al. (2012) found a roughly constant amount of diffuse light for clusters between z~0 and 0.8, we put in evidence at least a 1.5 magnitude increase between z~0.8 and 2. If we assume that the amount of diffuse light is directly linked to the infall activity on the cluster, this implies that CL J1449+0856 is still undergoing strong merging events.
We confront the universal pressure profile (UPP) proposed by~citet{Arnaud10} with the recent measurement of the cross-correlation function of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect from Planck and weak gravitational lensing measurement from the Red Cluster Sequence lensing survey (RCSLenS). By using the halo model, we calculate the prediction of $xi^{y-kappa}$ (lensing convergence and Compton-$y$ parameter) and $xi^{y-gamma_{rm t}}$ (lensing shear and Compton-$y$ parameter) and fit the UPP parameters by using the observational data. We find consistent UPP parameters when fixing the cosmology to either WMAP 9-year or Planck 2018 best-fitting values. The best constrained parameter is the pressure profile concentration $c_{500}=r_{500}/r_{rm s}$, for which we find $c_{500} = 2.68^{+1.46}_{-0.96}$ (WMAP-9) and $c_{500} = 1.91^{+1.07}_{-0.65}$ (Planck-2018) for the $xi^{y-gamma_t}$ estimator. The shape index for the intermediate radius region $alpha$ parameter is constrained to $alpha=1.75^{+1.29}_{-0.77}$ and $alpha = 1.65^{+0.74}_{-0.5}$ for WMAP-9 and Planck-2018 cosmologies, respectively. Propagating the uncertainties of the UPP parameters to pressure profiles results in a factor of $3$ uncertainty in the shape and magnitude. Further investigation shows that most of the signal of the cross-correlation comes from the low-redshift, inner halo profile ($r leqslant r_{rm vir}/2$) with halo mass in the range of $10^{14}$--$10^{15},{rm M}_{odot}$, suggesting that this is the major regime that constitutes the cross-correlation signal between weak lensing and tSZ.
Studying galaxy clusters through their Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) imprint on the Cosmic Microwave Background has many important advantages. The total SZ signal is an accurate and precise tracer of the total pressure in the intra-cluster medium and of cluster mass, the key observable for using clusters as cosmological probes. Band 5 observations with SKA-MID towards cluster surveys from the next generation of X-ray telescopes such as e-ROSITA and from Euclid will provide the robust mass estimates required to exploit these samples. This will be especially important for high redshift systems, arising from the SZs unique independence to redshift. In addition, galaxy clusters are very interesting astrophysical systems in their own right, and the SKAs excellent surface brightness sensitivity down to small angular scales will allow us to explore the detailed gas physics of the intra-cluster medium.
90 - C.T. Pratt 2021
Much of the baryons in galaxy groups are thought to have been driven out to large distances ($gtrsim$$R_{500}$) by feedback, but there are few constraining observations of this extended gas. This work presents the resolved Sunyaev--Zeldovich (SZ) profiles for a stacked sample of 10 nearby galaxy groups within the mass range log$_{10}(M_{500}[M_{odot}]) = 13.6 -13.9$. We measured the SZ profiles using the publicly available $y$-map from the Planck Collaboration as well as our own $y$-maps constructed from more rece
We use HST/WFC3 imaging to study the red population in the IR-selected, X-ray detected, low-mass cluster Cl J1449+0856 at z=2, one of the few bona-fide established clusters discovered at this redshift, and likely a typical progenitor of an average massive cluster today. This study explores the presence and significance of an early red sequence in the core of this structure, investigating the nature of red sequence galaxies, highlighting environmental effects on cluster galaxy populations at high redshift, and at the same time underlining similarities and differences with other distant dense environments. Our results suggest that the red population in the core of Cl J1449+0856 is made of a mixture of quiescent and dusty star-forming galaxies, with a seedling of the future red sequence already growing in the very central cluster region, and already characterising the inner cluster core with respect to lower density environments. On the other hand, the color-magnitude diagram of this cluster is definitely different from that of lower-redshift (z<1) clusters, as well as of some rare particularly evolved massive clusters at similar redshift, and it is suggestive of a transition phase between active star formation and passive evolution occurring in the proto-cluster and established lower-redshift cluster regimes.
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